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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. There is nothing the Coen's can't do. They wrote "Barton Fink" (brilliant movie, one of their best efforts) while suffering from writers block during the scripting of "Miller's Crossing" (another great flick). That just says it all right there.
  2. I admit, I felt evil for laughing at it as hard as I did...for about 3 seconds.
  3. You think you need a new pair of boxers? Check this kid out! http://www.break.com/movies/kidscaredgame.html
  4. The way to pinpoint it is the picture of Kate. When her father was looking at the picture in the humvee, she was at oldest 12 years old. Kate was at least 18 when she killed her real father. She has not been on the run since 1991 or even 10 years...it's not possible based on her age as established by this episode. The video in the recruiting office does not help show how long Kate has been on the run for, it only showed us more about Sayid.
  5. I heard the exact opposite. It's deep in all the areas the Bills are weakest.
  6. Thanks! I was tired of all my posts having the URL in the middle of them. Don't worry, I will use this knowledge for good. No photos of Pan from me. (shudders)
  7. How do you mask your links when you post stuff? Can someone share with me the idiot's guide for hiding links? Thanks!
  8. This flash back (I am assuming) took place between the other two Sawyer episodes and after Kate killed her father. We know it was before the second Sawyer flashback (where he shot the man he thought to be Sawyer), most likely it was AFTER the first flashback where we saw him walk away from the con of the wife and husband. I say that because this time instead of going after a married woman he went after a divorced woman (a sign of growth on his part). I assume this was after Kate killed her father because the mother was in a new restaurant and yet to be sick.
  9. I agree to a point. But remember her whole issue before was that he reminded him of her father and how she could never be "good" because her father was a part of her. And after the raft incident, everyone loved Sawyer and made it easier for Kate to feel something for Sawyer (as in maybe she misread him). But now his true colors have shown, and he screwed her over in the process. That is a tough pill to swallow. It will be interesting to see how she handles that. Also, when Jin finds out what happened to Sun (and you know he will)...look out.
  10. Yeah....this episode advanced both character and plot. Not much filling -- just rising action. Good stuff. The "long con" in my mind went down just as the guy in the restaraunt said. Sawyer had reservations about taking her money, but as he said to Charlie "I've never done a good thing in my whole life." He got cold feet, but then went through with it anyway. That parallels his story with Kate. He used her just as he used the woman from his backstory. His partner warned Sawyer that she would despise him for what he truly is once she found out. And Kate certainly looked like she despises Sawyer now.
  11. "Or another time. I'm kidding, dude." That won't come back around, now will it?
  12. Don't know if this was posted or not, but it is worth the time... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfODSPIYwpQ Crap...silver you beat me to it...That's what I get for not checking first
  13. So basically you're a glass-is-half-full kinda guy.
  14. I don't see Youboty being there at the 8 pick in round two.
  15. So wait, that means Soprano was wrong again? I thought his source said that Thurman was in? SHOCKER!
  16. That's because that sort of show is usually found on Skin-o-max.
  17. I don't think that's much of a spoiler (assuming its true). Without going into details...it would not be an unexpected story turn considering everything else.
  18. Sorry for the confusion. I should know better! Besides, I don't know how to hide links...I'm not hip enough to know that trick My parents took me and my brothers out to dinner one night. Don't know where exactly but it was a rather nice restaurant (well, as nice as you can get when you are totting two 6 year olds and a 1 year old). In the middle of the meal, my brother asked to go to the bathroom. He demanded to go alone...my mother agreed and stood outside the bathroom while he went into the bathroom (a small bathroom with one john sort of deal). My brother locked the door and proceeded to turn on the faucet while he answered nature's call. Next thing you know, the sink was over flowing. My mother couldn't get the door open and my brother refused to unlock it -- he was having too much fun apparently. By the time my mother finally got one of the waiters to get a key, my brother had flooded the bathroom. Needless to say we never went back to that restaurant.
  19. Sure, you tell me this now
  20. That's just wrong on so many levels.
  21. Every parent has had "that moment" where their child (either intentionally or not) has acted up in public. Sometimes it's embarrassing, other times it's down right hilarious...even if you can't laugh about it right away. I remember my brothers wedging my head into the revolving door at the Smithsonian (and somehow getting my ear stuck!). This triggered all sorts of alarms and to this day my mother won't let me forget how embarrassed she was watching the security guards dislodge my ear from the friggin' revolving door. What are some of your "moments"?
  22. Who says these pics are from Detroit? This week? Even this month? For all we know, these pics were taken mid season. The only clue that it was from this year is his beard. Good for him. Hell, if I was 23 and a multi-millionare I would probably be doing the same thing
  23. Last I heard, Kiefer was signed on for another 2 seasons at least. Since he is now a producer, he'll be around as long as the show is on most likely. Two years ago Fox almost pulled the show -- as long as the ratings remain high, Jack will keep having realy sh------- days
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