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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Poor MR. Everyone hates her...now this. She must LOVE JJ Abrams right about now for talking her into this role
  2. Impossible. The rent is too high anywhere else.
  3. The movie has also exceeded the 250 million dollar mark. Making it on of, if not the, most expensive feature. Of course, that title will only last until the 260 million dollar Superman comes out in the summer. Jackson apparently financed a large portion of the movie himself. Must be nice!
  4. Having surgery now will be much easier than having it 5 years from now. The younger you are, the quicker you will recover. I had complete reconstructive surgery when I was 17. I was able to make a full recovery in time for the season. It took about 5 months to recover fully. I was healthy enough to play for another 4 years... I avoided having my other shoulder fixed, now I regret waiting. The doctor tells me the recover now will be three times as long to get back to 100 percent and will only go up the longer I wait. If you need the surgery, bro, get it done while you are young. Just my non-MD advice.
  5. What the heck did you learn about Malard Ducks?!?!
  6. No new episode next week. It's a repeat The preview said something about "upcoming on Lost", not "next week on Lost". So frustrating. More thoughts on the episode to come...
  7. Last season I was under the impression that Kate has some official military training in her background. I am going on nothing more than her ability to handle weapons in the bank flashback. It certainly is TV and her skill in that scene could be attributed to just that. But knowing how much Abrams loves female military/special ops type characters, it wouldn't surprise me if at one point in time she worked for some sort of government agency. This is a total guess though, based soley on her one flashback in the bank and in some ways her interaction with the Marshall. I don't really think it's right, but it's always been in the back of my mind.
  8. They took a big/fast TE this year. He just has a bum knee right now. Mercedes (I think that's the UCLA's TE name) is good, but will most likely be a 2nd rounder. No need to take a TE in the first two rounds for the Bills. They are in dire straights in other positions. Those must be priority.
  9. What was the prank pulled on JP? I forget...
  10. The writers are not attempting to establish AL as an anti-hero, nor do they need to. The writers have crafted her as a tragic hero (more Oedipus than Jim Stark). Every move she has made on the island has been rooted in the belief that she was doing the right thing for others (saving everyone over just Sawyer, Nathan in the pit, Goodwin, even Shannon), however she has tragically f'ed up nearly every one of those situations. I'm not saying she has acted prudently, but everything she has done has been understandable in relation to her character and the situation. This does not make her an anti-hero. It makes her a tragic figure. It's also the reason why people are having such a hard time (myself included) sympathyzing with her character. To introduce a tragic hero so late in a story is difficult because the tragedies she causes involve characters we have known longer and understand more fully than AL. So instead of coming off as tragic, she is coming off as a B word. It's an interesting choice from a dramatic standpoint, but perhaps a necessary one. With no hatch to discover, no French woman, no monster (at least at the moment), no raft to build, there needed to be a disruptive force within the camp itself to cause conflict. This last few episodes (save for the montage at the end of "The Other 48 Days" have been very well written in my eyes. Restored my faith in the show.
  11. The problem isn't that the Bills lost to a good team (which the Chargers are). The problem is HOW they lost to a good team.
  12. 1) She is dead (Cast interviews make this clear) 2) AL shot her (Producer interviews make this clear) 3) Remember that there is another gun -- Sayid is carrying one. My guess is there is a struggle, the come comes free and AL picks his gun up and shoots that one.
  13. The only thing today showed was that JP is better than KH. There is no reason for MM to go back to KH as the starter. Even if OBD is holding onto the notion that the playoffs are within reach (ha!), JP gives the team the best chance to win. If MM even thinks about going back to KH when he is healthy then he should be sent packing.
  14. Absolutley correct. It was a big source of discussion on here during season one as well. The writers have room to make new story lines (Hurley for example was never supposed to be a major character -- but they just loved Garcia so much they kept giving him more and more lines) but there is a path the main plot(s) have to follow. And the path was created before Season 1 even began production. That doesn't mean they don't adjust it every so often if one thing is working better than others, but everything I have ever heard about the show from producers to writers says there is an overall plan which they are following. Monster included.
  15. You can't write a show like this without knowing the finish line long before you get there. There is certainly room to run with storylines, but the overall plot / mythology is definitley written already.
  16. New Theory: What if the code and the button are part of the monster/security system. They have to hit it every 108 minutes to reset the Monster. The purpose of the monster is to keep the "others" from crossing over to this side of the island... ...meanwhile, at the other hatch (with the different symbol), they stopped pressing the button (or the computer was destroyed....or it was the orginal site of the 'incident' the film talked about) and without the monster to protect it, the others roam free there. ?
  17. I dunno. I thought this was possibly the worst episode of the entire series. Very dissappointing. The only interesting thing was the "Lost Boys" walking through the jungle. Anyone else feel like they were watching Peter Pan when the feet were walking through, especially with the Teddy Bear tied to a rope (just like in the book). Other than that, it blew.
  18. And I can argue that an elephant doesn't have a trunk.... ....but then we both would look like fools.
  19. I still think it's entirely possible that Sawyer, Jinn and Mike are NOT on the same island that they were originally. The tail broke off in mid-flight. It's possible, if not logical, that it landed on another land mass. And Sawyer and Mike had no way of tracking their progress as they floated on the raft, they saw an island and assumed they had drifted back. Since we all know the Swann is 3 out of 6, the tail-enders could be on a different island with a different station. It could in fact be part of the psychological experiements (one a control group the other the test group). There is no way the hatch is connected to the "other" hatch. I toyed with the notion that behind the cement wall that Sayid and Jack found was the "other hatch". But that doesn't make sense as the survivors would have certainly stumbled across eachother since it is so close to the beach.... I'm not saying they ARE on another island, but it wouldn't shock me...and might explain a lot.
  20. A good time waster: http://thedharmainitiative.org/ then click LOGIN and try to crack the code... I haven't been able to yet, and honestly I don't know if this is a LOST sanctioned site, but it could be???
  21. Just got back from class...I will go check again to be sure....gimme one sec. Mia culpa! I was wrong. He said a solar race around the world...his boat crashed on the reef. Good call
  22. No, I watched it twice. He said a solar baloon race around the world. I am positive.
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