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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Oh, okay...that makes sense. Probably Eko's plane crashing then. My brother said it didn't happen during a "vision" which I found hard to believe. But that's probably what happened. Makes much more sense than a real plane crashing and no one catching it...
  2. Did anybody hear/see anything about another plane crashing on the island during this episode? I certainly didn't catch it, but my brother told me that during a scene with Kate, in the background there is another plane crashing... Can anyone confirm this?
  3. I was just worried I wasn't "in the know" about a new Moorman nickname or something.
  4. From the title, it sounds like a Sawyer episode.
  5. He didn't turn down the role. CBS wouldn't let him out of his contract. He wanted to be Indy, tested for it and was pissed at CBS for not letting him go. Thank the movie gods that CBS held him to his contract though, could you honestly imagine him in that role over Ford?
  6. Oooh...gotcha. Eko's brother's name was Yemi. But yeah, I hear what you are saying (and agree). I just thought I missed a scene with Eko and the baby
  7. No...Locke had a slow burn building since he found out Charlie was carrying around the statue (a couple episodes ago). I think most of it was dissapointment in Charlie and his own inability to save him (interesting that he used that line to Claire regarding Charlie's inability to save himself). Charlie stepped WAY over the line, he was justified in punching him. As for Locke putting the statues away, I thought it was more for future use (never know when someone is going to need a pain killer -- especially with a war coming) rather than blackmail.
  8. What about Eko and Aaron? I must have missed something... Other than Eko talking about Aaron's namesake and the baptism, what other interaction did Eko have with the baby?
  9. Want to stop all the swearing, fighting and generally ill tempered behavior during the games? Sell weed instead of alcohol. Of course then no one would be watching the game, they would all be waiting in line for their nachos, pretzles and other munchies. But hey, at least no one would be fighting or swearing -- unless it's over which band is better: The Greatful Dead or Phish. (Damn hippies).
  10. But the boat is a short range boat, not an open ocean boat (according to Sawyer at the beginning of the season), so they can't use that to escape.
  11. That sounds about right. I tore my labrum at both junctures as well as the bicep in a pretty bad shoulder injury. They couldn't scope it, so it was open surgery, but even so, I was doing rehab hours after surgery to bring back the range of motion. What to expect: It is painful, but not as bad as I was told it would be. All in all rehab for me lasted from February until May, though I was lifting and running sooner than expected. The most annoying part for me was sleeping in a sling (you have to sleep in a sling for several weeks. It's not fun, but I would not put it off either. I put mine off for longer than I should have and I only !@#$ed it up more.
  12. Very. Since I'm not familiar with that site, I lean towards theory they just lifted their info from Soprano's post. That doesn't mean either is wrong though...just means its still not any more official than when Soprano said it earlier tonight.
  13. I dunno either, but reading back through Soprano's posts tonight it covers everything he said. Which means either they both have the same inside source or they just bit a post from TSW and posted it on their own site. We'll find out soon enough I suppose
  14. Isn't this almost verbatim what Sopranos reported earlier tonight? Could it be www.!@#$.com got this story from the TSW and not an official source?
  15. To me, this episode told us a lot about the others, or at least what they aren't: 1) the "Others" aren't the ones running the expirements on the lost-aways. 2)They are not the ones whispering. 3)Nor are they associated with the Dahrma Initiative. *This is all based on the theory that the "whispers" are people experiementing on the lost-aways...if you don't buy that theory than my conclusions are meaningless...and I don't know if I buy that theory myself yet. I say this because the lost-aways would gladly leave if someone would tell them how to. So there would be no need for the "Others" to give that whole speech unless the "Others" didn't know how to leave either. So it seems like the "Others" were just there first. Maybe the first rats trapped in Darhma's maze. That being said, it still bugged me. Once we saw the "others" were just people, I just kept thinking, "Jack Bauer could kill all these bastards...". I wanted to see a war -- it took some of the mystery away I guess. Though I'm glad to hear Jack say he wants to form an army. They better get biblical on some of these "others" and end it quick! lol
  16. Damn. I know nothing about picking coaches, but Sherman nor Jauron excite me. Grimm and Rivera do though (for some reason).
  17. I have been a bit out of the loop the past two days. I know it seems like Juaron and Sherman are the two favorites. But has there been any rumors of Grimm or Rivera interviewing for the HC job? Or are they rumored to be heading elsewhere? Of the coordinators out there, they would be the ones I would be most interested in having in Buffalo.
  18. Kim is coming back this season...IMDB has Cutbert listed in 7 episodes this season
  19. I don't know where I read it, but over the last week I read about an upcoming episode where Jack is running down a hall. And there are two signs, one pointing to the bathrooms and the other to where ever Jack is running. Kiefer ran into the Bathroom during one take, and they sent it to the network as a joke because so many people wonder when he goes to the can.
  20. We had this conversation last night, Manning is good, but he loses the big games because he plays tight and over-thinks. His stat line was more impressive than his decsions today. He was miserable. But it was not all his fault. Pittsburgh played great, and you gotta give credit where credit is due.
  21. It's another good point with Elway. Okay fine, I will stop the Brady talk for the night. I think living in Boston is rubbing off on me Elway is a good point. I like Manning and hope he proves me wrong this year. But I still need him to show me
  22. You could be right. You know more about the class than I do.
  23. I have a feeling GB takes White. He will go very high, the guy is a player. You think Calhoun will last till round 2? I don't know enough about him. I just figure percentage wise you are going to get 4-5 RBs going in round one (Bravin only has 3).
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