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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Its over. Fox just called Ohio for Bush
  2. hmmm interesting
  3. Isn't it the other way around? without Ohio he can only get 264 in EC votes
  4. I love 'Pac too. He was great. I think this country would welcome a black president though. I for one think the country would welcome a black president before they would elect a female president. Dunno why really. Just a feeling.
  5. I'm in over my head. My first foray into the PP board here on TBD has been interesting. But I am enjoying the give and take on both sides....
  6. I'm all for unification! Go USA! I'll stand by whoever wins. Both men are patriots in my mind and both are good men IMO.
  7. CNN has Bush leading by only 30k now in Ohio...at least on the web AHHH! nevermind, it jumped back up to over 100k now....odd.
  8. I've got two tvs on, one with CNN and one with FNC so I can see both slants lol
  9. On Fox News their on the ground reporter says she feels Kerry will take Ohio cause Clevland's votes haven't been counted yet...
  10. If Kerry takes Ohio and PA, doesn't that essentially give him the election though? I thought all he needed essentially was 10 EC votes from Bush and Ohio gives him 20.
  11. CNN has Bush losing Wis by a lot...?
  12. Help me SDS, since I am clueless. Based on my numbers, if Bush takes FL, and he appears to be taking WI, NM, CO, NV, and Alaska...(giving Bush 264) Kerry will still win? Assuming Kerry takes OH, Michigan, minny, iowa and NH...
  13. Sorry for continuing to ask dumb questions, but who took Iowa in 2000?
  14. I am just really curious to see if the Redskin test stands up for another election. Especially after MNF spent all halftime talking about it last night:)
  15. Thank you very much for the info. Good stuff.
  16. It's not. That was my little attempt at humor. I am just going by my gut here (which tends to dominate most of my other functions) that Kerry will win
  17. Yup, and I'm still standing firm in my concrete assessment that Kerry wins this election. However, this "concrete assessment" comes from exactly zero knowledge or expierence.
  18. Okay more dumb election questions: Who won these states in 2000: Michigan Minnesota New Mexico Arizona THANKS:)
  19. It's not wrong yet...still lots of votes to be counted I guess. Who knows. Might as well just enjoy the show.
  20. Forgive me if this is elementary, but in my house we are having a few debates and I need some facts. A couple questions: 1) How are absentee votes counted? Are they counted only if they are needed? Or are they counted the same as all the other votes? and 2) When the journalists "call" the election over (forget 2000 ever happened for a moment) are they going based on real votes or just an estimate? Basically, after this election is called (and it isn't dragged out persay) are there still people counting votes? Thanks!
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