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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. You are really going to count the season he lost with a broken leg? JP has only 8 starts. That's HALF a season.
  2. And Eli was given another shot...so why not JP?
  3. No, he got up. He was initially knocked out but then made it into the vents. He also was at the terminal because we heard the buttons being pushed -- but again, I think he may have hit a different sequence...or at least it's possible.
  4. I don't know about the blast doors yet. If they are to do with the food drop. If they are designed to keep people inside the hatch inside and prevent them from getting to the food, it doesn't make much sense since you can simply go around them through the vents. Poor design. There is no doubt they are linked somehow, but I don't understand how.
  5. Depends on the quality. You could have 10 people shooting it, but it would take forever to film and eat up more money. Or, you could have 100 people shooting it, it would take less time but still cost money. Also, over 600 takes is a TON of film -- and film itself is incredibly expesive. Still -- 6 mill is awfully steep for a 3 min commercial. I'm guessing they are counting the amount of money/manhours they took figuring out how to make the parts move/interact properly.
  6. Yup -- it was a Lindelof/Cuse script. And considering how many potential tie-ins they made tonight (Locke knowing where Sayid's gf lives / Sawyer being Locke's dad / the map of the island on the hatch door / and the revelation of Gale) it makes sense they would be the ones to script it. I think that Gale did indeed type in a different sequence. It seems to me that he knew about this hatch but had never been "in" it before. Maybe the "Others" have been looking for this hatch (and that was the purpose of Gale's mission) because they need the computer or the lockdown sequence. Also, the bit about the missels can't be overlooked considering Hanso was a munitions expert. If each hatch is a missle silo, then maybe Desmond's theory about the button controlling the end of the world (maybe they're nukes designed to trigger a nuclear war wiping out the planet save for the "enlightened ones" on the island) might in fact be right.
  7. Yeah! lol Second time she's been on the show. We saw her during Locke's flashback in the beginning of the season too. Too bad Locke didn't score 4 touchdowns in a single game, otherwise Peggy would have accepted his marriage proposal.
  8. Oh, and I suspect Gale did not type in the numbers to the computer. He already knew how to work it (again a hunch) and typed something else in. Why do I say that? The last time the buzzer reached 00000 there were no black lights that sprung on. And why did the blast doors drop? Was it to prevent the people inside the hatch from getting the supplies? That seems unlikely since you can go around the blast doors through the vents.
  9. Clearly the most interesting part was the painting hidden on the blast door. It was on the blast door leading from the main room to the computer room. I froze that image (yes, I am a nerd) on my projector to get a clear view. Got some good stuff on that in a sec. Recap of the first half: The first half of the show dealt with Locke and Helen in flashbacks. Locke buys a ring and is ready to propose over a picnic lunch when Helen reads that Locke's father has died in the Obit collumn. So they go to the funeral (the only two there) and there are two shady, mobster guys watching them and a white car with tinted windows. Locke speaks at the funeral and only says one thing: "I forgive you". Later on in the flash back, we see Locke doing house inspections (he is a house inspector apparently) and he is inspecting a woman's house who is Sayid's GF from his original flashback (and she does not have a husband). Locke again sees the white car and the driver is...dum dum dum....his father. He faked his own death (more on this later) because he conned 700,000 from the two shady guys and needs Locke's help to get the money from a safe deposit box -- which Locke agrees to do. When will Locke learn?! On the island, Locke is in the Hatch with Gale and Jack and they are reacting to the "joke" Gale told at the end of the last episode. Jack flips and tells Locke to lock (sorry) Gale back up. Gale asks Locke why he lets Jack talk to him that way -- which causes Locke to unleash his anger. Shortly after locking him up, there is a countdown heard over the intercom speakers and suddenly the blast doors begin to close, sealing off the center room. Locke cuts a deal with Henry and gives him his word that if Henry helps him pry open the doors, he will "protect him no matter what Sayid and Anna find". Locke agrees and winds up getting stuck under the door. Of course now Locke needs to tell Gale about the button (big mistake) and how to dismantle it. Outside of the Hatch, Hurley, Kate and Sawyer are playing Hold 'Em for fruit and Sawyer is dominating. Enter Jack who is a good card player (of course this is an inside joke -- the Cast members play no limit Hold 'Em twice a week at people's houses and Matthew Fox apparently always loses). Sawyer goads Jack into playing and Jack wins -- cleans Sawyer out. Sawyer wants to up the stakes, Jack says they should play for all the medical supplies in Saywer's "Stash". Saywer agrees and we are treated to three of the best lines in the show's history. First, when Sawyer and Jack are arguing about cards Kate quips: "Should I go get a ruler?". Hilarious. Secondly, while Hurley and Libby watch the poker game from afar, Hurley goes, "Jack and Sawyer are finally going to beat eachother up." Of course Jack wins and when Sawyer asks why he didn't want to play for the guns, Jack goes, "When I need the guns, I'll get the guns." That should catch you up. Now for the fun bits: The map: It was a topographical map highlighting the water and mountain ranges on the island (which is apparently an octogon). There are 7 "Hatches" drawn along the perimeter with different symbols. Some we recoginze as the Swan (marked with a circle outside teh octogon saying "I AM HERE"), the other is the medical hatch and there is also another hatch that is crossed out which I assume is the abandoned hatch the Tailies found. In the center of the island is a big ? with another octogon around it. Interesting to note there are TONS of notes written outside of the octogon and most of them are too small to read (or are in another language). But the ones we can make out are roman numerals: 108, 107, 106 etc...all by various hatches. Wanna bet what they mean? You can also make out the words: Missel and a name Melinda. Also, by the Roman numeral 108 there is a note: "inactive since accident". If 108 is the Swan (which I think there is little doubt) it could mean that the button is infact useless now -- but I doubt that since Gale seemed VERY keen to know what was going on with the button. Another interesting thing to note is that all the hatches lead to the ? in the center but have large red X's through them, showing that maybe they don't reach the center -- except for the swan hatch. So maybe the swan hatch is the only one which can reach the center? It would explain why it is so important and why Gale is so interested in their hatch. Other stuff: A couple other notes that may or may not mean anything. I am convinced now that Locke's dad is infact Sawyer. They are one and the same. Who is another famous literay figure who faked his own death? You guessed it, Tom fuggin' Sawyer. Remember, our Sawyer took the name Sawyer after the man who conned his mother. And we learned tonight for certain that Locke's dad is indeed a conman. We also learned where Jack got his tattoos from (Thailand). What that means? Who the hell knows.
