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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Where's the article, I can't find it on CBS or ESPN...
  2. You are totally right. But what are the alternatives? We can't be afraid of giving JP a shot because Collins, RJ and other young QBs have busted. There is certainly no guarantee that JP will succeed, but there is also no guarantee that he will fail either. But either way, the Bills have to find out what they have. If he is a bust, then it's better to find out now.
  3. And you're right to a point. That's a big reason why it was time to move on. But I'm not buying that the only problem on the team this year was QB. I think that is too superficial. If QB were the only problem, then I would be clamoring for a Vet QB to step in and take over for DB rather than entrust the club to JP. But...that's not the case in my view.
  4. We are going over eachother's head and it's my fault- let me clarify.... The Bills didn't play a weak schedule, they just didn't beat any good teams. Yes there were tough teams on their schedule (NE, Pitt, Baltimore, NYJ where their toughest foes...and Jax, Seattle and Cincy were boarderline in terms of talent). So they played 8 games against quality opponents and they only won 3 of those games, 2 of those wins (Cincy and Seattle) were boardline "top tier" teams. So I'll give you they had a tougher schedule than some, but they didn't have any quality wins. Does that make more sense? And look at how they lost those tough games: NE: Got killed, but they're the best team for a reason, no shame NYJ: Split, but it's a divisional game so you throw the record books out the window when they play (same w/ the dophins...the Bills were much better than the fins, but both games were tight) Pitt: The worse loss of the year. They were beaten by backups. Baltimore: Even without their best RB, the Ravens still whooped the Bills. Jax: Lost a game they should have won...at home Seattle: Big win on the road. A quality win, I don't care if Seattle's WRs dropped 10 balls or not. Cincy: Beat them on the road, but without their starting QB. Still, a quality win. So the Bills had 3 quality wins of those games. The other 6? They came against Miami (2), St.Louis (terrible team, playoffs or not), Browns, 49ers, and Arizona. If there was an RPI in the NFL, the Bills would have been near the bottom of the league.
  5. Of all those games you mentioned, the Bills were only 1-2...and Cincy was playing without their starting QB (Kitna had been rusting on the bench all year). But take a look at what I said. I never said they had the easiest schedule. I said they had a weak schedule. Of all the tough teams they played, who did they beat? The Jets once...anyone else? They were swept by the Pats, beaten by NYJ, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Oakland, and Jacksonville. Those were the toughest teams on their schedule, and they were all loses. They built up their record by praying on the Dolphins (twice) the Browns and the weakest Conference in football (The NFC West). Most of their wins came against teams that will be drafting early in round 1. That's my point. You can't blame the Bills, they didn't choose the schedule, but you would have to be blind describe their schedule as "tough". But that's not even the point. The point is, even with this weak schedule the team didn't make the playoffs. So why are we to assume that they are "close"? Personally, I hope I am wrong, but the facts just don't bear that out. So, switching to JP isn't all that much of a risk because what have we got to lose? You know what I mean?
  6. I would love it (obviously) if it happened. But I think we have to prepare for an up and down season with JP. Personally I think he is going to be good...but how many first year QBs are, you know what I mean? If this team was in a different division (or the NFC), then I would be against moving to JP right now, because they could get into the playoffs. But being in the same division as the Pats kills them. The Pats are going to win the AFC East again, regardless of who the Bills' QB is. That leaves them fighting for a WC, a tough proposition in the competitive AFC.
