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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. I hear what you are saying and agree Manning has more tools. But, call me a stickler, the guy has to show me he can win the big one. And he has never shown that ability. It has been the knock on him since he was at Tennessee. When the game gets tight, Manning has the unbelievable ability to out-think himself. He thinks TOO hard and makes mistakes where as Brady goes out and plays. His teammates respond to that. You make a great comparison w/ Young and Montanta. Both won super bowls, both different style players. For me, I think of Kelly vs Marino. Marino was the better passer by far (sorry to say), but Kelly was the better leader. Neither won the big game, but Kelly still brought his team to the dance more than Dan did. Give me Kelly any day. (and I feel slightly disturbed that I am blowing Brady up this much...it goes against every fiber of my being. lol)
  2. I'm not a draftnik by any means, but I can't fathom 3 TEs going in round one (even though I know how good all three of those TEs are). I also can't imagine Ferguson falling that far (someone will move up to get him). White will move way up come combine time. Def a top 15. And Marooney and Calhoun will be first rounders.
  3. Hahahahaha! Oh god, I will be watching tomorrow night I guess. (gulp).
  4. Well if that's true, then how could Manning have made NE win tonight? Or for that matter make NE better and the Colts worse? You cannot simply dismiss winning, moxie, leadership and pure heart from the single most important position in all of sports. It can't be done. I have played on teams with great QBs, and teams with great leaders who played QB. And I always won more with the leader than the kid with the golden arm.
  5. We'll see! There's a reason I don't bet on sports. I'm always wrong on predictions, so I think I just jinxed the panthers and assured Manning of his ring.
  6. I don't see them getting past the Panthers. Just a hunch.
  7. Wait...are you serious? JJ is going to be on 24? 24 is one of my favorite shows, but this might ruin it for me.
  8. I know I was...but then again I live in Boston in heart of the Patsy mania. The best part of my night was my roommate going to bed early because he "couldn't watch anymore"...and this was in the third quarter! Typical of most Pats fans I've met.
  9. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Manning is bad or not a good QB. Picking between Manning and Brady is like choosing between a Porsche and a Ferrari. Either way you win. I just measure a QB in his ability to win games more than his abilities as a pure passer. Manning has to show me he can win the big game. He couldn't in college, he hasn't thus far in the pros. Doesn't mean he won't (I think he will get a ring or two at some point but not this year), but till he does, he will always be the second best QB in the NFL right now to me.
  10. Three rings to none. 10-1 in the playoffs and unbelievable in the clutch. All things Manning is not. Manning is the better passer. Brady is the better leader. I'll take Brady.
  11. In my mind there still is no question who the best QB in the league is. And his name isn't Manning. I'm glad the Pats lost. I'm glad the love fest is over...but they will still be the team to beat as long as number 12 is taking the snaps in my mind.
  12. I'm going to stop posting when I'm hung over....
  13. Yeah, you're probably right about that. I don't really know where it comes from, I lumped the middle east together I guess:) But think Sayid will play a role in someway with Eko and the drugs.
  14. OKay, I watched it again tonight with my roommate and now am positive about the Sayid and Heroin connection. The two drug sellers in Nigeria say "Sayid" during their conversation when Mr. Eko wants to buy the drugs. Factor that in to Sayid being cuffed in Kate's background and Iraq being a major Heroin producer and I say it's a no brainer. Did anyone else catch that?
  15. Could be. I know I heard it said somewhere before (on this board) that people thought the "monster" caused the crash in the first place. You and sloth may be on to something. I am just glad the show is back on the air. The last 4 episodes have been great.
  16. Thats okay. I posted a link I found on the net (a bunch of em) that show each picture in the smoke. It's somewhere in this thread....(pg 3 of the thread)
  17. It happens so fast that the only way to see is to pause it and go frame by frame. The link with the pictures though has all of 'em.
  18. Totally. HGH may be worse for you than steroids. The league today is dirtier in terms of drugs than it was in the 80s. It's just more "hi-tech" now. But honestly, I don't think many fans really care. Do you?
