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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. I don't see the point in directing the outrage towards people who had nothing to do with what was said. What does it accomplish? Take the recent Chic Filet debacle. In that case it was the CEO of a corporation who spoke his mind and the outrage was directed at innocent employees and franchise owners who weren't the ones saying the offensive dribble in the first place. Even though I completely disagree with the extremists who called for Chic Filet to be banned from opening new businesses, at least the direction of the anger made SOME sense. That doesn't justify their actions (at all) but at least I could understand the thinking. But in this case, attempting to lump Nickelodeon into what Biggs said is even more outrageously silly and misplaced. The only thing more hilarious is that we're talking about JASON f'ing BIGGS. Think about that for a second... and laugh.
  2. Just was laughing the other day at "The Whole Nine Yards". RIP, big man. RIP.
  3. Totally agree. I know many proud republicans that aren't evangelicals (Romney being one). The problem to me personally is their voices have been drowned out by the fringes -- the core of which are largely (though not completely) evangelical. I'm not at all against religion and have no qualms with people voting with their faith. I just get terrified by the thought of legislating that way.
  4. Biggs erased the actual tweets so I can't say this is word for word but he said something like: "I'd totes dip a pinky or two into Paul Ryan's wife's bleached azzshole (she obvs bleaches her asszzhole)" Viacom owns Nickelodeon. I pointed that out because if 1BillsFan really wanted to stick it to the man he should know who the man is.
  5. Normally I'd post this on OTW, but I think I might get better stuff from you folks. This is a NJSue homework kind of question, so if this isn't the spot for this, I'll remove it. I'm working on something set in the future and am trying to figure out what the world looks like in this fictional future. Problem is, I'm not an economist or a futurist by any stretch of the imagination. I can make stuff up that sounds cool (and am) but there are still large gaps of stuff that I have no idea how to fill. I thought making a thread about this on PPP would at the very least spark some interesting conversations about the world 100 years from now. The parameters of what I have to work with so far. These are kind of set in stone: *It's roughly 75 to 100 years in the future. *Overpopulation and scarcity of resources have spiked global poverty. Here are two broad (and possibly insane) questions to get the ball rolling: Is it possible for a corporation to buy up the national debt? What would that do to our economy/country? Any and all thoughts or opinions on what the world will look like 100 years from now welcome!
  6. You stated, quite clearly, that Nickelodeon "is in serious trouble because of what Biggs has tweeted". Your words. Not mine. I asked a clarifying question -- in the effort of fairness: To which you responded: You indeed DID say Nickelodeon was going to be in trouble and even re-affirmed it in your response: "Saying what he said? Without a doubt"... Am I missing something or are you just outright lying to yourself? So again I asked how Nickelodeon is "in serious trouble" to which you responded: Which just shows you are clearly reaching for bull **** or you don't understand my position. You spouted off in this response and said that it was my argument. It isn't. Not even close. So I'll ask it again -- why are you proposing Nickelodeon is in serious trouble? What for? On what legal grounds are they in trouble? Where is the threat? What have they done wrong? But, back to the rest of your gem: So what's the definition of "serious trouble" then to you? Are they going to be put in time out? Are they grounded? Again, I'm going off your words, not mine. Actually you're the one who's got it backwards. Your post alleges that Nickelodeon is in serious trouble. And if that's true, it's certainly the 150 workers on the show who are going to get screwed, not the actor. Who do you think is going to suffer from your rallying call to punish Nick for something the "sick and twisted" Biggs said while he was off the clock? If Nickelodeon is in "serious trouble" then it's always the little guy who will take the fall for it. If your going to flaunt your ignorance, at least own it like a man. I didn't chicken out. You didn't ask a question. You made an absurd statement and then said "You seriously believe this?" as if it were my own statement. But it wasn't. It was your statement that was, without question, stutarded: Here's a tip. Saying "this is your argument" after a paragraph of nonsense, doesn't make it true. Depends on your sense of humor. Biggs made two jokes. One about masturbation to Paul Ryan's widow's peak -- which wasn't funny. And another about giving Mrs. Ryan the shocker in her "bleached" a-hole because "face it, she has a bleached a-hole". That's paraphrased... Neither joke had anything to do with political policy or any such thing. They were just two bad jokes at the Ryans' expense.
