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[Entertainment] LOST discussion thread
CosmicBills replied to duey's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I saw it. It was fluff. There was a reason it was cut. It was a scene with Clarie and Charlie and she revealed why she never named the baby...it was because she knew the "others" would come back for it. It was maybe 2 min long. -
[Entertainment] LOST discussion thread
CosmicBills replied to duey's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Yes, Jack knows about Charlie as well as Locke. Also, I just watched the Jimmy Kimmel show (Tivoed) and picked up on a small thing that I missed (maybe others caught it). In the episode w/ Sawyer's backstory, he was fooling around with a chick in a hotel room...turns out she is the woman who pulled the lottery balls when Hurley won the money. They pointed it out on Kimmel because the woman was Michael's wife in real life. Just found it interesting. -
[Entertainment] LOST discussion thread
CosmicBills replied to duey's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I think it certainly is part of the security system (maybe a trigger/look out). But I'm not sure if that's it or if there's more. I just found that part interesting. That and the Monster going underground and the Hatch leading underground...those were the most interesting bits to me. -
[Entertainment] LOST discussion thread
CosmicBills replied to duey's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I'm still trying to find out what the eagle (or bird) meant in relation to the monster. Was it part of the monster, some sort of imagry, or a clue? The fact that the producers put in the CGI shot (normally you don't spend 1,000s of dollars on a shot just because it looks cool...well, unless you're Lucas) says to me they wanted us to notice it. -
[Entertainment] LOST discussion thread
CosmicBills replied to duey's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Nah, I didn't find it awkward. That has been one of the themes for the entire show and it's going to be what sets up a split (if there is one) between Jack and Locke. -
[Entertainment] LOST discussion thread
CosmicBills replied to duey's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Good episode. Lots of good tidbits (the comic book, the gate number, the others etc). But it wasn't the cliff hanger I anticipated. Not sure why I didn't dig the episode as much as others (I found it to be good but not great). It wasn't a tear jerker or very suspensful (to me at least). But we did get a lot of answers. One of the things I found most interesting was the Monster trying to drag Locke underground and how that relates to what was found in the Hatch. Also, before seeing the monster, they showed the bird (looked like an Eagle?) flying away. It was a specific shot and imagry (it was a CGI shot, so you know the producers wanted it in for a reason)...but of what? I remember a Greek story (or perhaps it was biblical) about an Eagle soaring away with someone's skull in its talons. I don't remember much of the story, maybe someone else does, but I recall the Eagle was a protector of the Gods... I could be way off, but the relevence of that shot in relation to the Monster is important. I just don't know how. -
http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2005/more...ex.html?cnn=yes An interesting article.
(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
CosmicBills replied to ajzepp's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
You are missing a couple key points that negate this line of thought. 1) The stakes are HUGE for Palpatine. Remember, there are always 2 Sith. With Dooku gone, he is relying on Annakin to fill that void. Without it, he is powerless. He cannot survive without Annakin turning to the darkside. What are the stakes? Palpatine says it as he kills Windu: "Unlimited power..." Can't get much higher stakes than that. 2) You assume that Palpatine was defensless. He clearly was not. Just because he was unarmed, does not mean he was powerless. His force lighting was strong enough to kill Vader in ROTJ, it would clearly be strong enough to kill Windu if he wanted to...and it does once Annakin makes his turn. 3) Palpatine took out 3 Jedi Masters at the same time in that scene without breaking a sweat. If you watch the fight again, there is a point early in the fight where Windu is defeated. Palpatine has his sabre inches from Windu's chest who is defensless...the camera lingers on this moment specifically to highlight it...but Palpatine doesn't take him out. Why? He needed Annakin there to complete his turn to the darkside. There is no other reason for him to have kept Windu alive at that point. There was not a Jedi strong enough to defeat Palpatine...that is how powerful the Sith Lord had become. Yoda couldn't do it...Mace couldn't. Not even Luke. The only one would could do it was Vader. -
If you want to pitch a product on a Bills board, you might want to rethink your name.
