I went back through the game (yay for Tivo) to try to get a better handle on the debacle that was today. Drew was terrible and played a big role in the loss, but by no means was he the sole cause. Here are my quick thoughts:
1. Special Teams: They didn't show up today. The Bills' STs had been great all year, but today they were terrible. Lindell missed a kick, the KO coverage was pourous, and even the mighty Brian Moorman was really poor today. This resulted in GREAT field position for the Steelers all afternoon. This killed the Bills, especially in the first half.
2. Drew. He was off all afternoon. But after watching the film I couldn't determine if it was all him or also the coaching staff (more on them in a second). Regardless of the gameplan, he did little to exicute it well. His pick in the first half was a terrible decision and he took a couple bad sacks.
3. Defense. They got the shaft in the first half with poor field position. And yes, they were on the field a ton. But it makes no difference how long the D was on the field, the Steelers ran all over the Bills great front 7. To allow over 100 yards to a third stringer is inexcusable for a top Defense (which the Bills are). Heck, they made the kid look like Gale Sayers out there.
4. Coaching: The offensive gameplan was atrocious today. Not ONCE was there a downfield route called for a WR until the end of the game. Their plan was to attack underneath the defense which is fine, but you must take a shot. This kind of gameplan killed the Bills in Oakland and vs Jacksonville. The apparently did not learn from their mistakes.
So where do we go from here? First we all have to calm down and reflect on the good season the Bills had. It's the first winning season in 4 years. That is saying something considering the hole the team dug for themselves.
The Bills have the right staff in place and a very talented roster. Let's just hope for another good draft and FA period and the Bills should be playoff bound next season. I know it hurts to get this close and not make it, but it could have been worse...we could be the Dolphins.