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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Umm... dude. You might want to look at your last few posts and rethink your statement.
  2. I'm not trying to argue (because I honestly know very little about polling), but wouldn't this have the opposite effect on the GOP turnout? Wouldn't the threat of losing (it's still within the margin of error, isn't it?) wouldn't more supporters turn out for the GOP or no?
  3. So, isn't it possible that the reason why the right-leaning polls (or the "objective" polls) are showing the race as a dead heat to make sure Romney's base goes to the polls? Whoa, I totally missed your question somehow the first time, my bad. Personally I think the phrasing of your question is problematic but I know I'm in the minority on this one. The "media" is such a broad term and the public's relationship with the media has changed drastically with the advent of cable news and the blogosphere. 60% of Americans don't trust the media -- that's an alarming statistic. By in large the traditional media tends to lean left simply due to geography and the demographics of the journalists. Most are liberally educated, live in either New York City or Los Angeles, and driven by the muckraking history of their profession. Prior to cable and the internet, there were a limited number of options for the public to get their news. As such, the aura of journalistic integrity was more revered. Newscasters and journalists had to be more objective (or at least keep their cloak up) simply due to the limited nature of the medium they were working in. But now there's more freedom than ever for people to get their news and information. It accelerated the already competitive nature of the industry and created news that panders to its viewers. Entertainment passed off as information has become the norm. And Obama is inherently more flashy and sexy from an entertainment perspective than Mitt. The right sees it as a liberal conspiracy. In reality it's a business decision plain and simple. But again, I know I'm in the minority on that.
  4. If the media is so obviously in the President's corner (and I'm not disagreeing entirely), and if they are cooking the books so to speak, why would they propagate an illusion of Obama gaining? Wouldn't it be more effective to make it look as if it's a dead heat to assure that every supporter votes?
  5. Have you asked yourself why Crayonz is missing now of all times? He and Googlebot were trying to warn us all. But the lords of TBD silenced his voice too soon. But we'll meet Crayonz again on the other side.
  6. I'm not sure where you're going with this but painting it as liberal issue is silly. The Mayans were staunch believers in human sacrifice, top down economics and had no problem causing a massive climate change through deforestation and overpopulation. Pretty sure they were conservatives.
  7. Yeah. He also played tackle for the Raiders. And coached them for a few years.
  8. Obama-Goblin Marvel should do a character: Obamagoblin
  9. While I've been on many long, strange trips I'm pretty sure I'm not Bob Weir or Art Shell. Weird combo you chose there. One's a musician the other is a former offensive lineman. Not sure what they have to the upcoming "situation" we will be facing. Pretty sure I'm not a baby boomer. Nothing is quickening? Really? You sure about that? The mere fact we're having this conversation on the internet is proof that things are indeed quickening. Globalization has shrunk our world, technology and communication continue to advance at exponential rates (that means it's quickening). In the past 25 years we've gone from a world without cell phones to a world were everyone has a computer 10x more powerful than anything from the 80s in their pocket. But there's a hole in our technology. A big missing gap of time that spans almost 100 years. Think about that for a moment -- really think about that. For all the advances we've made as a civilization in communications, medicine, and general tech, we're still using technology from the 1930s to travel. Why is that? We're missing 100 years of technology somehow... why is that so? As a species we went from the covered wagon to the railroad to the automobile to the moon in less than 100 years. The technology we developed in the 1930s (rockets, jet engines) are still the means of travel we use today. It's as if this one segment of technology research just stopped dead in the water. Why would that happen? If technology advances exponentially, how is it that we haven't advanced past the 1930s when it comes to simple propulsion? The mistake is thinking that the side show we call the election has any bearing on this conversation whatsoever. It's a charade. And for further proof, I recommend you look at this: http://devilsverse.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/mayan-rocket-ship.jpg The Mayans predicted that war.
  10. What are you implying?
  11. That is simultaneously the grossest and most hilarious post I think I've ever read. Well done, sir. Edit: And now I'm sensing a theme -- http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/150529-a-nickname-for-the-disaster-in-seattle/page__st__20#entry2575293
  12. We're living in a quantum hologram. That smells like farts.
  13. That is an awesome idea! Hammock Air. I'd fly it!
  14. http://gawker.com/5945967/romney-doesnt-know-why-airplane-windows-wont-open-calls-the-closed-window-policy-a-real-problem
  15. It is stupid. It's an extension of the erroneous philosophy that gave us the wonderfully retarded concept of 'hate crimes'. There were many solutions to this problem that could have been implemented before the ACLU fouled it up so badly. As much good as the ACLU does (and I believe it does do some good) it's also victimized by the cray-crays who run it and can't resist pushing it one step too far...
  16. I can't speak for the Romulan Ale, but I've heard rumors that when they return they will settle the Kirk vs Picard debate once and for all. (Spoiler alert: The winner is 3rdling.... how is that possible you ask? Simple: http://www.daveware.co.uk/hannah/blog/files/aliens-meme.jpg ) Things get complicated when you're talking about a species that can bend space and time.
  17. To be fair, Tom, the media has been focused on the really important stuff. Like this: http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_t3#/video/us/2012/09/21/dnt-woman-driven-on-front-of-car.wsb Had the woman been a dog, they would have blamed Romney.
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