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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. BF, just focus on your team making it to the WS I am rooting for a St.Louis/Yankee WS personally because if St.Louis makes it I have tickets for all the games in St.Louis B)
  2. Thank god. What a great game. I only hope the next 2 are as fun!
  3. DAMN IT! If Babe weren't out drinking, he woulda made sure that was a HR. lol
  4. Where are the friggin' ghosts? Babe must be out drinking with Mick or something.
  5. That would be a fantastic scenario
  6. Okay Millbank, since you and I are the only ones commenting on this thread, here's a question for a Yankee fan: If the Yankees fail to make it back to the WS (either losing to Minny or Boston) do you then root for Boston to win it all? I think I will for a number of reasons. First, unlike the Sox fans, the Yankees don't define themselves by what another team does. Secondly, once the Sox win it all we can finally stop all the 1918 and the Curse talk. Thoughts? Flames? lol
  7. Well logic would say that the Yankees bats have to be able to outlast the Twins pen... Anyone feel that logic? lol
  8. All year he has been pitching like he doesn't really care anymore. Obviously he does (he has had a good to great year) but the fire has been lacking. That's why I was nervous. Sigh.
  9. This is the first time that I am nervous about Mo' coming into a game
  10. Thank god for Cairo... B)
  11. If you are going to "Guarantee" something, you should know how to spell it first.
  12. Twins better hope Radke settles down, They are hitting him hard, even the ones that are outs.
  13. What a catch by Hunter!
  14. It is a shame to waste such a strong outing from Moose when they were hitting Johan. Very reminicent of the WS last year.
  15. even if this lead holds up, it's no worry. As Torre says, the most crucial game in any series is Game 2. I expected the Twins to win Game One. But, it ain't over till it's over.
  16. When this guy started singing "God Bless America", I thought it was a joke. What a crazy voice.
  17. That's not true. They blitz a bunch in the first half and throughout the game.
  18. BF, they got jinxed last week. The SI jinx is as tough as any to get over. So don't get your hopes up too high
  19. That's what I am saying. I am not basing this on my own interpretation of the play, it is what MM said in the post game press conference. If you watched the game closely, you would have seen that they had been tearing the Pat's up with that Siscor's running play, (pulling the guard, Travis takes a counter step and hits inside if Bruski bites, or outside if Bruski sits back) and every time Bledsoe had been running a bootleg left (without the ball) and everytime no one paid attention to him. So in MM mind he had set up that play to get three yards. Do I agree with the call? Not really. But the logic is sound and had Travis not bumped Bledsoe, it may have worked because everyone bit on the fake.
  20. My compairson to Arizona was more about their fans and personel than their coaches etc. Their front office and ownership has been a disgrace for the past decade. Their owner is everything Ralph Wilson is not. Their fans are everything that Bills fans are not. So, while Denny may turn these guys around, it won't be any faster than the Bills do in my opinion. As for your last comment, maybe you are onto something. Maybe the problem isn't that people are too negative, maybe it's because they aren't realistic. They are letting their passion for the Bills blind them to the reality of the situation. Let's face it, when TD stepped into this job, this team was in the crapper. We were handcuffed by the salary cap and had an aging team. TD came in and gutted the team, then made a couple moves (like bringing DB in) that energized the fanbase. He also crafted a Defense designed to keep the Bills in every game but wasn't able to complete the offensive puzzle fast enough (the coaching fiasco didn't help matters). Thus, people saw an 8-8 team and expected that to be the start of something, they expected that the rebuilding was over. But in reality, it was just the begining. Now we have a new coach, and the future of our offense in place (with Willis, JP and Lee). But it still needs some time to grow. So maybe people were too quick to assume the problems were fixed? I mean, if you think of these Bills as being in the midst of a rebuilding phase, then they played pretty damn well today against the defending champs. Maybe that's where the people are differing on the board. Those that are negative were just tricked into believing this wasn't a rebuilding year, while the optomists realize it is. Thus the progress that has been made from the first game is seen differently. Just throwing stevestojan agains the wall to see what sticks.
  21. It's comments like this that KILL me. 1) It's unfair to judge MM on three games. He could be a great coach, he could suck. Truthfully we won't know for at least a year, possibly two. 2) How can you say that TD squandered the pick? We needed a QB to replace Bledsoe. There are NO good ones coming out in this year's draft. So he made a move to get the best possible QB for us to replace DB with. We just used our first rounder a year early. It wasn't sqaundered.
  22. Steve, you weren't one of the ones I was refering too. However, yes. There are plenty of people on this board that deep down enjoy this team losing because it gives them something to complain about. And if you think that's not true, then take another look at the board over the past 2 years.
  23. Simple. You don't. If the Bills are that far out of it by that point in the season, JP doesn't step onto the field. You don't risk the health of your future starting QB on a wasted season. If he hadn't broken his leg, it would be a different story. But he did. Which basically rules him out for this entire season. He won't step on the field this year.
  24. MW was NOT supposed to fill the hole for CV. It was a designed fake play. They had been setting it up all day, by running the same Siscors running play (trap play). Only this time, Drew was to fake it to Travis who was supposed to get gobbled up by Bruski (the man you say MW missed) while Drew ran a bootleg around the left end for the 3 yards. Only Travis took a mis-step and knocked the ball out of Drews hands which allowed Bruski to read it.
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