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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. The Kremlin is abuzz over a leaked document regarding a Vimana (ancient Indian UFO) discovered in Afghanistan. World leaders are being rushed to the site, preparing to tell the world that we are not alone. :o http://www.youtube.c...v=qBlwhVyZxmQ#! (Link to Coast to Coast radio show about it) ("Article" on the issue) http://jimmyprophet....in-afghanistan/
  2. If only the damn Oil cartel running this world would finally step up and release the solution to all our transportation problems!!!!
  3. You're lucky. I had to go into the back alley with the attendant just to pay for half a tank. Thankfully he was gentle.
  4. It's definitely familiar in that regard. Sadly it's a pretty common tale in this town. I like to believe good ideas will always win out -- but that's not always the case. Lots of politics. Entourage got that part exactly right. It's high school extended.
  5. Many, many times. The writers (same guys who did Pirates and Shrek) had this set up at a different production company who sat on it for years. They refused to sell it back the writers and every attempt to get it made under that banner failed to the point where the producers just sat on it to keep it from going to a competitor. As soon as the option lapsed (along with that shingle's deal), Elliot and Rossio snatched it back with Bruckheimer behind them. It got set up under Cook (I think?) then it was pulled along with the regime change at Disney. Then because Depp is Depp and Bruckheimer is one of the last uber-producers left, they managed to get it done despite several stoppages in pre-production due to budgetary and script reasons. I'm VERY curious as to how this movie will turn out. I'm a huge fan of the writers, they're brilliant and have dedicated a large chunk of their careers to seeing this thing through -- those sorts of projects go one of two ways in my experience. I wasn't blown away by the trailer but I'll be there to check this one out.
  6. :lol: ... who told you? They're watching us RIGHT NOW!
  7. What's wrong with OC's statement is implication that Reagan cared about waste in military spending -- in fact, it was the opposite. Reagan's philosophy was that defense was NOT a budgetary issue. He made this clear in public addresses, speeches and his own papers after he left office. The military was given carte blanche to spend whatever they deemed necessary to keep the United States safe. His strategy to defeat the soviets was to outspend them. And it worked. To imply that there was no waste in Reagan's military budgets is batsh*t crazy. To imply that Reagan ran the military like a business is hilariously inaccurate. It was the exact opposite. Military spending nearly doubled under Reagan with countless scraped weapons programs that wound up being black holes of waste (see Aurora, SDI etc etc). The black budget nearly TRIPLED under Reagan -- and that budget doesn't have congressional oversight, or oversight of any kind, so to imply that Reagan was monitoring it for waste is just a failure in understanding the man's battle plan against the USSR. He knew we could out spend and out produce the Soviets and drive them into insolvency. He drove up military and intelligence spending to force a reaction -- not to be mindful of waste. It was the exact opposite of what OC is saying in that statement. It's revisionist history at best, flat out idiocy at its worst.
  8. No way! Finders keepers! Besides, if you paid 10 dollars to see it based on the trailers -- you knew exactly how terrible it was going to be.
  9. My answer depends on what you want to hear, the truth or what the company line is?
  10. Because, without question, I'm the biggest dummy on PPP. But damn, that post is dumb. It shows a complete lack of understanding of not only history, but reality.
  11. This is the most absurd statement EVER made in my brief history in PPP.
  12. So, I would not be able to help myself because Al Franken couldn't host a successful radio show? I asked for a specific example of what exactly I wouldn't be able to help myself with and you respond with Al Franken. That's like someone asking Neil Degrasse Tyson to explain why the Earth orbits around the sun and him replying, "because Big Foot is fake!" You sure you're still not drinking and posting? Can you be more specific as to what you mean by me being unable to help myself? I'm fixated on inserting gay characters into movies? (quickly starts checking scripts...) I romanticized Che? Here I thought I was writing about time traveling high schoolers! Where's my agent?! Holy sh*t! I wrote Battleship too?! Damn, I'm f*cking LOADED! BEERS ON ME, BOYS! So...what...does...using...ellipses...every...other...line...do...other...than...demonstrate...your...inability...to...create...on...a...coherent...thought...? ...If...I...use...more...ellipses...does...that...make...me...a...better...radio...host...? Oh, I know I am. I did not need confirmation from you. But it's appreciated.
  13. Wow. Once upon a time you were rational.
  14. Jeff Kent is becoming my favorite player in this season. He might have the perfect temperment for this game. He's by far the best athlete of all the remaining survivors (bad knee and all) but because he's over 25, he can do just enough in the team portions to help them win without standing out as a huge physical threat (that will change once people realize who he is). He also has dealt with enough huge egos in his day to know how to handle the social element. Plus, the grind of baseball's long season has to help with the day to day grind of a competition like this one. I hope he wins.
  15. That's your point? It certainly wasn't your point in the original post. Why would I be unable to help myself? And what am I unable to help myself with? Is the radio station being invaded by zombies? Are there going to be a lot of tough math questions hurled about in the control room? What exactly would I not be able to help myself do? If this comment was in any way related to the one time I showed up to work without pants on, it was a dare and my boss is a fat liar! Besides, the chicks all laughed when they saw me. Nothing turns a chick on more than laughter, am I right? I'm a screenwriter. Not a writer. Screenwriters are the developmentally disabled siblings of writers. You're right, the beat down you were given earlier in this thread is no match for the beat down you just administered to yourself with this train wreck of a post. You, sir, truly are the king of making OCinBUffalo look like an asshat.
  16. Aww. It's cute to see couples coming together.
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