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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Fair enough...but don't you at somepoint have to accept the fact you can't change it and just root for JP or whomever is the Bills QB come openning day? Because not doing so is in essence rooting against your team.
  2. See, this is what I don't get Sue. Forget the Drew debate for a second. Let's say (for arguement sake) that you are right. Drew is a God and TD and Wilson are idiots for letting him go. We can't change that. What's done is done. But why would you then turn and root AGAINST the Bills? Against JP? Explain that to me and maybe we will all understand where you are coming from.
  3. I don't know if JP can or can't. But we already know Drew can't. So what's the problem with moving on?
  4. Getting rid of Drew doesn't mean ignoring the offensive line. Drew doesn't have "it" anymore. The Pittsburgh game proved that. The line needs work, but putting a more mobile QB back there who doesn't go into a shell when there is pressure certainly makes more sense than leaving Drew back there to get slaughtered. And the pourus offensive line looked pretty sharp in the second half of the season...how many sacks did they give up again? That's what I thought....
  5. Sue, please, please stop. You already lost the debate with the Brady comment. "If the Bills had the talent the Pats had AND had Drew, they would win the Superbowl..." But the Pats DID have all that talent AND Drew and they couldn't sniff the post season UNTIL Brady took over. It's the same thing here. You proved yourself wrong there. Like I said earlier, it's fine to be sad to see Drew go. But don't wish JP ill because of it. You know what I mean?
  6. 7 or 8 years? Do you think Moulds will really play at a high level into his 40s? The only player that can do that is Rice...and even the mighty Jerry has slipped. I think the logic is: most NFL WRs retire or lose a large portion of their athletic talents around 35 (right where his contract ends). If Moulds is still playing lights out at 35, then they could resign him...BUT if he declines over the next 3 years, they aren't locked into an 8 year deal that could kill the cap. It's the safe play...the SMART play in my opinion.
  7. I agree. Sue is great for this board, always has been. But her stance here is ridiculous. I understand she likes Drew. Hell, I do to. But there comes a time when you have to face facts. And the writing is on the wall, Drew is done in Buffalo. We can't change it, we're not the one making the decision. And she has every right to B word and complain about it, that's fair. But it's another thing entirely to be SO upset by it you root for your team to fail. I mean, what does that accomplish? Either some one is using her name, or she is drunk from a party...it is 1am afterall
  8. Your source is ESPN? Funny: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/teams/roster?team=tam I hope that your knowledge of your own sources is as accurate as your "guess" on how good Losman will be. Because that would mean JP will be great and the Bills will win plenty of games. The fact that you would root against your own team just to prove someone wrong is...dare I say it...ICE like.
  9. No, you're right. He said it was the time he spent as the QB coach that allowed him to see Brady's potential over Drew's...that's why it was so easy for him to trade Drew within the division.
  10. No. I doubt it. His plan is JP and using the extra 2 mill to extend Clements and make a serious offer for JJ, P-Diddy and possibly another OL in FA.
  11. 76 meters on my 5th try. Does it ever end?
  12. Two that I know of.
  13. I didn't mean to imply that he was actively working w/Danielle. Just that his group has something to do with her map. They are protecting something...but it's just a hunch
  14. Oooo, that's a good angle. Honestly, I didn't even think of that one yet. I would have to chew on it for a while. Good work!
  15. I have a hunch that he isn't acting alone. I think the real people behind the "kidnapping" plot sent Claire and him back for a reason. Why? No clue yet. But I am thinking it has something to do with the French woman and her map...and I think Locke knows more than he is telling about this whole situation. What about you?
  16. I also wouldn't dismiss Locke's warnings: "Ethan may have planted her here"...since Locke is the one who seems the most connected to the island, it's possible he is right, and everything that happened was part of a bigger plan.
  17. So I've been told! Depth would be great and could be established in the draft. The more I think about this scenario, the more I dig it...which unfortunately means it probably won't happen because I'm always wrong
  18. Getting Shelton and JJ would fix that. One of them would move to LG (or Williams would and Shelton would slide to RT)
  19. Absolutely. The only position I would still be leery of would be TE. The line (both sides) would be set. The QB situation solved. The WRs are fine (despite what some people fear). The LBs are fine. And the defensive backfield would be great. If the Bills managed to get Shelton and make the other signings, I would even change my mind about drafting Nuge! lol
  20. If Shelton's cap numbers are as friendly as people suggest, it would be possible to keep JJ and P-Diddy if Moulds and Drew restructure (or get the axe). If they managed to swing that deal, resign JJ and P-Diddy and extend Clements and I would say you have a GREAT off season. What else would you need to accomplish (outside of the draft)?
  21. I thought it was a good episode. Although I think I've been watching too much 24. I was expecting the "Cliff Hanger" ending.... SPOILER (For those who haven't seen it) Once Charlie's backstory finished, I expected Hurley (or anyone) to go to the "Body" (won't spoil the ending totally) and find out that it has dissapeared.
  22. Don't you think Shelton would be better at G? JJ is more quick/athletic, better able to handle the speed rushers while Shelton is bigger and nastier, a better fit inside. Personally I would LOVE to see the line look like this: Jonas (LT) Shelton (LG) Teague © CV (RG) Williams (RT) That would be PERFECT... of course, I still don't think the trade is likely. But dreaming is what this time of year is for!
  23. Chances are he would spend more time in street clothes than the Red, White and Blue.
  24. I doubt the trade would happen. But if it did, I think the Bills would still resign JJ and move either MW to LG or Shelton to LG. Shelton would be a terrific guard, much moreso than he would be at LT. Still, I don't see it happening.
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