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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. You may very well be right. But here are the signs (to me at least) that it's a bit more complex. 1) The hatch was already open when they showed the flashback to Desmond. So that issue was already moot. Why forshadow an even that already happened? 2) The real conflict with locke and jack is about fate vs happenstance. Which goes back to my earlier point...if Jack is right then it's pure happenstance that he wound up on the same island as Desmond. But knowing what we know about how all the survivors are linked, we should assume that it's more than just luck. Which means that it's possible that line's relevance hasn't been learned yet. Who knows though. That's what makes this show great.
  2. If we are to believe Desmond's story (that his baloon crashed and was brought to the hatch...) then I think that line might have more signifcance (spelling?!) than just the hatch. If he wasn't a part of Dharma, then it really plays into Locke's notion of Fate vs Luck. Niether had any way of knowing they would see eachother again, just like no one on the plane knew how connected they were. Dharma could not orchastrate all those passengers and get them onto the same plane. There is still a larger force at work (luck vs fate). So, if it really is about fate, then I think that line will come back again. If he was working for Dharma, and knew he would see Jack again...then I would agree that it was about the hatch.
  3. Good catch SDS!
  4. It very well could be...but I am not so sure. I tend to believe the guy's story that he was influenced by the powers of the numbers. If "The Hanso Mathematical Forecasting Initiative" is for real, that could explain the numbers' power...
  5. Okay, I have been MIA for the first three weeks on the LOST theories, but I am ready to jump back into the game. First, a couple things to note (after reading this thread): 1) The tape Locke and Jack watched had KEY portions of the audio spliced out. For example, the narrator detailed the project, THEN proceeded to say something "happened" when they reached the island. This opens the door for what some of you have already said, that Dharma is NOT the only thing on this island. Something was there before. And that something is WHY they have to input the code (according to the film). So there is still a big mystery. 2) The "monster": According to the Daneille in Season 1, the monster is only in the Dark Territory...the Hatch is NOT in the dark territory. So it is possible (not saying it is for sure) that the monster was not a part of the project and was in fact there before Dharma. 3) Also, Danielle has been there 16 years...the "others" who took Alex had been there even longer according to her. At most, the Dharma project has been on the island for 25 years (the film was made in 1980). I don't know what that means (if anything), but think it will be important to keep in mind...the "others" could have existed on the island before Dharma.... I got more. But those are just things that sprang to mind while reading this thread... Oh, but the big thing I haven't seen anyone discuss is the new Website....: http://www.thehansofoundation.org/ http://www.thehansofoundation.org/activeproject.html Read those project listings...they explain a lot but open even more doors.
  6. I am totally guessing here...but it could be possible he is not allowed on the sidelines while he is still recovering and on crutches for fear of him being accidently run into during a play or something? Maybe he has to be up in the booth, so essentially he isn't on the field with the team...at least for a couple weeks.
  7. http://img276.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dharma8wn.jpg http://img367.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lost3if.jpg http://img384.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lostoctagon2hr.jpg http://www.bartlettdesigns.com/fengshui-baguaoctagon.html http://www.yogamag.net/archives/2000/5sep00/swantheo.shtml Interesting.... (not my find! From another site...)
  8. His exact words where: "What did one snowman say to the other snowman" And that riddle was on the card michael made for walt while he was in the hospital.....!!!!
  9. Not to speak for the man, but Kelly is not writing off the Bills. He is just saying we can't predict anything with this team BECAUSE JP is still an unknown quantity. The Bills could very well rip off 8 in a row. They could lose 8 in a row. The point is, we should just brace ourselves for the ride.
  10. Thanks Every 1,000 posts or so I get a good one out.
  11. I agree on JP 100%. I think most people anticipated JP to be a roller coaster, but nearly everyone banked on the Defense being good enough to support the growing pains of a young QB. But over the past two weeks that security blanket has been yanked away and now people are going a bit bonkers. The fact is now that there are no certanties with this Buffalo team (as if there ever was). We can't bank on the Defense shutting down every opponent. There will be games where the Offense is good, and games when the offense is bad. But without the certainty of a dominating defense, how can we possibley know what to expect the rest of the year? There could (and I think will be) games where the Defense plays up to our expectations and the team will win. I just don't think there will be as many as those types of games as we had originally expected...especially with Spikes out for an extended period of time. Should we throw in the towel on the season? Absoultey not! As the cliche goes, "on any given Sunday..." Nothing could more aptley describe the rest of the season for these Bills. But I say, "GO BILLS!"
  12. Yeah, I had my binocs on him when he was down on the field after the play and I saw London walking back to the sideline repeating to himself: "F*(^ me". that about sums it up...
  13. All we know is it's his achilles...and he couldn't put any weight on it. At best it's a sprain. But it's not a sprain.
  14. I see what you are saying, and I love McNabb. But I just write off Brady as a mere product of the system. Especially if they get another ring this year.
  15. Big Ben may be great. But we just don't know. He has only played one season. Let's see how holds up. But the others have played just as long or longer than Brady and don't have nearly the same amount of 4th quarter success (or success in general). Honestly look at the situation, if Brady wasn't a Patriot, it would be easier for you (and all of us Bills fans) to admit how good he is. It's just a shame he is in our division. I hate him, but damn if he isn't the best QB in the league.
  16. WHAT?! McNabb? (love him, but he choked in the 2 min drill in the superbowl) Rotheslberger is far too young to be called anything other than an unknown Vick is the best athlete, but has ZERO accuracy. Manning has never been clutch...ever. You cannot say he is the product of the system anymore. That worked for one year...maybe two. But the man keeps winning. 12/12 for 168 yards in the 4th quarter against one of the best Defenses in the league ON THE ROAD. Enough said.
  17. I agree. Manning is a GREAT passer. But he isn't nearly as clutch or the leader that Brady is. I just wish the guy wasn't in our f'ing division.
  18. The game was won by Brady. He took it from them. You have to give the guy credit. When the game is on the line is there anyone else in the league you would want leading your team? God I hate him...but you have to respect him.
  19. He can't kick it if Brady doesn't get them there. 12/12 in the 4th quarter, the guy is a machine. Unreal. Best in the league.
  20. Brady shows again why he is the best QB in the league. 12/12 168 yards in the 4th quarter on the road...
  21. Betty refers to WWII Japanese Bombers. They were called "Japanese Bettys". It's a derogotory term to refer to a Japanese person as "Betty"...
  22. It could be a second Walt.
  23. Well, if the script page on the LOST website is to be believed, there is no reason to believe that the post - op sarah is the same person as the pre-op sarah....or for that matter that the Desmond on the island is the same Desmond from the Stadium, or that pre-crash Locke is the same Locke now or Walt etc.... It's not really a spoiler, but the angle I took is based from a script page (on the LOST website pointed out to us by Mr. Clutch) from the first few minutes of next week's episode...
  24. Interesting page...but if it's real (it could be a tease), then you shouldn't be TOO worried since it's just the end of ACT ONE (which should be around the 10 minute mark of next week's show). Very interesting indeed though...it would explain a lot (like Sarah's miracle, the guy in the stadium, Walt's appearence on the island, Locke's transformation from the chair to what he is now....)
  25. Certainly could be... But the fact that they are rotating (possibly) personelle into the hatch, it seems like they are instead monitoring the affects of something outside the box rather than inside the box.
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