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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. I wouldn't be adverse to drafting another QB. I see what you are saying, but taking one any higher than the 6th round would be a bad move IMO, especially considering the Bills only have 6 picks this year.
  2. If Bledsoe isn't on the roster in '05 the Bills will certainly need another QB. Shane Matthews is going to retire, and that would leave the BIlls with only JP. Faced with that scenario, drafting another QB would be fine, so long as you are not counting on that guy to be your No.2. An expierenced Vet would be the way to go in terms of backing up JP. And I think there are plenty in the FA pool to choose from to be a No.2 on the roster. Thus, using a 3rd rounder on a QB would not be wise in my opinion. Maybe a 6th or 7th or an UDFA. All that aside, Drew will be on the roster in '05 (I'm not a crusader or an appologist, just a realist) so this would be moot I think.
  3. After the way she handled herself in the bank (shooting three men with non lethal percision) I have no doubt she is really working for some branch of law enforcement or intelligence agency. That is interesting about the plane number. The show is still a head scratcher!
  4. Could be. Lets hope!
  5. I'm not 100 percent certain, but I don't think so, at least not from the team that signs them. I believe that since they are both UFA's there is no compensation. The only time I've seen compensation is for RFAs. The league may give the Bills an extra 6th or 7th rounder, but that would probably be about it.
  6. I have a serious question. Spoilers below! SPOILERS: In the episode where Sawyer shoots the Polar Bear, Kate disarms him. Takes the gun and then asks if "anyone knows how to work a gun, and take it apart". Syiad (spelling) has to instruct her how to take out the clip and eject the bullet from the chamber. Yet in tonight's episode it showed her shooting 3 people (with very precise, non lethal accuracy) and handle the weapon very well (so well in fact I think she is a US Agent...just a guess though). So the question (obviously) is how come she "forgot" how to use a gun on the island? Normally I would think it was just an oversight, but this show is so well plotted and scripted I think it's a clue to something else. Not sure what though. Thoughts?
  7. Vaughn: "I feel like a banker in this thing" Hayes: "What language is this?" Jake: "French" Vaugn:"Do they have any corndogs over there?" Jake: "forget it, I'll order"
  8. In HS. Practice, camps, etc. He's a very good athlete but doesn't have NFL skills. I think he only had a handful of catches in college too. Can't remember the exact number.
  9. I'm very familiar with his game, I've played along side of him many times. Trust me, he's camp fodder.
  10. Just a warm body. Camp meat for next year.
  11. That is the clearly the main reason. Players have to think about their careers. The more games they play, the less games they can play in the future. Football is such a physically draining and damaging sport that it requires time to recover from. Unless you are a young player looking for a job (ala Ken Simonton etc), there is no reason for you to risk your career to try to squeeze a couple more games in. From the club's perspective it is too risky. They invest too much money into top draft picks to see them get hurt before they even step onto an NFL field. Just my two cents...
  12. No. It would wear him out. He would be too beat up/rundown to be of any use during the 2005 season. A player cannot be expected to play a full NFL schedule after playing a full WL schedule. It is just asking for JP to be hurt and/or worn out.
  13. Well you knew it was coming. After all, PK made the trip all the way to Buffalo to see this game (his first Bills game all year) and they laid an egg. He had to have been pissed. lol
  14. Posey is highly undervalued on this board. He is a solid OLB with as much altheticism as both Fletch and Spikes. He compliments those two very well and a majority of Fletch's tackles are the result of Posey doing his job and forcing the flow back inside to Fletch. While he isn't spectacular, he is simply the best OLB the Bills can afford. In the salary cap era you cannot afford to have three TKOs on the field, you need good role players and that is exactly what Posey is. I have watched him closely all year because I was uncertain about his worth, but have no fear, he as as good as it gets.
  15. Isn't it a tad early to call the kid a bust? After all, it was pretty well established that of all the first round QBs, JP would need the most "grooming time". I don't think five series really constitutes enough time especially considering he missed half the year with a broken leg. Give the kid through 2006 before we label him as a bust OR the second coming. For now he is just an unknown.
  16. Yes, I did. He said he thought the Bills would hope for a 3rd and wind up with a 4th. But teams have "their antena's WAY up" in regards to getting Henry because the impression with league GMs is that he is a very capable back in the right system.
  17. Amen. There will not be a veteran QB brought into camp this year. It will be Drew as No.1 and JP as No.2...at least for openning day.
  18. It wasn't the only reason, but I think it certainly played a role. Everyone on here knows what Drew does best is throw deep, and what he does worst is throw short passes. Yet today, the coaches designed a gameplan that highlighted the weakest part of his game and ignored his best attribute. Like I said, I think the staff just out-thunk themselves. They should have stuck to what the team had been doing for the past 6 weeks. All that said, I don't know if Drew would have played any better (he still took some bad sacks today, one of which lead to that TO for a TD). But it would have at least given him a better chance to succeed.
  19. No matter what the coaches say publicly, it is impossible for there to be an "open competition for the QB job. It just doesn't work. They need to know who the QB is going into mini camps in order to be ready for the start of the season. I would love there to be an open competition, but it won't happen. I know people are mad and I am not trying to appologize for Drew at all, just trying to say that we can whine all we want, it's not going to change this year. So let's put our energy into something better...like drinking large amounts of alcohol.
  20. I'm not saying you are wrong (or right for that matter). I'm just pointing out the reality of the situation. You know?
  21. It doesn't matter what anyone wants, the truth is that Drew will be back and starting in '05. Is he the right guy for this team? I'm not so sure. He didn't look it today. But the fact is, he played a role (how big is very debatable) in helping guide this team from 1-5 to 9-7. There is no way this coaching staff will try to replace him this off season because they will say (and perhaps rightfully so) that he will be more comfortable in this system after playing in it for a year than anyone else they could possibly bring in--JP included. All that being said, Drew will start in '05 but be on the proverbial short leash.
  22. I just don't understand why they shifted philosophy for this game when for the past 6 weeks it had been working so well. Even when the offense stuttered they still took shots down field. But this week they were afraid. And it wasn't windy, or at least windy enough to really affect the gameplan. I think MM and Clements just out-thunk (what a word) themselves against their old mates.
  23. Drew's fumble...but not in this game, the one vs NE at home
  24. In the post game interview, Drew said that the gameplan called for short, underneath passing to take advantage of their zone blitzes. That's all well and good, but you have to open it up to at least let the other team know you are capable of doing it. Especially with only one safety playing coverage during the game. Drew was bad, but so was the offensive gameplan. It was more apparent on the second viewing.
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