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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. And now Colorado, Minn and Wisconson have the early numbers favoring Bush. If he takes all three of those it could proove me wrong. Mind you, even though I think Kerry will win, I am in no way a political scientist. I am more like an arm-chair political enthusiast...and I can't spell.
  2. Yeah, I just think that will be an absolute embarrasment. That is why I think it's up to the individual candidates to step up and, to use a football term, take one for the team. Will it happen? Doubtful. But there's always hope.
  3. Maybe that has a hidden message in it like Osama's tapes do... Something to his brother in FLA or the brownshirts at the polling stations....hmmm
  4. Good point. I just hope and pray that regardless of who wins, the loser will concede (sp?) gracefully so the country can move on without dragging this election out like in 2000.
  5. True enough! lol I dunno. I think people are too emotionally involved in this election. I'm not saying it's not important, but people act like Bush is either the Devil or the Second Coming. When there is too much emotion involved, reason, logic and objectivity get lost. But hey, for me it's great entertainment. lol
  6. Oh, I'm not saying it won't be close. I just think Kerry will win (again this is based on the exit polls not on my own personal taste since I don't really have a horse in this race). I have a feeling it may be the reverse of last year. Bush will win the popular vote but lose the EC. Probably not, but it would be funny if that's how it happened.
  7. Very true. But it looks like (all from the exit polls which may mean nothing) Kerry is going to take Ohio and PA which would essentially give him the election.
  8. Kerry will win...the exit polls are all showing he will. I personally don't care which one wins, I just love the drama. lol
  9. Agreed! I actually like the winter but HATE how dark it gets so early. It sucks so much.
  10. It's 6pm and it's pitch dark outside in Western NY
  11. Oh, I realise that:) No worries there. That is why you can call us cupcakes for now since you beat us last time. But in two weeks it's a new game and another shot (for us at least lol)
  12. Of course you have a point. I just think the truth is in the middle. We aren't as bad as some here say. And we aren't better than Seattle. The fact is we are much better than our record indicates, whether people here want to believe that or not is up to them.
  13. I'll say it right now. We CAN beat the Jets and we will beat them.
  14. Dunno if this was posted already but I just watched the NFL Network's postgame wrap up and they showed Denny Green's postgame press conference. He was asked how the Cardinals could look so bad against a terrible team (reporter's direct quote!) after beating up on Seattle last week. Denny's response was: "You guys aren't giving Buffalo enough credit they are a much better team than their record. Maybe they are better than Seattle. Their defense certainly is."
  15. At least now we'll have something to hold over him when the Bills beat the Pats in a couple weeks
  16. They read all your negative posts over the last two months and figured the team sucks so why stay.
  17. VA, what are you saying here? I'm not trying to be a jerk, I just don't understand it. I didn't get to see the game so I didn't see what Moulds was doing...
  18. You make good points. I am not a Bledsoe basher or supporter really. I just want to see Wins and I don't care who is back at QB:) Whoever it is I'll be behind:)
  19. No, I know you have been positive all year, and thats good! There are so few of us optomists. lol But I thought you were angry about people wanting Willis to start a couple weeks ago. That's all I was alluding to:)
  20. It's funny though...they are running behind the same line. Willis can just make things happen that Travis can't. It's not a knock on Travis, it's just two different levels of talent. I love Trav too, but everyone knew this day was coming when the Bills picked Willis. Hopefully JP can make our line look just as different (compaired to when Drew is back there) when he gets his shot.
  21. Man Wilfork is just DIRTY. He was at the U and he remains one in the NFL. Gotta love it though. Players like that spark their teams. Now the Pats have two with Harrison and Wilfork.
  22. Are you kidding me with that INT What a play by Pitt!
  23. I'm glad you've finally seen the light Sue Willis is for real. He's just a sparkplug. Love ya Travis, but your time in B-lo is coming to a close.
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