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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Corey Simon is good. But I still wouldn't do that trade. I am not worried enough about the Bills' D-Line to trade four picks for a DT. That is too steep for one of the most replaceable positions in the league. IMO.
  2. Isn't that a great site? I found it a few weeks ago.
  3. St.Louis has great fans. I'm not a Cards fan, but that city LOVES their baseball team. I also think it's a bit overblown to paint all Yankee fans or Redsox fans (or even Patriot fans for that matter) as being jerks just because a vocal minority of those fans are. There are plenty of great Yankee fans and Redsox fans that love their teams and don't bother slinging mud (unless it's in jest). IMO anway...
  4. And 6 World Series championships does not equate to 26 WS Rings either. Whose the chump again?
  5. Exactly. Great point. People like the Truth Hurts doesn't want baseball cleaned up...they just want Bonds out of baseball. That's what it boils down to. This should be a great example of the steroid policy working (well, at least better than nothing) since it would have been very easy to cover this up had baseball wanted to maintain a presteen image. Instead people think "He's not hitting 50 HRs so he's not on roids...". Gimme a break.
  6. I guess it's almost panel for panel from the graphic novel which is why Rodriguez made Frank Miller his co-director. He wanted to ensure that it was done to his standards.
  7. So what, you think the MLB framed him?
  8. Yup, I love it. Pre and Post game shows are great. Wow, what a bad balk
  9. Obviously you don't understand mine
  10. And plays like that are why this rivalry trancends sports.
  11. It's the best rivalry in all of sports...
  12. Guys like Sanchez are the ones who get really hurt (rightfully so) by MLBs policy. Star players, even if they test positive once or twice will get a pass and find teams that will give them a second chance.... However, middle of the road guys like Sanchez who test positive are done. First of all, most will lose contracts due to steroid clauses and, if they don't, they will probably be released so teams don't have to deal with the bad pub. It will be interesting to see how long Sanchez sticks around now...
  13. Nope. Alba isn't naked. The only ones are the chick from Karen Sisco (and Spy Kids) as well as Jamie King (and a bunch of random extra chicks). But it is a friggin' fun movie.
  14. No arguments here. I just doubt it will happen...it would be nice though.
  15. That's the real question. It's visually obvious that steroids still exist in the NFL moreso than any other sport (15 years ago there were 4 or 5 guys who weighed over 300...now there are 100s of 'em. Something isn't right there). Yet because the NFL has the best steroid policy (even if they don't test for HGH) the perception is that the league is clean. So, what is more important? To have the sport ACTUALLY clean, or just have it APPEAR that way? Baseball will clean up the roids for the public, but they will never be rid of it...so how will you ever know for sure if a guy is on the juice or not?
  16. It should be noted that using Steroids was never outlawed by the MLB until recently. I'm not condoning them, but they didn't break any MLB rule. Neither did Maris. No records will ever be taken back. It's a moot point really.
  17. Not only that, but how can you ever show that Roids was the sole reason for their success? What about the new/smaller stadiums, expansion, juiced balls etc. Marris hit 61 in a 162 game season (longer than Ruth had) and he did it in an expansion year. So why restore his record? He had outside help as well. My point, like Gant's, is that it's impossible to prove any of these factors lead to X amount of additional homeruns. The records should stand. The records will stand. People of our generation will always look down on their records (much like many looked down on Marris's), but in 50 years it will be just another blip on the baseball record book...
  18. I guess anything is possible. But the only way this scenario would play out (IMO) is if the Shelton/Henry swap goes down before draft day. Otherwise they would have to try to swing two monster deals (Shelton/Henry plus MW and picks) in a limited time frame to get the player they want in Round 1. But hey, anything is possible.
  19. True. But the map in the plane was of Nigerea... I have no clue what it all means though.
  20. Here's a question... Could this show work as well without the internet? So much of the show is going back through all the clues and hints given out and having fun putting it all together. But who has time to watch an episode 100 times? Yet, with the internet fans can share all the bits and pieces they picked up like that one there... Just food for thought.
  21. http://www.thefuselage.com Fantastic site run by JJ Abrams and the writers of the show.
  22. Good point. You know the H is going to play a role somewhere down the line...just not sure how.
  23. Now that is good stuff. lol
  24. I was thinking Locke was going to bring it back so Jack can use it as a pain killer during Boone's surgery... ...and of course its presence would be a test/temptation for Charlie. But that is a good idea too. Locke now has a way to test Charlie's new found sobriety.
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