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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Personally, I don't see the logic in Chow's move. He is going from one OC job to the other. And, arguably, USC is a bigger stage than a worn down/rebuilding TENN club. If he stayed for another year at USC, he would possibly win another title and possibly have several head coaching opportunites at the NFL level. By taking the Tenn gig, he is setting himself up for failure. They play in a tough division and have an aging roster. Chances are they won't be in the playoffs next year (although it's FAR too early to speculate on that I guess) so there isn't much of a chance he could end up as a HC in 2006...at least not in the NFL. As for McNair, Tenn won't let him walk away. If he wants to go to another team, they will trade him, not cut him. He is too valuable to that franchise to simply let him walk away (from a PR standpoint alone). Still, I think he's done. Even if he doesn't hang em up, he hasn't got much left in the tank. Moving from Drew to Steve (especially with the OLine the Bills have now) would be an upgrade, but a slim one. He has taken too much damage and hates to practice. That won't fly with this coaching staff at all. So I doubt Buffalo would make an offer. I could see a team like Arizona making an offer, possibly Baltimore. Miami doesn't have anything to offer for him, so they're out. And Cleveland won't break the bank on McNair (just a hunch), Crennel will want to build through the draft and FA. Just my two cents.
  2. Just imagine...this is what he did in CELEBRATION! CELEBRATION!!!!!!!! imagine if his team lost
  3. This is shaping up to be a great season. Maybe the best...well, second best (Season 1 was a classic). I thought the first 10 episodes of season 2 were terrific (until they deviated from the original plot), but so far, this season is just as good. They have brought in new characters that are really enjoyable. Edgar is GREAT. Even Curtis (who I can't tell if he's just a bad actor or if his jaw is wired shut) and the Azraz Family. Last night I think Berhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus took a turn. I mean, killing the guy with the shovel was classic, but he still seemed a little weak. But last night he had the "I'm going to !@#$ up my father" look in his eye. I think Behruuuuuuuuuuuuus is going to clean house pretty soon and take out his father (maybe more) without going to the police. It would be cool to see Jack work one end of the threat (the corporate side) while Berhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus gets midevil on his father's side of the threat. Of course, I just love saying Berhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus
  4. Thank god Branch won. For once they got it right.
  5. Branch is on stage...he won (I think)
  6. As Mark Twain said: Profanity is what makes the English language tolerable.
  7. I agree. But we shouldn't censor language. It makes it that much more difficult to identify the idiots. Let's show all the violence we want on TV, but all hell breaks lose if someone lets an F-bomb fly. Gimme a break.
  8. If it does, I cry foul! lol
  9. No way. Harrison will be 2nd, especially with that pick. Branch should win it. Brady 3rd.
  10. When will people learn not to fear language, off color or otherwise. It still bugs me that this board has a profanity filter.
  11. Now you're dreaming.
  12. If they give it to Brady, it's a fuggin' joke. Branch is the MVP. Runner up is Harrison.
  13. Damn it. We are going to have to endure another off season of a NE love fest.
  14. It's over. One score clinches it from NE now.
  15. Thats all she wrote. Damn patriots.
  16. Like I said :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: NE
  17. The only worry I had going into production was Nolan's ability to handle his first big-budget movie. From what I heard (and it's not much) he did just fine with WB.
  18. I've read the script. It's very well done. Let's hope Nolan can deliver!
  19. The Pats shot themselves in the foot in the first half. The Eagles were lucky to be in the game. They blew their shot. I hope I'm wrong, but the Pats are still going to win big.
  20. The troop commercial was cool
  21. are you really surprised?
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