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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Kate and Hurley have sex?
  2. Since they were carrying Nigerian money and maps, it says to me that was their destination, not their starting point. The plane could have left from anywhere...
  3. I thought that was a perfect set-up episode for the finale. They gave us a lot of answers to some of the bigger questions but not enough to ruin it. I was hoping for more action though. But I enjoyed it.
  4. Still 10 min left...but man, they are giving us TONS of info. I love it.
  5. They signed for 2 more full seasons with ABC. And next year there won't be the long delays between new episodes supposedly.
  6. Good point. No, thankfully I have my manhood in tact. I opted not to wear the Yoda outfit tonight. I save that for "special nights"
  7. I'm going to have a busy night. First LOST, then the 12:01 showing of Episode III. I don't think it's possible to be a bigger nerd at the moment. lol
  8. I think what makes National Treasure so dissapointing was its potential. Good cast, good writers, good director. But it just never came together.
  9. Rumor was if Fox didn't pick up Arrested Development, Imagine was going to move both shows to HBO. Personally I think 24 would be so much better on HBO (as would AD).
  10. Fair enough:) I left off a bunch of his other films too. But it's hard to deny that Murray has done a lot of good work, even in films that weren't as good as his performance. Not only can he be funny, he can also act. Something that not enough people give him credit for.
  11. I left that one off on purpose. Murray was good in it, but I didn't care for the film. Thought it was much ado about nothing personally.
  12. I'm just a huge nerd. So I catch those sorts of things
  13. Right. She once said something about she works for herself...which makes me wonder how much she really knows about Marwan and his plans. She seems more like a hired gun than a 'planner'. If that makes sense.
  14. Bill Murray should have quit? Are you serious? The man keeps getting better. Look at what he has done since he peaked according to you: Scrooged Quick Change What About Bob Groundhog Day (Should have been nominated for an Oscar here) Kingpin (one of his best comic characters ever) The Man Who knew too little (Dumb movie, yet Murray was hillarious in it) Wildthings (T&A / sex thriller, but again Murray steals it) Rushmore (again, he deserved an oscar for his portrayal of Blume)
  15. Yes, Mandy is the one who kidnapped Tony. In season one she was the super-assassin who blew up the airliner and stole the Photographer's ID and then gave it to the bad guy. She was in the first handful of episodes in Season 1 and was bad ass. She returned in Season 2 (she is basically a free lance assassin) and was the one who tried to kill President Palmer (by shaking his hand with the chemical agent on her palm). Mandy has been in every season (except 3) and is a great bad guy...er girl.
  16. Yeah, that part sucked. Oh well. You have to expect that sort of thing with the show...which is bad I guess. But I still love the show.
  17. Good episode tonight. It is GREAT to see Mandy back on the show. Maybe Jack and her will finally have the showdown that has been a long time coming since Season 1. I don't watch the previews though, so if they showed anything, put it in yellow text please
  18. Comedy is your ability to boil down historical facts into a simple fatalistic view point. Since their civilization was 'destined' to decline (a deep thought since every civilization inevitably rises and declines), you can just glaze over the terrible autrocities commited by Cortez and the likes during the Western advance into the New World? I'm not saying I agree with the Cortez holocaust theory, but to deny the impact that the age of exploration had on reshaping the New World is just naive.
  19. Thats a good catch with the parrell between the safe deposit box/time capsul/hatch. I didn't really think about that. It's funny that you now see Kate as evil and Sawyer as harmless even though Sawyer was the only one of the two to kill someone in cold blood. That's why I love this show, there are so many ways to look at it
  20. Most tragic villian of all time: Organized religion (in any form). It's saved more people than any other institution in human history but it has also killed more people than any other institution in human history.
  21. No opinion about it. That is exactly how it happened. Claire came to the same conclusion and said as much on the show. The psychic new the plane would crash and she would be forced to raise the baby herself.
  22. Exactly. There are two key questions left w/ Kate: 1) Why was she wanted prior to the doc being shot? 2) Who deposited the plane for her...and why did she need to stage a robbery to get to it?
  23. I'm not sold on it either. But I can see why people think that way, and if the story goes in that direction, it wouldn't surprise me.
  24. It was slower than the others, but I still enjoyed it. We got some clues about Kate, found out Walt is at least semi psychic, and I think we saw more proof that the survivors are going to divide into two camps. One who think they should open the hatch and the others who don't. Should be interesting.
  25. I thought they already announced that? It's the Miami game.
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