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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. So what? You want things spoon fed to you now? So much for being a self made man. I thought you weren't a liberal? The Klan was formed and comprised of largely southern baptists. They consider themselves to be Christian soldiers. The reason they burned crosses isn't just because it looks scary... again, educate yourself. The Klan was formed in religious fires and their beliefs are taken from Christianity and have been perverted to suit their racial agenda. Racism couched in religious fanaticism. Sound familiar? Again, the point in bringing up the Klan is to show how silly your beliefs are. Saying radical muslims somehow speak for 1.6 billion people is as silly as me saying the Klan speaks for the over 1 billion Christians. Trying to argue me on this makes you look foolish. Dumbest post of the year. So wait, now we should listen to what the mainstream media tells us? I mean, gosh, that kind of goes against everything you've been spouting for months. Truth.
  2. No. We're attacked by poor people who are pissed off an looking for someone to blame. People with nothing to lose who've been manipulated by "holy" men to do their bidding. These men don't act in the name of Allah and plenty of upstanding Muslims have denounced their actions. No matter how you want to spin it, attempting to portray this as an attack by the religion of Islam is not only erroneous, it's counter productive. You offer no solutions, just more hate. That's that Christian spirit we're always hearing so much about, isn't it? Again, read a book.
  3. Of course not because they aren't identifying the real culprit. Then again neither are Jim or Kool Aid. Religion has always been used as a tool of the wicked to manipulate others. But that doesn't discount all the benefits religion has brought to our world. No one can deny the good that the Catholic Church has done throughout time. The fact remains that organized religion, almost by definition, fosters an "us against them" mentality and that creates opportunities to exploit believers to do perverted things in the name of "God". This isn't unique to Islam just as it's not unique to Christianity. Attempting to solve this problem by attacking Islam as a whole is narrow minded and accomplishes nothing but continuing the cycle of violence. We haven't been attacked by Islam. Ever. We've been attacked by men who perverted a religion to create fanatics willing to do unspeakable things in the name of "God". That doesn't make those men the voice of Islam. To say those men have the full support of Islam simply because they pray to Allah is as true as me saying the KKK has the full support of Christians. It's a ridiculous and DANGEROUS leap to make.
  4. So your suggestion is what? Eliminate Islam?
  5. No, I'm serious. Who attacked us? Do they speak for an entire religion?
  6. Not quite the point, but good effort. Tell me, who's killing us today?
  7. No, because unlike you I actually understand history. Implying Hitler was in any way a Christian is as foolish as arguing Christianity wasn't forged in violence. Now, if you want to talk about Pius XII, then we can have a discussion about the virtues of Christianity in our world's darkest hours.
  8. Sigh. You're ridiculous. I'm not justifying any violence, try reading what I wrote. I know you ain't one for all this fancified readin' and writin' but it helps to know what you're talking about before you speak. And if you want body count particulars pick up a book. Western history was written with the blood of those who died in the name of Christ. We would not exist as a nation had it not been for the Christian funded expansion into the new world. Saying Christianity isn't a religion with a violent, bloody and genocidal past is woefully ignorant. Especially if you're attempting to hold it up in comparison to the horrors done in the name of Allah. It's no contest. Christains win by a landslide. If you think the violence of Christianity stopped 12 centuries ago you're a bigger fool than I thought.
  9. You're sh*&ing us, right? Of all the arguments you could make, this is the one you choose? If you're comparing the number of dead bodies created in the name of their God, Christians win in a landslide. It's not even close. We're talking genocides here -- more than one. Conveniently leaving out over a thousand years of history just to win this point is just nuts. Holy shi*&t this was a ridiculous argument.
  10. Thank goodness I'm not the only one. That's brilliant.
  11. How much of this economic volatility is due to the coming apocalypse on 12.21.12? I'm betting a lot. /doomed
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UplJBQi_0_w
  13. I don't consider it "finger pointing". The dictionary does.
  14. Do I really need to explain how blanket statements like the above continues the cycle of division? It accomplishes nothing but to further divide an already divided nation. You offer no solutions, just more finger pointing. You want to vent? Cool. But doing so by putting on airs is not only counter productive, it's disingenuous.
  15. And yet, with statements like this all you do is continue the cycle of division and spitefulness you're attempting to rail against. I'd be more impressed with you taking a real stand.
  16. I'm considered to be a lib on this board for some reason... but even I can't defend that statement.
  17. Very true. Climate change is in that category as well. Though, at the root of that debate isn't really the lunatic fringes in my mind as much as money is.
  18. The same sex marriage debate is entirely about the GOP pandering to the vocal fringes of it's base. No sane person, especially no sane Christian person, really thinks a same sex couple enjoying equal protection and rights is a threat to their own marriage or their faith. The loons on the other hand eat that stuff up with a spoon. Sadly, the loons on both side of the aisle have hijacked the issue.
  19. Wow. Okay. Now it makes sense.
  20. This. A 1 point loss looks no different in the win-loss column than a 20 point loss. 15-1 is still possible.
  21. Good news is they might not have to trade extra picks now to get the first overall draft choice...
  22. I've heard that broken ribs can cause color blindness ... so maybe it's all related.
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