  19. If you think steroids are out of the picture in todays NFL you are nuts. Go look at a tape of Superbowl 25 and then watch the playoffs this weekend. The players are TINY compared to today. Yes, the NFL has a steroid policy which is better than MLB. But, they still don't test for HGH. The NFL has a better image than baseball, but it is just as dirty, if not more so. The thing is, no one cares about NFL records and people like bigger, more violent hits, so fans don't really care if NFL players juice, not like they do in baseball.
  20. I never weighed in on MM staying or leaving. Frankly I was willing to give him another year, but didn't really care either way. However, I do see some people's points that it sends out a bad message to the rest of the potential candidates when MM agrees to stay and then suddenly leaves. It could scare qualified people away. But who knows. I am reserving judgment until they announce a new coach. I am not a fan of Hasslett though and like everyone else fear he will be the new coach.
  21. That was a common thought in Season one, but the Producers nixed that idea and said flat out that it was not purgatory...that is if you believe the producers. But you are certainly right, everyone on the island is battling with past demons and looking for redemption in one form or another. So maybe it's not purgatory in the religious sense as in they're dead, but an earthy purgatory set up by the Darmah Initiative? I would make as much sense as any other explanation. That being said, I'm not sure what exactly is going on yet:)
  22. I found this online, pictures of everything in the smoke. I don't agree with all the guy's lables, but the pics are cool: http://lost.cubit.net/pics/2x10/ekoVsMonsterPartner.jpg http://lost.cubit.net/pics/2x10/ekoVsMonsterEkoBro.jpg http://lost.cubit.net/pics/2x10/ekoVsMonsterBrotherShot2.jpg http://lost.cubit.net/pics/2x10/ekoVsMonsterYoungEko.jpg http://lost.cubit.net/pics/2x10/ekoVsMonsterBrother.jpg http://lost.cubit.net/pics/2x10/ekoVsMonsterFace.jpg http://lost.cubit.net/pics/2x10/ekoVsMonsterPriest.jpg http://lost.cubit.net/pics/2x10/ekoVsMonsterWoman2.jpg http://lost.cubit.net/pics/2x10/ekoVsMonsterWoman.jpg http://lost.cubit.net/pics/2x10/ekoVsMonsterChurch.jpg http://lost.cubit.net/pics/2x10/ekoVsMonster09.jpg http://lost.cubit.net/pics/2x10/ekoVsMonsterCrucifix.jpg The fact that the moster was taking pictures (or reading) Eko's memory is curious. It apparently did the same to Locke when it "looked him in the eye". Another thing to consider, remember during the episode "The other 48 Days", Goodwin said only the GOOD people were on the list and being "taken". Well, they tried to take Eko on the first night, but he killed them. According to that logic, it would mean Eko was already redemed (maybe the work he did as a priest before hand) even though his back story made him look like an evil mfer...(till the end). Cable, you made a good point about the 40 days. Isn't that also how long Lent lasts? I thought that is what it was really for, repenting for his sins. Final note...the guys that Eko bought the Heroin from in the beginning. Did you notice them? They weren't South American, they were Middle Eastern. Could they in some way be linked to Sayid and what he was being arrested for during Kate's flashback?
  23. Same with the Black Rock. The ship that somehow washed ashore...in the middle of the jungle (no where near the beach). Realistically it's never going to happen. But in context of the f'ed up island and all the mysteries, it fits.
  24. http://lost.cubit.net/pics/2x10/jesusStick.jpg A close up of the stick....
  25. My buddy just sent me this after looking at his Tivo version. About the smoke. -------------------------------- In the order they appear: a church a small nigerian boy nigerian lady that sold the statues the old man he shot at the begining echo coming out of water in the plane crash one of the nigerian drug runners before he got on the plane a nigerian lady echo holding his brother wen he was shot and jesus on the cross ------------------------------ Now, I only got two faces when I saw it....but who knows. This was just something he sent me figured I would send it along....
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