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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. I don't know about the rest of us, but I was hoping you'd say:
  2. ...Some things you just can't unsee.
  3. While partaking in the frivolity in this thread I stumbled upon this clip. I know it'll get a dismissive response based on the content and the speaker alone -- but look beyond those things for a second and watch the man. I think it shows what both parties are currently lacking. There's just no one on either side that has the ability to connect like Slick Willy does/did. This election would be so much more interesting if it had some real candidates. Both.
  4. Who said you can't make fun of him? I welcome it.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqcfGp2tMW0&feature=related
  6. Disqualification based on the premise of the video war! Biden's a VP. *though secretly I wanted you to post the Biden clip. I love that one so much. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rToKEnySb7s :o
  7. ...and, I have a new signature. *This is hilarious by the way. I didn't give it its proper due when I originally responded.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHSLUOPymZ4
  9. ... I need a translation of this.
  10. Whoa. You just blew my mind-hole.
  11. Is Crayonz gone forever?? Please say it ain't so. He/She/It is one of the best posters in the history of Off The Wall.
  12. I honestly have no idea what is going on in this thread... it's either a (very) poor attempt at trolling or it's a (very) poor attempt to make an issue out of nothing. Is this something that's being discussed on talk radio or something?
  13. I see what you did there!
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