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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. It would be nice, but I don't see him hanging around till the Bills pick in the 2nd round. I have a feeling he will be gone in early round 2 (possibly in the top 10 of round 2). I also think Baas will be gone as well before the Bills get a chance. I would be THRILLED if they could find a way to land either one of those two guys, but it would take a miracle.
  2. There is a Bible for season 1, that's long since been established, that is indeed set in stone in terms of story (not characters exactly). When Abrahms was pitched the show, he turned it down because he couldn't figure out how to expand the show's life past one season. Finally he found a way (what if they are on an island that isn't a normal island...) and wrote a three season arc for the story. He then wrote the Bible for season 1. There is no need to write a bible for future seasons because it would take too long for a show they weren't even sure would make it past it's initial order of 5 episodes. Still, once they wrap this season, they will sit down and write a second season bible and I am willing to bet that it follows the same story arc that Abrams wrote last year. The man is a brilliant writer who micromanages everything he produces, he won't let his team deviate from his orginal vision unless there is a damn good reason. It's just how he works.
  3. Really? I got the opposite feeling...like he was a patient. Here's why I think that: 1) When they first showed Hurley, he was living with his mother and she was complaining about him staying in and he bitched "if I'm going to be living with you, you have to respect my privacy"...I took that to mean he was living there against his will (either broke or what not) 2) When he won the lottery, he mentioned (to the news crew) that he had put his family through a lot recently...probably by being in the nut house. 3) The orderly said something like, "I don't remember you being friends with Larry"... I don't know why he was a patient, but maybe it was anger issues or weight issues? Just total guesses.
  4. and sounds like Michael Jackson.
  5. What's more worriesome than a bridge is the admission that there is a "radio tower" on the island. If it does exist, and if it was transmitting the numbers, the question is who began that transmission and why? If it was purley supernatural, then why would there be a radio tower? Maybe this is a man-made creation....?
  6. Speaking of literary references... I know we talked about Locke in comparison to the philosopher John Locke, but did anyone discuss Russeau? I didn't catch that the french chick's name was Russeau. I think that is very enlightening considering the French chick's character. Here's a summary of the Social Contract: "The Social Contract" describes the relationship of man with society. Contrary to his earlier work, Rousseau claimed that the state of nature is brutish condition without law or morality, and that there are good men only a result of society's presence. In the state of nature, man is prone to be in frequent competition with his fellow men. Because he can be more successful facing threats by joining with other men, he has the impetus to do so. He joins together with his fellow men to form the collective human presence known as "society." "The Social Contract" is the "compact" agreed to among men that sets the conditions for membership in society. Maybe this has been discussed earlier, but I missed it if it has. But the differences between Locke and Russeau (the characters and their real life counterparts) will become a part of this show I think...thoughts?
  7. The flight number (I think?)
  8. If he stayed, he may have lost 10+games here too. Not saying the Bills will...but it's certainly possible.
  9. I dunno. There are lots of possiblities now. A couple weeks ago, everyone was convinced it was Walt controlling everything, now it's the numbers. Who knows who's really behind it Sphere was a great book, bad movie. I think the Monster is an element from Sphere though.
  10. Damn you I hate when that happens. Sorry to waste bandwidth
  11. http://cbs.sportsline.com/nfl/story/8246250 Some people here are about to go nuts....
  12. The reason is simple: people confuse entertainment with real life. Sports is entertainment. No different than movies or tv shows. Yet, people get attached (for better or worse) to their sports teams and build it up into something greater than it really is...a distraction. The media knows it's entertainment, thus they prey on the fans by presenting the most conflict possible. That is why on these shows you only see two extreme takes, never the middle ground. Same with political talk shows. You always have someone way on the right and someone way on the left battling, never two people in the middle. Why? Cause conflict IS entertainment. If people talked things out rationally, or looked at it realistically, it would get very dull very fast. You just need to step back, smile and laugh at it all. Because in the end all that really matters is your family, friends and what's in your heart. If you can realize that, the rest of this nonsense becomes exactly what it's supposed to be...entertaining.
  13. I've heard both sides to this. Some say Fox's impersonation was just an "immitation" and not acting, I tend to disagree. While playing a role of a living (at the time) person may seem easier (because you can impersonate him) I think it may be harder since every member of the audience KNOWS who Ray is, knows how he speaks, sings, moves...so if you aren't dead on with your "acting" it will show. On the other hand, when you play a fictional character, no one knows what is "true", so you can get away with more. Of course, I am not an actor (in fact I was in one play...in third grade. I had one line and I flubbed it ) so I could be totally wrong.