  7. There are so many, many things terribly wrong with your thought process on this. If you weren't foaming at the mouth over what someone who has absolutely no impact on your life as an individual said electronically to his readers -- then I'm sure you'd see the error in your statement. Allow me to break it down: First, Nickelodeon didn't say anything about anyone. Biggs did. Second, Nik doesn't employ Biggs. He's a work for hire contractor paid by the production company not the studio. Third, Nickelodeon is a Viacom owned company with over a hundred original shows reaching over 100 million homes daily. Their ad revenue dwarfs the GDP of most small nations... And Biggs' show hasn't even aired yet. Meaning it currently generates zero dollars for the network. Are you starting to see where this is going? Do you think Viacom or Nickelodeon care about canceling a cartoon they've yet to air? Sure, it will set them back some development dollars but do you think that will really hurt their bottom line or make them quake with fear at your rage? Again, this is the fantasy of an angry child, not a man. Because a man would realize that each and every year Nickelodeon spends millions developing projects that never make it to air. Failure is built into their business model. No one at Nickelodeon is losing sleep over Jason Biggs or his tweets. Jason Biggs isn't losing sleep over this either. Even if he's replaced or fired on TMT, he's going to get weeks of free publicity from this. He'll certainly get another acting gig (many more now than he would have before) and neither Biggs nor Nickelodeon will be hurting when the dust settles from this. Not really. But I tell you who will be... the 100 plus animators, writers and support staff that have been slaving away, working on the show for months by now. The people who work on TMT 12 hours a day 7 days a week. The ones who don't have a buy out clause in their contract, the ones who don't have another job to fall back on should TMT go away. Those are the folks who are going to be hurt by your self indulgent, idiotic and repellant outrage. You're arguing to put (estimating) 150 people out of work because an actor made two off color jokes. But that's right! This is AMERICA we're talking about! This is real important stuff! Fu*k 150 people's jobs, that !@#$ said something about another man's wife -- neither of whom I've ever met before! How dare he speak out! Let's get him! Tell me now seriously. Do you want to reconsider your stance? Yes, the notion that Nickelodeon is somehow going to be in "serious trouble" from this is silly. It's just not how things work. And the belief that Nik will somehow be brought to their knees by the righteous ire of 1billsfan and his ilk is downright absurd. It's the fantasy of a child. Not a grown man. Speaking of being immature, here's my rendition of what happened immediately after 1billsfan found our about Biggs' tweets: INT. 1BILLSFAN'S LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT Muted images from the Republican National Convention flit across a TV in the darkened living room. The room looks like its been ransacked. Tables have been overturned, the floor is littered with torn posters and destroyed action figures from Nickelodeon's biggest shows. A decapitated Sponge Bob Square Pants lies atop an x-ed out poster of iCarly. A signed DVD box set of "Dora The Explorer" burns in the fireplace. We move through the room until we find 1BILLSFAN sitting motionless in his barcalounger, eyes glued to his smart phone re-reading a tweet from Jason Biggs. We can't make out the words but from 1Billsfan's face it's clear the news isn't good. He takes a deep breath and dials 911. After two rings, the operator picks up: 911 Operator 911 what's your emergency? 1Billsfan They must be stopped. 911 Operator Who must be stopped, sir? 1Billsfan They thought they could get away with it. And they almost did. But they didn't count on the likes of me. 911 Operator Sir, is there an emergency-- 1Billsfan Yes there's an emergency! There's a goddamn catastrophe! Aren't you listening to me?! 911 Operator Calm down, sir, and tell me the emergency. 1Billsfan That pie f*cker said he wanted to stick his pinky up Paul Ryan's wife's no-no chute! 911 Operator Say that again, sir? Someone is assaulting your wife? Are they still in the house? 1Billsfan Not my wife! Paul Ryan's wife! 911 Operator Are they still in the house, sir? 1Billsfan You're not listening to me, they must be stopped! It's all over the interwebs! 911 Operator Who must be stopped, sir? 1Billsfan Nickelodeon! They're a menace to this great nation! 911 Operator Nickelodeon assaulted your wife, sir? 1Billsfan No! I told you! That damn pie fu*ker did! He used the interwebs to tweet disgusting and vile stuff about Mrs. Ryan! Now we have to stop Nickelodeon before that filth spreads to our kids! Think of the children! 911 Operator Your children are in danger? 1Billsfan I don't have any kids! 911 Operator But you know kids who are being threatened on twitter by Nickelodeon? 1Billsfan If this is allowed to pass without serious consequences all the kids of this world will be damaged by what that pie fu*ker said! 911 Operator I'm not clear on what you want me to do, sir. 1Billsfan I want you to arrest Nickelodeon!
  8. I have no idea to be honest. The link was emailed to me by a friend. I just thought everything about this clip was great -- especially how CBS gives it zero context or date which only makes it funnier. Take that 0% polling numbers!
  9. Sorry, not meaning to bust your balls. More the OP who was the one who initially posted Nik is in "serious trouble for what Biggs tweeted". Which, aside from being ridiculously untrue, is offensive to me as a matter of principle. You and Dev were the only ones responding
  10. And that makes it okay?
  11. Nik is in trouble for bad taste because Jason Biggs said something politically distasteful? How does that work?
  12. Guilty of what though? Yes. Seriously. Explain to me how a Viacom owned company worth hundreds of millions of dollars is going to get in trouble over Jason Biggs' tweet.
  13. Explain to me how Nik is going to get in trouble for this. On what grounds?
  14. You really think Nickelodeon is in trouble over this?
  15. DaveinElma's recurring nightmare:
  16. Ooooh! Thanks! I should have worked that one out myself... but it's a weekend.
  17. They weren't all Christians. Madison and Jefferson were not only skeptical of organized religion as a whole, their own personal beliefs were closer to Washington's who was not a Christian by any stretch of the imagination. A point that the evangelical/radical wing of the GOP has all but whitewashed from the public consciousness over the past 10+ years.
  18. Neither side, the right or the left, wants Roe v Wade overturned. Not really. Their constituents do, but not the politicians. If it's overturned, then both sides lose their boogeyman. It's much more politically useful for them to use Roe v Wade as fuel for their rhetoric than it is to actually do something about it.
  19. Doesn't matter now. He's on the roster as most everyone who's been paying attention knew he would be. Smith gives the team major flexibility on game day in terms of personnel decisions. He also runs the wildcat which, despite how some may feel about the gimmick, Chan used extremely effectively on 3rd and short last season before injuries took their toll and forced Smith to move exclusively to WR. Aside from giving flexibility (5 positions), Smith now has the most experience (number of NFL snaps) than any WR on our roster but for Stevie.
  20. This is absolutely true. The Bills D-Line is the best in team history and, in my mind, the best line in the entire league. LBs are weak and the CBs are young, so the defense will give up some big plays. But this is a line that can dominate the AFC East for the next 3 or 4 years. It's certainly the core piece to build the rest of the defense around in the next two off seasons.
  21. So much for Easley being the answer to the WR woes. Bummer.
  22. Meaning Jerry Seinfeld isn't a comedian?
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