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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Okay Loazia, stop playing with the man...just walk him.
  2. Yes, I would do one of those 'un-intentional'/intentional walk thingys and take my chances Just don't give him a ball to hit. If you walk him, oh well, just get the next one.
  3. Doh! Good point:) But if Loazia can get out of this, the Yanks get to face Leskanic next inning and they own him.
  4. I know, its crazy. Remember when the Yanks and Sox were scoring like 100 runs in an inning in Game 2? lol Seems like so long ago
  5. During the last 72 hours, they have been playing baseball in Boston for over 15. WOW
  6. Well, there goes that plan. Crapola. Come on Loazia. Two more big innings hoss.
  7. You made the right decision. You are sitting at home and are warm:) Its COLD there right now:)
  8. Yes, it's the Bills fan in me, always expecting the worst:) Damn Tony JUST missed that HR.
  9. Well the Yanks need to score here and now. If they can scratch one run across, then Loazia has to face hitters 9,1,2 and wouldn't have to mess with Manny and Ortiz again. Come one Yanks.
  10. Mike, don't listen to me. I am just grumpy about how this game has gone I had bad dreams all night that the Sox were going to come back and win this series. And I am PRAYING that I am wrong. But if we have to go to a game 7 we have to start BROWN. EEEK!
  11. Not I. I have already gotten my mind comforatable with the fact that this series is heading back to NY. Right now it's just folly.
  12. You can breath now;) lol Man, this game is nuts.
  13. On the plus side, Loazia has good stamina so he can just keep going till the thing ends. But Ruben needs a big hit here.
  14. He has terrible numbers against Wakefield. The only one he is good against is Pedro. But Bernie has been so hot, you can't sit him.
  15. Olerude is hurt and Lofton is sluming. And they need to save Wilson incase there is an injury in the infield.
  16. Thurman, I feel your pain. But the longer this goes the better it is for the Sox I think (especially for tomorrow night). Since the Yanks pen is dead... You know what I'm saying
  17. WOW Ortiz was so safe EDIT: Nevermind, on replay he got him...barely though.
  18. Thurman, your boys are tough. As we all knew they would be. (tips my hat to you)
  19. HOly MOses! Cairo has come through twice. COME ON JETER! PROVE ME WRONG BABY!!!!
  20. Hahahaha! That would be great:) I love Moorman. Man, I am pulling for posada. He can erase a very bad ALCS right here with a big hit.
  21. See, this is what I was afraid of. I almost think it would have been better had the sox won right then and there. Now, even if we score one run, who is going to close it for us? Vasquez? Brown? Either way we end up using more of our pen that we can't afford to do at the moment. I will happily eat crow if the Yanks can pull this game out, but I just think they are wasting pitchers right now
  22. Of course. I said after the Sox won last night I think they are going to take this series. The Yanks are inventing ways to lose right now. I hope I'm wrong, but the Sox table is set.
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