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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. He didn't have a choice. They don't call them the "Illuminati" for nothing!
  2. Maybe? I think that was in reference to the refs -- it came after the review of his TD run if I remember that correctly -- but who knows. After yesterday's performance calling the Bills bitches is kind of a compliment.
  3. I know you weren't and wasn't attempting to say otherwise. Apologies if that's how it came across. I'm not saying anything about the first lady other than what she said in the article you linked. In that one case, she didn't make a gaff -- even if that's how it seems at first blush. That's all.
  4. Wow... that is both hilarious and terrifying.
  5. That was the original plan, but the state wouldn't approve Tubman's construction permits so they had to improvise.
  6. Yup. The pieces on the chess board have been positioned over the past 50+ years. The populace has been beaten into an ignorant state of hyper tension. Now all it's going to take is the right spark and WHOOSH --- One world government.
  7. Again, go read some primary sources and you'll see "riding" the underground railroad was a fairly common idiom. Proclaiming that the first lady was speaking from ignorance only highlights how little you seem to know about the subject. We're just trying to help you out, 3rd. Go read some of the journal entries. Learn about what these brave men and women went through to find freedom. Read the words they used. I know this seems like a perfect "gotcha" type flub -- but it isn't. Unless you know nothing about the history of the Underground Railroad and slavery in the Americas.
  8. They're setting up a false flag operation.
  9. I'm a glutton for punishment, but that one was set up so perfectly I couldn't resist.
  10. It's not a stretch, it's factual. Which is I recommend actually doing some reading on the subject.
  11. No. But there were conductors, wagons, horses and routes.
  12. I recommend checking out some source material from the 1800s.
  13. I haven't yet. I'm going to start mainlining the show once I get out from under a deadline that's crushing me... ...which of course is why I'm wasting time on PPP
  14. So, just to make sure I have this right, in this hypothetical world where we're both running a liberal radio station you are proclaiming that you not only run a better network but a network that stays more true to its liberal ideals? Since you're a very vocal conservative, essentially what you are saying is that you're better at selling out your core principles in order to make your business more successful. #Conservativehypocrisyatitsfinest
  15. I do. Lots. I'm moving to Niribu.
  16. I like my NASA source better.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCtfTU787w4&feature=related
  18. And the first group consists exclusively of Obama supporters while the second group consists exclusively of Romney supporters? Or is there intermingling between the groups?
  19. Yes, please.
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