(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
CosmicBills replied to ajzepp's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
At the Opera (or whatever that thing was). He told Annakin about Darth Plaugous who had the ability to both create life from midoclorians and to prevent death. While Palpatine never came out and said he was the one who created Annakin, it was certainly implied that either Plaugous or Palpatine (who was possibly Plaugous's apprentice) did in fact do so. -
[Entertainment] LOST discussion thread
CosmicBills replied to duey's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
We will def find out on Wed. In a recent interview Abrams said that what was heard by Boone was of pivitol importance to the plot of season 2, thus it would be cleared up. I take that to mean there are more surivors (as has long been suspected). -
(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
CosmicBills replied to ajzepp's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
1. Also, Grevious was not a droid. He was the Alpha proto-type of Vader basically. He was half robot, half human (thus the heart and chronic cough). He could very well have midoclorians since he had blood. Also, you can be a dark side user of the force without being a sith. Just as you can use the force without being a Jedi. (according to EU at least). 2. Already answered... 3. This is a result of Lucas cutting a large sequence in Episode III which showed Padme forming the Rebel Alliance. The original cut of III was 3.5 hours. I think it's a story over sight and one aspect they could not fix without overloading III with too much story. (Other elements that were cut: Spielberg directed 2 of the action scenes, the Obi-Wan/Grevious duel and the Yoda/Palpatine duel. Both were apparently quite long so Lucas could only use portions of 'em. Also, a large battle scene on the Wookie planet was also cut. This according to EW at least). 4. There wasn't any other fights on uneven ground. If you saw when Vader jumps onto the same platform as Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan tried to cut his legs out but couldn't because they were level. 5. See my above post. Palpatine needed to be disfigured in his battle with Windu. He needed physical proof to point to when addressing the senate. It makes his argument for an Empire that much more compelling. -
(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
CosmicBills replied to ajzepp's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Windu was blocking the force lighting with his sabre back to Palpatine. However, Palpatine needed to be physically scarred in oder for his ploy with the senate to work. He needed physical proof that the Jedi tried to assassinate him. Also, Windu would not have killed Palpatine. He was in no way powerful enough to stop him. Palpatine had it all set up so that Annakin would arrive just in time to save him. There is a moment in the fight where Palpatine could have killed Windu (Windu had his hands up and Palpatine had his sabre inches from his chest...and it was held there for a while) but he didn't. Why? He needed Annakin to be there so his fall to the darkside would be complete. Palpatine had no problem besting 3 Jedi masters at once (and he saved Windu for Annakin). He also beat Yoda. Obi-wan nor Windu could have beaten Palpatine. Only Vader could. -
(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
CosmicBills replied to ajzepp's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
That's exactly what he said this week in EW. And it's that sort of statement that frustrated fans and even McCallum with the prequils. But, it's the story Lucas wanted to tell...and since it's his money and his story...oh well. -
(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
CosmicBills replied to ajzepp's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
He wasn't more powerful...remember, just as Obi-Wan couldn't defeat Palpatine's apprentice, Yoda could't defeat Dooku either in Episode II. Though he chose to save Obi-wan rather than chase Dooku. And in the final fight, at best it was a draw, but the Emperor really handled Yoda. Yoda got his licks in, but the Emperor was too strong. As Yoda said, only the chosen one can bring the balance back to the force, and Yoda, as powerful as he was, wasn't the chosen one. That duty fell to Annikan. -
(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
CosmicBills replied to ajzepp's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I think this may be my second favorite of all the movies (behind Empire)...maybe third overall (I have a place in my heart for ROTJ simply because it was the first movie I remember seeing in the theaters, so the Ewoks never bugged me:) ) My only complaint about Ep III was that Anakin's final turn (when he takes out Windu) seemed forced. Looking back at the previous two episodes you can see how Palpatine had been setting Anaking up from the start to make this transformation...but still I don't think the story was tight enough because when he finally falls I was kinda like...that's it? But I did like how Palpatine convinced Vadar that he killed Padme (at the end) and then smiled as Vadar freaked out. That cemented his fall... -
(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
