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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. I don't know who anyone of those people are. But I like the sound of it.
  2. The trade deadline hasn't opened yet has it? I didn't think teams could trade until Feb 18th (some date like that). Anyone know for sure?
  3. I didn't say the film lacked emotion, but rather the films' achievments were visual (and technical) rather than emotional. If great films were determined soley by visual (and technical) impacts, then the Star Wars I and II (the prequils) would be listed near the top of anyone's list. Thankfully they aren't. That's because great films are determined more by their emotional power than their look (although look and visual style certainly can play on one's emotions). While Tolkin's LOTR packs a lot of emotion into it's three volumes, the films fall way short. But anytime you try to cram 3 massive books into a 380 page script, a lot will be lost. Jackson stuck faithfully to Tolkin (much like Columbus did with Harry Potter 1&2) but that task is virtually impossible to pull off. Granted, Jackson did a stellar job, yet the film doesn't truly connect on an emotional level with a number of important characters because the narrative isn't focused. There are two choices when you adapt someone else's work. Either you do it faithfully (word for word almost) or you take the major themes and work within those. Going back to the Harry Potter example, Columbus took Jackson's route while Cuaron (who directed Harry Potter 3) lopped off much of the book and focused on the main theme of the transition from childhood to adolesence. In the end, Cuaron's work was far superior to Columbus's first two films because the narrative was focused which created a far more powerful emotional punch. Don't get me wrong now, I am not in any way trying to compair Harry Potter to LOTR. LOTR is far superior to HP. Yet the films are far from perfect because Jackson took the route of Columbus rather than Cuaron. But he did it out of love for the source material and millions love the result. I do too, just not enough to consider it a top 25 movie let alone the greatest thing ever put on celluloid. You know what I'm saying?
  4. By cast I also meant all the artists who worked on the costumes, sets, and production. He wants everyone back who worked on the first three so there is a seamless feel to it. He has the rights to the story and everything I've heard says he plans to make it his next (or possibly second) movie after Kong wraps.
  5. I say we set up that event. That would be GREAT fodder for the board during the off season. lol
  6. You're not in the minority. I know lots of people that feel the same way. There is no question the film is an epic achievment on many levels. But most of them are visual rather than emotional which can lead some to feel it's a boring movie. It's all about taste and what gets to you.
  7. That was a great series.
  8. No, you're fine. I'm TOO in touch I guess.
  9. Shhhhh! I'm trying to keep that a secret.
  10. The next William Hung?
  11. Hahahahaha! Yes he was. I was cracking up. But at the same time I felt dirty.
  12. This guy (Leroy) is a terrific poster child for what's wrong with my generation. lol But he's funny.
  13. Simon just looks like he wants to kill himself during this whole show. Simmons just looks like he wants to kill every contestant.
  14. I'm psyched that it moved all you guys to that extent. I mean, hey, if it has that much of an effect on you then by all means worship it. I just think the weak characters and narrative prevents it from being anything more than a "visual" masterpiece...which it is. But in 20 years it won't be remembered as a top 25 film (individually or as a whole) in my opinion.
  15. WOW! That will be interesting.
  16. I only know the useless stuff.
  17. And you know that scene was shot in Batavia right? The part where they are on the highway collecting Candy's stuff (and the inferno ensues) is right near the Batavia exit. Mindless trivia.
  18. I mean, I'm not a KISS fan at all, but it's kind of sad...
  19. I hear what you are saying From a visual standpoint the movies are stunning. From a narrative standpoint they are weak in contrast to the books (and I am not a huge Fantasy Genre fan, to be fair). While it is unfair to expect a movie to match the book, the weakness in the narrative found in all three movies drags them out of contention for the best film(s) of all time. But they are certainly entertaining and well done. It's a minor point, but I'm a stickler I guess. lol.
  20. Jackson also plans on doing the Hobbit as a film with the cast from the LOTR flicks. He hopes to start it in 2007.
  21. It's a very well done series. But I don't know if I would call it the "greatest piece of art ever" since it wasn't done from scratch. Would you call a copy of the Mona Lisa (even if it was exsquisite...I can't spell tonight) greater than the original? You have to give Tolkin his due. That's not to rain on the film(s). They are very well done. But not the best ever captured on celluloid if you ask me.
  22. I haven's seen IDOL this season yet. Planning on catching some tonight, has this season been any good? (I haven't heard anything about it)
  23. (gets his popcorn and settles in for the show...)
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