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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Yeah, last time I played in that one, I was in the top 15, short stacked. I went all in with A9 hearts. The big stack called me (bastard). We turned em over, he had A9 diamonds! lol. Flop comes Heart, Heart Diamond. I think I got the winner. Getting psyched. Turn: Diamond. River...Diamond.
  2. Congrats:) Were you doing this just to get ready for our tournament this week?
  3. I've cashed in that tournament a couple times, I can't wait till September when they get rid of the damn rebuys. That first hour (with the rebuys) it's not really poker. It's coin flipping.
  4. I personally think he will play in Jacksonville. Kevin Thomas broke his wrist, had surgery and was back that week. I think Lawyer will be just fine. It's not like he makes picks anyway, all he needs to do it tackle. So cast his arm and play ball.
  5. Don't worry, he still can:) When he plays amazing next year, and Rivers struggles...all is not lost for JP B)
  6. People here aren't giving Indy's D enough respect. They were very good last year, especially against the pass and in total points allowed. This will be a good test for our first Team O against a good Defense and a great test for our D against a great Offense.
  7. I can't find the list, just the methodology...
  8. All I'm saying is that the only time anyone on the show ever says the state that Springfield is in was on that Behind the Scenes episode. It was initially Kentucky, but they changed it to Missouri later on. So, what's the answer? It doesn't matter
  9. Riddle me this, Riddler I still like to think of it taking place in Mass...even though all the "clues" say otherwise.
  10. Dan you beat me to it
  11. Got the answer (Kinda)! I got the script from the Behind the Scenes episode where they reveal it.... here's the line as it read during it's first airing: Narrator: The Simpsons' bitter past was forgotten, and now the future looks brighter than ever for this *northern Kentucky family. But then there is this added to it in parenthesis: [(*) Replaced with "southern Missouri" on subsequent airings; see "Comments" section for more] The comments are attached above the script. It's funny that they changed it to Missouri on later airings to keep the mystery alive:) http://www.snpp.com/episodes/BABF19
  12. I just know for years it was thought to be Mass since most of the writers for the early episodes were a bunch of guys from Harvard (including Conan OBrien and such). That was a big reason why Mayor Quimby is really a JFK/Ted Kennedy impersonation. But then they threw the curve ball during that season finale and announced it was from some where down south (I am thinking Kentucky...). I will have to check that episode out tonight when I get home.
  13. They already said it was Missouri. The season finale (can't remember which) where it was the mock-Behind the Music show (Behind the Simpsons), at the very end the narrator says: "This small Missouri town..." Wait, on second thought, it wasn't Missouri...it was somewhere down south though...maybe Kentucky? I just know it was revealed in that episode...
  14. I saw Vincent and Mularkey interviewed on 13 (in Rochester) after the incident. Vincent sounded sorry but Mularkey made it clear that it wasn't a cheap shot, it was a freak injury. It wasn't TV's fault or JPs, it was just one of those things apparently.
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