CosmicBills replied to ajzepp's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
You're missing the main point. It's not an issue of both the Sith and Jedi being equal. That is not balance as it's used in the movies. The dark side is easier, more seductive and evil. And thus, the entire force is unbalanced by its presence. The Force is supposed to be pure, and used for good. As long as the Sith exist (no matter what their numbers), the Force will never be in "balance". It has nothing to do with numbers. Also, again I say the Jedi in no way had the advantage even if they had more members. They aren't as strong as the darkside. The sith are always 2 and in the mythology the Sith dominated thousands of years ago...even when the Jedi had them out numbered. Yoda, Obi-wan, Mace were not capabable of defeating Darth Sidious. By their own admissions. Thus, how could the Jedi have the advantage? Palpatine needed Darth to kill the jedi to secure his new empire AND complete Anakin's slide to the dark side. In no way did Darth balance the force in Episode III...he tipped the scales even MORE in favor of the Sith. It isn't until the apprentice kills the master in ROTJ that the darkside is destroyed and balance (i.e. purity) is returned to the force. -
(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
CosmicBills replied to ajzepp's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I love how we are all in yellow now:) I just think Palpatine had everything set up from Episode I. He chose Anakin for a reason.In the beginning of Episode III, when Anakin kills Dooku, you could tell it was all a set up (based on Dooku's reaction to Palpatine's line: Kill him). He pushed all the right buttons and knew Annakin would turn to save Padme (by saving Palpatine). -
(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
CosmicBills replied to ajzepp's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Oh I disagree completley. Palpatine was playing coy...he threw the fight to get Annakin to turn. As soon as Anakin flipped, Palpatine jumped up all fine and dandy. It was part of his plan. Yoda couldn't beat him, not even Luke could in ROTJ. Only Vader could...because he as the chosen one -
(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
CosmicBills replied to ajzepp's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I don't agree. What Yoda means is that either 1) they are wrong about the prophecy and Skywalker isn't the "one". or 2) they assumed a Jedi would be the one to bring balance to the force when in reality, it was a Sith who would be the "one". Annakin most certainly does fulfil the prophecy at the end of ROTJ. Even Padme in this one tells Obi-wan that there is still good in him...the same thing Luke says in Jedi. I think you are confusing numbers vs balance. The Jedi aren't more powerful than the Sith in the prequils. There are more Jedi in terms of numbers, but the Sith has always been limited to two: A master and an apprentice. And Palpatine is stronger than any of the Jedi's in the prequil (as evidenced by him defeating Yoda at the end). The balance in the force comes from destroying the Sith (and the darkside). Not from there being an equal number of Jedi and Sith because that has never been the case. Wow, I am a huge nerd. -
[Entertainment] LOST discussion thread
CosmicBills replied to duey's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Yeah, I am not sure which side Danielle is on...but her reaction to Locke's question makes me suspect. And I think Locke is suspect of her himself. -
(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
CosmicBills replied to ajzepp's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Pete, I love ya, but you are missing the bigger picture. The original episodes evoked a lot of the angst over Vietnam (by Lucas's own admission). That was the war he was parrelling (although that isn't his sole purpose in making the films at all...it's just one of the many influences). Episodes I and II were about setting up how this conflict arose, about how democracy erroded into an empire (again, with his influence clearly drawn from WWII and more importantly Vietnam). You can certainly interpret Episode III to be a knock against the war in Iraq, but this was set in motion long before GW even made it to office. History has a tendencey to repeat itself (I am NOT taking a political stance here), and in a recent interview Lucas said that he knew people would think he was trying to send up GW, but it was still about the Vietnam war...not modern politics. Although he found it interesting that in a lot of circles, many view the current policies and war as an echo of Vietnam. -
[Entertainment] LOST discussion thread
CosmicBills replied to duey's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Don't forget the scratches on Danielle's arms that Locke pointed out. She claimed it was a "bush" but it sure looked like finger nail scratches to me. That could add proof to "she helped Claire escpae" camp, or it could add proof that she is working against the Survivors (as in she was coherced into going there maybe?). I think the scratches are going to be key. -
lol Pretty sure it's weather.
He heard this song: http://www.purevolume.com/beneficial (Play the one, Welcome to the Roc). It just draws people to Rochester.