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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. As soon as the new head of CTU's daughter got sick (or in a comma) you knew someone who once ran CTU had to come back. Either Tony or Michelle... That was a great enterance made by Tony. It should be interesting to see how it all plays out. I don't know what's in store for next week, I don't watch the previews (and change the channel when they come on) because they give too much away. I love going into the show totally in the dark.
  2. It depends on your definition of "better". Is Moulds a better athlete? Yes Is Moulds a better team player? Yes Does Moulds have better hands? No Does Moulds command more respect from Defenses? Tie Is Moulds tougher? No Too close to call really, but I voted for Moulds simply because he has put up probowl numbers year in and year out without a great QB tossing him the ball and without a consistent No 2 receiver by his side. Reed had Kelly, Lofton, and Thomas. Who has Moulds had?
  3. Nah, it's not VA's fault (in my opinion). He's sharing inside info. It's not HIS info. I think it's cool to share that stuff, I just don't think his source on this particular topic knows what he is talking about.
  4. I am not saying you are wrong, VA (you're reporting a source which is cool and helpful) but the guy who told you this doesn't have a clue. Here's why: 1) JP will be on the field as a starter. It doesn't matter if he's in a wheelchair, at somepoint JP will start for the Buffalo Bills. The fact that he was a first round pick demands that he gets the opportunity to start at somepoint. There isn't a team in the NFL that drafts a guy (at any position, much less QB) in the first round and doesn't give him the opportunity to start before cutting and running. Will that be this year? I don't know, but at some point JP will start. 2) Since point number 1 is a fact (not opinion, FACT) there is no possible way anyone at OBD would be doubting JP's ability publicly. None. Could they be thinking that? Sure. But no one would say it out loud, even to other coaches because there is too much at stake with him being a First Rounder who the Bills MOVED UP TO GET. They would instead, bite their tongue (out of fear of crippling the kid's psyche) and wait for him to stink it up on the field before making any such claims. 3) Thus, unless your source is a coach on the Bills (and I'm not asking you to reveal who it is, that would be unfair) there is no way he could come around to the conclusion that the Bills are looking 'in another direction' unless he is just full of sh--.
  5. She is. Tony, Michelle and Palmer are all in this season. Palmer is shooting his episodes now. And Tony and Michelle shot at least 4 episodes. Have no fear.
  6. To be fair, they never said whether Tony was actually prosecuted. He was arrested last season, but it's likely (and probable) that Palmer got the charges dropped before any trial came to be.
  7. Damn, they were glitching against me? I play online every now and then, but one guy blocked EVERY punt (even when I had max protect on) and every FG I tried. By the end of the first quarter it was 28-0. He tried to give me "mercy" but I was so pissed I made him finish the damn game. lol How can you stop it?
  8. Culpepper and McNair both sat for a year (Culpepper sat for longer). But I hear what you are saying.
  9. Hahahaha Can't argue with that.
  10. Sadly, it is much ado about nothing. The Pats are going to win going away in this one. I'm just hoping for an entertaining game.
  11. Uh, it wasn't made up. But it wasn't a direct quote since I can't find the link. It was paraphrased (as I said). The point he made was he didn't care about the rules, his job was to hurt WRs. It was discussed on this board when it happened. I saw it on SC and read it in print. It was not this year, (if you remember, Belichik had a talk with him in the preseason about reducing penalties and his "borderline" antics and he has towed the company line since then). I think it was during a PC in response to his hit on Rice when he got suspended. But obviously we are wrong since you know all. Forget the fact that the majority of NFL players think he is dirty (as polled by SI). Yeah, they don't know anything, they only play with the guy.
  12. This was the same guy who said last year (paraphrased because I don't have the quote in front of me) : "I don't care if it's legal or not, I don't care about the rules. I'm going to hurt people, that's my job." (this was said on Sports Center AND again in print in the Boston Globe) Yeah, he is a role model for playing the game the way it was "meant" to be played. I like nasty players with mean streaks, but I don't like players who have no respect for the game or who are so gutless as to be proud of taking cheap shots whether they are legal or not. If he wasn't a Pat, you would feel the same way too. Thing is, if he were a Bill I would still despise him. I'm not denying his talent, he's clearly a very good player. But he is a terrible human being.
  13. Interesting (and educational) posts. I still am uncertain of this move though I am starting to see the light. As Fez said, kicking in college is easier than the pros (having been in both stadiums, the winds in OSU have NOTHING on the Ralph...not to mention he is done kicking by November whereas he would have to kick well into December and January in the pros). I think it's naive to expect the kid to walk in and be an all-pro from the get-go. It just doesn't happen w/ kickers. I did want to clear one thing up though with my earlier post. I would be ALL for taking Nudge in the second round if the Bills manage to get another 2nd round pick from moving Henry. I just don't want to see them move up (by packaging additional picks or whatever) to take him. I just don't see the value.
