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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Tune in the radio Pete. I have the volume on the TV down and John and Charlie blasting:) Course the radio is a bit ahead of the TV so it's slightly annoying.
  2. I love hearing "Enter the Sandman" come over the PA... Here's to hoping Mo' has got his A game tonight. He's going to have to face the the top of the lineup....
  3. Ahhh, I can't take this! lol
  4. Alright, big out there. Who cares about that one run. No double play ball...I'm a moron. lol,
  5. Flash always makes me nervous, but I have faith in him tonight
  6. whoa, no Flash???
  7. Matsui comes through again! Damn, how big was Muelar's catch now? That would have scored ARod...
  8. Have they announced the starters for game 3? I figure Arroyo for the Sox and either Brown or El Duque (if healthy) for the Yanks? Anyone but Vasquez (I love him, but don't let him pitch in Fenway)
  9. WHAT A CATCH! Great play by Mueller
  10. Right back at ya Millbank! In the offseason Cashman went all out to improve our pen with Quantril, Flash etc. Now it's time for all that to pay off...
  11. I must be psychic!
  12. I would love to see a nice double play ball here with these two slow guys on the basepaths...
  13. That was a big out...
  14. Okay, they gave Lieber some breathing room. Get a couple outs and turn it over to Gordon and Mo'...
  15. I hate that schedule. It should be 2-2-1-1-1 Just my opinion though
  16. Millbank, how does the series work this year? Is it NY,NY, BOS, BOS, NY, BOS, NY or is it NY,NY,Bos,Bos,Bos,NY,NY?
  18. Of course, I don't know who you turn to for the 7th...not Stertze or Quantril
  19. Definitely...I wouldn't mind them going to the pen next inning.
  20. That was HUGE...Lieber's pitch count is still fine. Just get Belhorne out...
  21. Good grief...
  22. Very true. Damon makes me nervous...
  23. Both pitchers are cruising. But I trust our pen more than theirs... It's quiet on this board tonight! Only you and I Millbank holding down the fort.
  24. Here comes a cluth 2 out hit from Matsui...I feel it...
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