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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. He had to clear room in his schedule. Sopranos starts soon...
  2. Did they put RoboCop in the same room as Tony? Uh oh...that won't end well.
  3. I don't really agree that was the imagry they were going for. That episode, "All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues" was about Jack being able to save someone (Charlie) where he couldn't save the woman (and her child) in his flashback. That scene (almost shot for shot) was lifted from Cameron's the Abyss where Ed Harris revives Mary Elizabeth MasterAntonio (longest name ever). The imagry, espcially with the noose by his head resembling a thorny crown, was much more of redemption and resurection than birth. Just my opinion.
  4. 16 Blocks was a dissapointment. At times laugh out loud funny...only when it was trying to be serious though.
  5. I understand it. But you get that in Three Kings in the first five minutes of the film. That mentality is what drives virtually all the characters in the story to do what they do. Whereas in Jarhead it just bogs the viewer down in it without giving a solid context for the effects/psychology this has on the soldiers. We get it in flashes (with Saarsgaurd at the end especially) but not enough in my mind. To me, a good story draws you into its world whether you have lived in it before or not. So if you have to be a Marine to get a movie (or a cop/teacher/lawyer etc for any film) something is wrong at a story level. Again, I'm not saying Jarhead is bad, not at all. I thought the acting was great, I'm a fan of Mendes too. It just didn't follow through like it should have (and I'm not talking about them actually seeing action, I get that is the point of the film). Maybe if Jarhead was released five years ago I would feel differently, but I find it frustrating that Three Kings has more relevance to the current situation in Iraq than Jarhead does. And Three Kings isn't supposed to be a "drama" like Jarhead, it was more of a dark comedy in the same vein as Catch 22.
  6. I'm sure if you're a marine the movie holds more weight. Same can be said about Saving Private Ryan, if you were a WWII vet that movie has so much more relevance than it would to an ordinary civillian. The difference is SPR has a better story (from purely a storytelling/cinematic pov). Jarhead's STORY doesn't follow through, thus in my mind, it falls apart. Jarhead is good. But for my money, Three Kings is a better Gulf War film.
  7. The first 5 min ARE Full Metal Jacket (the training sequences in the very, very beginning). It is almost a carbon copy. Then it falls apart. However, Saarsgard, Foxx and Jake are very good in the film.
  8. I'm on the sloooooow side, but I'll get there eventually.
  9. Did I miss something, is FFS now Pyrite Gal? Just curious...
  10. http://abc.go.com/fsp/index.html?channel=Lost Okay, I didn't find a screen cap of the escape hatch, but in the first video "Previously on Lost Maternity Leave" you can see it at the 29 second mark on the right hand side of the screen.
  11. Yeah, they def had it there for a reason (and for us to see it). It was in at least 3 different scenes/shots. I don't know how to do screenshots, so I'm no help, but EZ it was a tiny door (smaller than a normal door) with red lettering ontop of it that said "Escape Hatch" along the wall of the main hall. It just seemed odd that the girls didn't at least point it out and wonder....
  12. Friendly = Zeeke/Bluebeard/the guy on the boat who took Walt off the raft/the guy Jack and Sawyer spoke with in the Jungle who had the lugger to Kate's head. IMDB called his character Mr. Friendly...though I am still partial to Bluebeard. He was also the guy talking with Ethan last night outside the baby's room only he was groomed. Desmond took a lot of the vaccine, but he left tons behind in the cabinets. I'm not saying Jack would use it, but you would think someone would have found it by now and asked what the hell it was.
  13. Oh, one more thing I forgot: 8) Why didn't ANYONE look in the ESCAPE HATCH in the medical hatch? It was along the hall on the hallway and went in a different direction than the enterance that Everyone was using.
  14. Couple thoughts and theories to throw out there in no particular order: 1) Don't look too much into the costumes left behind. The "others" had PLENTY of time to clean house, they took everything of value and just happened to "leave" the costumes? I'm not buying...the "others" wanted the Lost-aways to find them. 2) But...the flashback with Friendly sans-beard is illuminating. It shows they HAVE been dressing up for some reason. Could it be (and this idea came from my friend but I love it) that the REASON the "others" would use costumes is because the Lost-aways would recognize the "others" from their civilian lives??? 3) Eko's beard: Another theory from a friend, not sure about it, but it seemed to fit is he cut off his beard to symbolically unburden himself (two lockes of hair for the two men he killed?) 4) The ploy with Locke is very believable, sure it's cliche but remember Locke's history. He HATES being in middle managment (the box-factory and his boss all the rankor there). The prisoner KNEW that (showing me he knows who Locke is, proving he is an Other and the passengers were chosen long ago) and KNEW how to get into Locke's head. 5) When is Jack going to realize the vaccine is in their Hatch? You would think Jack, being a doctor, would have found it already... 6) The psychologist (Libby) is probably an "other".
  15. But he has CHARACTER! Isn't that all Marv cares about?
  16. I've been waiting since Season 1 for them to let Aaron cap some fools.
  17. They must have shot this episode while Kiefer was off shooting "The Sentinel" because he was onscreen for less than 10 minutes.
  18. What do Tats have to do with a man's intelligence?
  19. Funny that Kiwi got confused by a Boston accent...considering he has lived in the damned city for 4 years
  20. Billy, do you like gladiator movies?
  21. But....but.....Coy Wire is a character guy! In all seriousness, the kid is ALL character (sadly not much else). So how would cutting him fit with Marv's claim to be all about the character guys?
  22. Sam Jackson in a bad movie??? Next you're going to tell me "Snakes on a Plane" is NOT going to be any good! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0417148/
  23. I want to see the Bills grab a stud OL or trade back to stock up on picks. However, the thought of the Bills drafting D. Williams isn't as nauseating as I originally thought. The kid is a stud. Still, it won't happen. If the Bills go for a skill position at the 8 spot, I bet it would be in the form of Vernon Davis or a stud DB. But what do I know.
  24. But the phone is not nearly as much fun to look at....
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