  7. Before reading anything more, you should know this about me: I don’t care who the QB of the Bills is. I’m not a Drew guy. I’m not a JP guy. I’m a Bills guy. All I want is wins. That being said, here is how I see this situation: So far there appears to be three camps on this situation. The first camp wants Drew to stay because the Bills are close to being a contender. The second camp believes Drew is the biggest problem on the team, still they don’t want to see JP take over because “using a rookie sets the team back”. The final camp feels the move to JP, above all other options, makes the most sense for this team. Consider me in the third camp. Let’s be honest. The Bills are not one player away from being a Super Bowl team. They aren’t even one player away from being a playoff team. I loved how this team fought and clawed their way into contention last year, but let’s face it. It was a mirage. This team benefited from a weak schedule that propped them up to something more than what they really were. While it’s certainly not fair to blame the Bills for their schedule, it is equally unfair ignore the issue. This team didn’t beat anyone down the stretch. They lost to NE, Baltimore and to Pittsburgh. All games they needed. Certainly the QB was a large part of the problem…but not the only part. There are plenty of other holes on this team: 1)The O-Line: They came around, but the left side still needs work, especially if JJ departs. 2)The TE’s need to be upgraded. Ehus really came on last year, but he blew out his ACL…for the second time…so who knows what he will be like next year. Campbell was solid – not spectacular – but he too injured his knee and there are some doubts as to how soon he will be ready to play. That leaves RN as the only TE. Uh-oh. 3)I love the way this team plays Defense, but something is missing. I can’t figure out what. Is it a personnel problem? Scheme? Heart? When the game was on the line, this “great” defense folded like a cheap suit. I know it’s blasphemy, but it’s the truth. Against the Jags and the Jets the team had the lead, and the D collapsed. Against Oakland and Baltimore this team allowed mediocre players to look great and torch the D. NE made the Bills look like armatures on Sunday night. But the worst, most embarrassing moment came against the Steelers. There, the great D of the Bills get whooped by second and third stringers. That is inexcusable. Like I said, something is missing. 4)We all loved the Special teams, but it’s not a good sign when your team punts everytime rather than attempt a 45 yard FG. I’m on record as saying that Rian Lindell is okay…I am re-thinking that opinion. This team needs a kicker. Add all those issues up, throw in a giant hole at QB and you see this team is NOT a playoff team. So, if this team is not a true contender (painful to admit) then what would be the purpose of bringing in a Warner, Garcia or McNair (or any veteran STARTING QB)? A new QB alone won’t solve the problems. The Bills invested a lot in JP, too much to justify him sitting on the bench when he could be on the field. I’m not saying JP is going to be great, he may stink. He may be terrible. But he may be the next Jim Kelly. The point is, how are we going to know unless he plays? And since this team isn’t a contender, what are they really risking by turning the team over to a first year starter? I know there are those of you out there screaming: “We are going to take a huge step back!!!!”…but a step back from what? 8-8? 9-7? 3-13? So we shouldn’t risk taking a step back from mediocre? That seems insane to me. But it’s not all doom and gloom. There is a bright side to JP taking over. He is being put into a great position. A position where he won’t have to carry this team like so many first round draft picks are asked to do. Instead, he can just be a PART of the team while he gets his feet wet. Here are the advantages JP has: 1)He isn’t a rookie. He has had a year of practice, he’s been through mini-camps, been through training camps, he’s watched film, he’s attended meetings. That may not sound impressive, but it is. There isn’t that pressure or angst for him now. He knows what to expect come August. That is huge. 2)He has the benefit of being with an offensive oriented coach. This staff is fantastic. Not only does he have a great (if not the best) position coach, he also has Clements and MM – guys who have shown the ability to devise schemes that best utilize their players strengths and mask their weaknesses. In short, JP won’t be asked to do anything more than he is capable of. 3)He has a budding superstar RB behind him taking the pressure off. 4)He has 2 great WRs to throw the ball to. When it’s all said and done, JP is in the perfect position to succeed in the NFL. That is also great for the fans too, because we will know (very quickly) if he is the real deal or not. And if he’s not, what have we really lost? Another mediocre season…at best! But if he turns out to be great, then won’t it all be worth it?
  8. But why would they? The GMs know that if they just waited a week or two Drew would be released and they could snatch him up without giving up a pick. That's what doesn't make sense to me, if TD wanted to trade Drew, why let the whole league know you're "moving on"? Once that came out, everyone knew Drew was as good as gone. So his trade value (if there ever was any) vanished.
  9. Clumping, where to the Bills stand if Pucillo, Reese and Prelue (sp!) are cut/released? Won't that save another couple million?