  14. I have a confession. I am a dumb SOB. I just don't get it. For the past few weeks I have read every thread relating to this young kicker (Nudge for those in the know ) but still I can't understand this new obsession. Why is everyone so bent on taking him? It's not like he's the second coming of Lawrence Taylor (okay, bad example), he's a friggin' kicker. The Bills have much more glaring needs than a PK who looks like the lost member of The Backstreet Boys...and, no, I am NOT a Lindell fan. Here's why it seems absurd to me: 1) Lindell is entering the 3rd year of a 5 year deal and has a rather large cap number (for a kicker). a. Drafting Nugent (excuse my lameness, NUDGE) in the second round, the Bills would have to give the Nudge a sizeable contract (rough guess, somewhere close to 2 million w/ a cap figure of a little under 1 mill). Suddenly the Bills would have over over 2 million (assuming they kept Lindell for another year) tied up in kickers...and one of them being a young, untested kicker. b. If they cut Lindell it may cost them even more in dead money (Clumping Platlides (sp), you might have a better handle on the cap figures than I do) which means that the Bills would be paying close to 3 million for one position. This seems like a waste to me since the team is pushing close to the cap as is. It would make more sense to spend the money elsewhere which brings me to point number 2... 2) There are MUCH more glaring holes to fill at this time. Namely, the offensive line which has been ignored in the draft for the past few years. By taking the Nudgester in the second round, the Bills would be essentially ignoring the position again. Sweet. Sign me up for that! a. I would also rank drafting a WR, CB, and DL as higher priorities than PK... b. While the Bills can't fill every hole in the draft, they could get a lot done in FA this year...assuming they have the cap space. And, as stated in point 1, that becomes hard if you have so much tied up in a position that gets into the game a total of 5 times a week (if we're lucky). 3) While I agree Lindell is a weakness, taking Nudge will NOT translate into more immediate wins. a. The Ralph is a tough place to kick. It takes a season or two to learn the winds etc. And while I agree Nudge would be an upgrade over Lindell, I don't think the return will be instant as some here predict. b. That said, since this will be Rian's third year I am holding out hope that he will improve again (he made signifigant strides from his first year in B-lo, though he still sucked. He just sucked a little less.) and improve other areas of the club. So, I don't get this whole obsession. Is it his hair? His soccer style approach? His dreamy good looks? It has to be something. Someone enlighten me. Show me what I am missing, because I for one will be upset if the Bills do take him with their first pick. Edit: I'm such a moron that I screwed up his nick-name in the darn heading
  15. Yes I have played. And no I haven't missed something like that. And I'm not a 12 year vet in the NFL playing for my team's playoff lives against second and third stringers.
  16. Starwars changed film making. I changed the way movies were made, heard, and watched. It had a profound impact on future generations of writers, directors, actors and special effect artists in a way that no other movie has. Even though I agree with you that they are not the best films ever made, their impact on the industry (and audiences) cannot be denied. So I don't think it's fair to call them crap (if that's what you are refering too). LOTR was great, but it's long term effects won't be on par with Starwars. That being said, I still prefer Starwars to LOTRs, but that's because I like Ford over "Rudy"
  17. Godfather gets an immediate disqualification due to the presence of GF3. It is almost bad enough to taint the first two films which are masterpieces.
  18. Too bad the Cubs didn't do this earlier, they may have been able to take a run at Beltran.
  19. It could happen, but it won't. The Pats will win. That aside, if they did lose, it wouldn't change much (if anything). They still would have won the AFC three out of the past four years (very impressive in this age) and Brady would be 8-1 (or 7-1 can't remember) in the playoffs. The mystique would still be in tact for the most part... oh, and even worse, if they did lose it would give them a rather large chip on their shoulders next year...that's not good. All that being said, GO EAGLES!
  20. they didn't dump madden. He is on for 2006. This is the last year of his contract though, but reportedly they are close to resigning him for an additional 5 years. Also, they won't announce the "official" cover until the Draft (at least that is when they usually do it. )
  21. It's not JUST an ankle injury. It's a spiral fracture of the Fibula. That is a NASTY injury that will have long term effects if not properly treated. I have seen two players get that injury and neither one could ever come back full form...and they did the proper rehab. Obviously neither was the athlete that Terrell is, but still. He has a broken bone, you go out and re-break it then it will forever be weak and it will slow him down.
  22. What would this accomplish? We would still need another WR PLUS we would have an additional hole to fill with whomever else you trade to get Randy. Not only won't it happen, it doesn't make sense. At least your other scenario (the Walter Jones/JJ one) made sense
  23. Now you're dreaming. The Bills don't have enough cap room (even with a restructed Moulds and Drew) to make both of those signings. I don't even know if they have enough to keep Pat and JJ and Pat is willing to give them a "hometown discount".
  24. That's a great point that I didn't even consider...and I HATE Harrison. How did I miss that?
  25. Obviously the Superbowl is the biggest game that TO will ever play in. Players strive their entire lives just to get the opportunity to play in one. And there are certainly no guarantees that TO will ever get back to the big dance. That being said, his entire livelyhood is playing football. Feeding his family (and his ego, etc) is all accomplished by playing ball. So it is quite a quandry. Does he try to play thinking this may be his only shot and risk potentially damaging his ankle and maybe never being able to play ball again? Or does he play it safe and sit to prepare for next year? With an ego as big as any athlete on the planet (and by definition, all pro athletes have giant egos), it will KILL him not to be on the field next Sunday. But in the end he has to do what is best for him and his family which is NOT to play. If he tries to gut it out, he could cause more damage or hurt his own team by taking snaps away from healthy players... Just my two (rambling) cents.
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