  14. The man has been around for DECADES, yet he is only now doing his best work. He shoots on time, under budget, gets the most from his actors (all three main charaters were nominated, two won), he even does the friggin' score for his own movies.... Eastwood shot this movie in 37 days. Do you know how amazing that is to shoot a movie this large in 37 days without it coming out like total crap?!?!?!? You are obviously entitled to feel anyway you wish about the film itself, but if I'm running a studio, Clint is the first director I want on my speed dial. He is hands down the best director working today.
  15. Yeah, I am going to be keeping an eye on him. I would love to see him in a Bills uni, of course the team has other needs...
  16. Just watching him at the combine he was impressive. I don't know if he would want to switch to TE though, he could be a good No.3 WR... Of course, I have never seen him in a game, so I have no idea how good he really is....obviously I would want Franks, but I don't see it happening.
  17. I was watching the Combine on the NFL network and this guy really stood out. He is HUGE and fast. From what I saw he doesn't have the acceleration that the other WRs have, and the announcers were saying he is a possible 3rd or 4th rounder. I would love to see the Bills grab this guy and move him to TE. Anyone know anything more about him? http://uncbears.collegesports.com/sports/m..._vincent00.html
  18. I wouldn't worry too much about it if I were you. Best bet is it's a rumor floated by either an agent or the Bills (possibly the Raiders, hoping that someone will take Woodson off their hands since they are in cap hell). It just wouldn't make sense for the Bills. TD may be many things, but stupid he is not.
  19. I agree that 6 wins is the worst case scenario. I just think the most realistic "best case scenario" is 9 wins (with 8 being the most likely)...still putting them shy of the playoffs. Hopefully I am wrong. It's happened many times before
  20. I know you are just reporting what you heard, so I won't shoot the messenger. BUT, that is not true. A trade for Woodson wouldn't make sense. His cap number would be too large and it's not a position of need...especially if the Bills would be forced to also throw in a pick. So it's either untrue OR the Bills leaked it to try to get Zona to sweeten the deal. Just a hunch.
  21. To clarify (since my post seems like I am bashing JP), I am in favor of JP starting for this team. I just am not expecting him to lead this team to the playoffs right away... I also don't expect the Bills to be 3-13. I think more like 8-8
  22. That's a fair point. But still, only 4 of those QBs got to the playoffs...and only one of them put up worse numbers than Drew. Boller played on a better team and in a weaker division, though (in my opinion). I dont think JP can throw only 7TDs and still get the Bills to the playoffs, do you?
  23. JP could very well do much worse than Drew. And if history is any guide, the odds are he WILL do worse than Drew. Here's a comparison: Drew's numbers in 2004 76.6 rating 20 TD 16 INT 56.9 comp% Compare that to some of the more prominent first year QBs over the years. Broken into catagories: Really bad, Slightly Worse than Drew, Better than Drew REALLY BAD Carr 62.8 9TD 15INT 52.5% Kyle Boller 62.4 7TD 9INT 51.8 (*Made playoffs) Harrington 59.9 12TD 16INT 50.1% Eli Manning 55.4 6TD 9INT 48.2% SLIGHTLY WORSE: Ramsey 75.8 14TD 9INT 53% Plummer 75 17TD 20INT 59% Peyton Manning 71.2 rating 26TD 28INT 56.7% McNair 70.4 24TD 13 INT 52% BETTER THAN DREW Big Ben 98.1 17TD 11INT 66% (*Playoffs) Culpepper 98 33TD 16INT 62.7% (*Playoffs) Vick 81.6 16TD 8INT 54.9 (*Playoffs) Palmer 77.3 18TD 18INT 60.9 ------------------------------- Take a look at the "Better list": Culpepper sat for 2 years before stepping on the field, he was seasoned and ready to take over. Vick was great, but let's face it...JP is NOT Mike Vick (for better and worse). A lot of people want to compare JP's situation to Big Ben's but that isn't really fair. The Bills are not as good as Pittsburgh. Their line, their running game and their Defense are all worse. So to expect JP to be like Big Ben is not realistic. Of all the QBs on the "better list", Palmer may be the best example. Cincy and Buffalo look very similar (Great running game and WRs, good defenses, on the cusp of the playoffs). I think at best you can expect JP to match Palmer's numbers, but that may even be a stretch considering Palmer was a heisman winner and MUCH more polished coming out of school than JP was... As bad as Drew was this year (and he was bad), it's assanine to believe JP can't possibly do worse than Drew. History just doesn't show this to be true. Does this mean I think JP will be a bust? No. But I am prepared for a long learning curve. The Bills D and ST are good enough to win a few games, but there is no way the Bills can win 10 games UNLESS JP beats the odds and plays better than the majority of First Year starters do. And unless the Bills win 10 games, they won't be in the playoffs.
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