  10. Only problem is, Dallas won't trade for Drew. Why would they give something up knowing that the Bills will just dump him in a few weeks and they can get him for free? Hey, I'd love to see Shelton here, but I don't think it's going to happen, at least not by trading Drew and Trav. Just a hunch though.
  11. And this episode had a GREAT ending. Possibly the best one-liner to end a show.... "You get that?" His look was priceless...badass Jack is coming out! lol
  12. Didn't Rudy say he will sit out for the entire year if he was tagged? Trouble is brewing.
  13. Navi couldn't kill Berhus because the wife is MORE important. She knows the entire plan, Berhus doesn't. All Behrus knew about was the kidnapping (in earlier episodes, Navi and the Dina talked about why they kept their son in the dark...). So, Behrus living or dying at this point isn't a real issue for Navi, it's his wife that could ruin it all. As for the Edgar thing, on the map of the reactors, the powerplant that was melting down looked like it was in San Diego (I think...not 100 percent sure), so CTU doesn't need to be evacuated. However, Edgar was just pissed and desperate...he wasn't thinking clearly (as others have said).
  14. The Bills are going to be about 14-15 million under the cap. Jones alone is going to command over half that amount. There is no way the Bills could afford Jones, P-Diddy, a LG AND a journeyman QB. Jones won't be a Bill.
  15. The only place JJ would rather be besides Buffalo is Atlanta. Fortunately for the Bills, Atlanta is in serious cap hell. With Atlanta out of the picture (barring a massive restructuring by numerous people on Atlanta's roster), JJ is only forced to decide between Buffalo or more money from a lesser team. I've said it before, JJ is SMART. He wants to be an agent when he hangs it up. I wouldn't doubt that JJ knows the Bills' cap number better than most GMs. If he honestly wants to stay here, he will find a way to make it happen. If his only interest is money, then he is as good as gone. I am betting he will be a Bill in 2005.
  16. No one ran Drew out of town except for himself. Oh, wait, I'm wrong...actually the Steelers third string Defense ran him out of town Take a pill and settle down. The Bills aren't moving to LA.
  17. Wooohooo! I think it's gone! Thanks so much to everyone. Millbank led me to a site with some help on it (thanks Grant!) It was some program called "Hyperlink" hidden in one of my toolbars (I think Google?). I don't know what I downloaded recently. I don't have music or movies or anything. But I am on AIM a lot. I think the last couple things I downloaded were toolbars (AOL and Google). Thanks again!
  18. I just ran the Yahoo stuff and got rid of a bunch of bugs, but it's still there. Darn it :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: spyware!
  19. Not that I know of. I will give Yahoo a look. I already tried spybot (not hijack this) and got nada... I just haven't seen this before. It's annoying:)
  20. For example, just in your profile, hockey sticks and office chair are both double underlined. And if I click on them, it brings me to a site to buy them or learn about them...it's very odd. And it's been happening for a couple months. I tend to ignore it, but I would love to get rid of it. h.sticks brings me here: http://www.hockeymonkey.com/hockeymonkey/
  21. I'm computer illiterate. I know how to get around on the web, and how to use Word. That's about it. But recently I have noticed something on the internet and I am not sure why my computer is doing this. Words in articles (everywhere, CNN.com, CBS.com etc, even in posts on TSW) are double underlined w/hyper links that bring me to random sites on the net. For instance, Greenbay Packers shows up underlined... I'm assuming this is a virus of some-sort, but I have Norton and have run Ad-ware and Spy hunter and nothing has gotten rid of this. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
  22. Apparently he is willing to give the Bills a generous home-town discount. He loves Buffalo, unlike most players, he makes his home there and has two business he runs. The only thing he has said is the offer has to be "fair"...whatever that means is up to your interpretation I guess. Since the Bills redid Moulds' deal and are about to cut Drew (saving another couple million), I think Williams will remain a Bill.
  23. True, but yet you root for McGahee, Evans/Moulds and Schobel...right
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