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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Good point. Another thing to keep in mind is that they said the man didn't have any prints on file. So it is possible that the guy was just an every-day joe with no criminal or military record and thus would have no prints. He could have been a FedEx guy (probably not...). The only fingerprints they may have on the guy could be corporate ones from the DOD Contractor rather than ones that are on file w/ the govt.
  2. JP can't win. Regardless of how good or how bad he turns out to be, certain people won't be happy on this board. It's a fact. But hey, it's what makes the board fun
  3. As a 'Cuse fan, I am going to be rooting hard for McNabb. He is a great guy who deserves a ring...especially since Philly fans booed him when he was drafted. I also hope he gets it without TO playing...that way it doesn't look like McNabb needed TO to win. All that being said, I think the Pats will win.
  4. Neither side can confirm it until the Superbowl is over since doing so would violate NFL tampering rules. But it's going to happen.
  5. True. But losing to the defending superbowl champs in the AFC title game is bette than losing to 3rd and 4th stringers at home with your playoff lives on the line
  6. True, but Belicheck is very adaptable (note that he became QB coach a few years ago out of necessity and was the one that realized Brady's talent). They will promote from within and the system will remain the same. Same for the Defesne. The schemes are Belicheck's anyway so the D will rebound. The only team that is capable of beating them in 05 is Buffalo! (How's that for optomism?!)
  7. Not only HOF. Brady is, right now at this very moment, one of the top 10 QBs in the history of the league. If he wins the third ring that fact will be cemented.
  8. He is everything you want in a QB. In essence, he's everything Manning and Vick aren't...Clutch.
  9. The real Tom Brady has two (going on three) superbowl rings. He is the best QB in the game today. Not the best passer (manning), not the best runner (vick). The best QB. Period. And he will be next year too.
  10. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ROOTING for them to do it, but they are so far ahead of other teams in the NFL it's scary. Whose going to beat them in the AFC East? Not the Dolphins...too many holes to fill by next year. Not the Jets...they were an illusion all this year. They won't make the playoffs in 05 Not the Bills ...while I think the Bills will be in the playoffs next year, it won't be as the AFC East winner. Once the Pats are in the playoffs, they are money in the bank. They are a team of clutch players led by Mr.Clutch (Brady). God, I hope I'm wrong! (Edit: Of course this speculation is ridiculous since the 2004 season isn't even over. I'm just saying the Pats are going to be good for the next couple years, with or without Romeo and Weiss)
  11. Does that really matter? The damage is already done. Also, winning a 4th Superbowl without Weis or Romeo will be the ultimate feather in Belichick's hat. Wanna bet he gets that feather next year?
  12. Its not over It's close, but if the Steelers can get points on this drive, it's a new game.
  13. He's that good. Painful to admit, but it's a realization that I came to a long time ago. Ugh. Anyone who thinks he is JUST the product of a great team or system is kidding themselves. The kid can play.
  14. If he wins it this year (which they are well on their way to doing) and just has a mediocre (sp) career the rest of the way he sure as hell is. The man can flat out play. That was a perfect pass (and it was deep, who says he has a week arm?)
  15. Brady is unreal.
  16. I'm not saying there is...necessarily. What I mean is that by begining the show focused on an eye (not once, but several times) I think it's just a metaphor for The Mind's Eye as well as establishing POV. But when Locke specifically mentions the reality of the Mind's Eye (Lock of all people, his interaction with the monster is key here) it makes you wonder. Here is what I said about the Monster last week (it fits nicely here): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The monster is a reflection of yourself. If you look at how the monster has acted and who it has interacted with, it makes sense. The monster was first sighted during the survivors' first night, when everyone was afraid of the island and where they were. This was their biggest fear. Thus the monster was stomping trees in the jungle. After all at that point they didn't know what was IN the jungle and were afraid. Thus the monster materilized as those fears. The next time you see the monster is when they trek to the cockpit. They don't see the monster until the pilot says they were way off course and they aren't looking in the right place. Again, fear sets in and the monster appears. The pilot sticks his head out in fear and gets killed by the monster (because he was afraid of dying, he even said it in the cockpit before he got eaten). Yet the monster doesn't kill Charlie or Jack because Jack embraced his fear and went back for Charlie (when he fell). And the same was true for Kate who counted to five and "let the fear out". The next time we see the monster was with Locke. And while everyone ran, Locke stood his ground and embraced his fear. He looked at the monster with awe and reverence rather than fear and thus he was spared (it is also interesting to note that after that moment Locke truly became mystical). If the monster is a reflection of yourself, then Locke's fearlessness was reflected in the monster at that moment that it stood before him (and he lived to tell the tale). And in the most recent episode, the monster was active EVEN IN A DREAM. This is key because the monster reacted the same way as it has been in reality (at least according to this theory). Boone's biggest fear was losing Shannon. And that was reflected outward and the monster took Shannon from him. Adding further proof that this monster is a reflection of yourself...even your subconscious self. So, if that theory is indeed true (which I am growing more convinced that it is) it raises a number of interesting questions. It also makes me believe we will never see the monster as long as this show is on the air. We may see parts of him, but not the entire monster (kinda like Jaws). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now look at that while thinking about the whole Mind's Eye discussion w/Locke tonight: Look at the evidence: 1) Walt reads the Polar Bear comic in the second episode and a Polar Bear attacks the people in the jungle. 2) The father burns the book (the page with the bear on it happens to be the visible page) while Walt watches...then another Polar Bear appears. 3) The Monster as a reflection of people's fears...their mind's eye making it real. Just food for thought really...
  17. I don't know if this has been discussed in previous LOST threads, but have you noticed the show's facination with begining episodes with a close up of a character's eye? I went through my Tivo after last week's episode and noticed that in the majority of episodes (including the first 4) they begin with a close up of the eye. It's usually the character who the episode focuses on... It may be a minor thing, but tonight Locke mentioned something interesting while showing Walt how to throw the knife. He talked about the Mind's Eye and Walt said, "it felt real." Locke responded, "whose to say it wasn't?" An interesting conversation that has relevence I think. Certainly the whole begining episodes with an eye could be just symbolic of the mind's eye of that particular character (since much of the show is flashback etc). But it also goes hand in hand with what I was talking about with the monster. About how the monster is a reflection of yourself... thoughts?
  18. You have a good point and I agree with you to an extent. But you can't dismiss entirely what Brady has done you know? It's a little from collumn A and a little from collumn B. But the fact is he is good at winning games when the chips are down. Manning is not.
  19. I agree with you. I got crap a while ago by putting Brady into my top 10 QBs of all time and leaving Manning out. My logic was, Brady wins, Manning doesn't. I was hoping that would change this year, but it hasn't. I would rather have a QB who wins than one who puts up great numbers any day.
  20. Well all that work this year for Manning and another early exit from the post season. It's a shame. But this is why Brady is the more clutch QB I guess. He shows up for big games.
  21. Well Boomer (Esiason) just took the Pats. That means the Colts will win.
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