  10. I'm not an expert, but I would assume if anyone trades up to the 8 spot it would be to grab a QB (Young or Cutler) -- not to grab Davis. Either way, if Young or Cutler are still there at 8, I would expect the Bill's phone to be ringing off the hook. Oh, and I'm hoping the Bills take Davis at 8 -- hopefully he lasts that long.
  11. Both of which are still ridiuclous assertions. You are basing that notion on Dante's past accomplishments: all of which were accomplished with Moss and with his original knee ligaments. Who knows HOW Daunte is going to be come 2006? That's the point. Are the Dolphins better than the Bills? Yes. They were last year -- but the addition of Culpepper hasn't made them better yet. He could implode -- only time will tell. Oh, and I'll spare you the suspense -- Culpepper is NOT in Marino's class as far as QB's are concerned.
  12. The reason the vikings played from behind while Culpeper was in was because he kept turning the ball over. Also, the line was virtually the same when Johnson was starting vs Culpeper's time. So, if you look at the skewed stats there are only a couple reasonable conclusions any impartial fan can draw. Either: 1) Daunte struggled without Birk and Moss, the two guys he came to rely on most of all to help cover for his inability to read defenses (a knock that has followed him his whole career). 2) The Vikings suddenly got a whole new OL and WR group when Brad Johnson took over the job. or 3) It was a fluke off year for Daunte. Either way, you HAVE to factor in the knee injury. Now, with a new team (which, by the way, does NOT have a much better line than the Vikings), new scheme and a new knee, any sane person has to resist calling Dante the answer to the Dolphin's prayers. At least until they see if he can do it without Moss (which he has yet to do), on a new knee and in a new system. But then again, that assumes you are interested in an impartial analysis of the situation -- which clearly you are not.
  13. Nothing...until you see that in 9 games (two more than DC), Johnson was sacked 23 times, threw 12 TDs (6 more than DC) and only FOUR INTs (8 LESS in two more games).
  14. Whaaaa? Isn't this entire threat about how Culpepper, in your mind, is the savior of the Dolphins??? Take some of your own advice!
  15. It's impossible to judge the offseason until after the draft. Espeically when the Bills have 4 picks in the top 80 of a very deep pool. Frankly, this draft will determine the state of the team for the next 5 years. You cannot afford to have this many top 80 picks and blow it. There is a real opportunity here for the Bills to reload with some good, young players (either staying put or trading back for more picks etc). Until draft day, I'm not willing to judge Marv or the new regime.
  16. If you classify 12 INTs to only 6 TDs, 31 sacks (in only SEVEN games) and a horrific, career threatening knee injury (to a running QB) as a "blip down year", I would HATE to see what you consider a poor year.
  17. Agreed. Let's not forget that the "Others" seem to be particularly interested in children too. With all the weird stuff on the island it is not out of the realm of possibility that one of the "experiements" revolves around pregnancy. Claire was pregnant Sun is now (after a miracle) I thought Shannon was going to get knocked up before she died (being the first ones to bone on the island, I thought that might be where the writers were going with Shannon/Sayid's story before she got iced). And how much do you want to bet that Kate's pregnacy test came back positive too? The one she talked to Sun about (not that she is pregnant now).
  18. I had a lecture a few months ago with the guy currently assigned to write the A-Team movie. It is coming soon. A big 120 million dollar budget with a big cast. 50 Cent turned down the role of BA (thank god). The fact that he was offered the role terrified me though.
  19. Better than the other way around, no?
  20. Homer may be dumb...but The Simpsons is not a dumb show. It's more intelligent than most of the stuff on the tube these days.
  21. Hmm...being trapped under the water could be very symbolic of Tony being in a coma. Dunno though, just a long shot there.
  22. I'm just a huge movie/tv nerd.
  23. Yeah...spell check was invented for me. I need an editor.
  24. Definitely could be something to that. I took that whole scene in a similar manner -- before Tony goes down the stairs he is standing by the elevator and there is a sign on the wall (standard hotel sign) showing a person running down the stairs away from a fire (hell). I viewed his traveling down the stairs as Tony trying to escape his fate (it was right around there that Carm was talking about him not going to hell) and the numbers possibly having to do with Dante's inferno and the different levels of hell. I forget which circle of hell 5 is -- but it might be worth looking into.
  25. Sure. I mean, there are lots of ways to interpret the imagry, but that is how I interpreted the lighthouse he could see from his window. There were also (off the top of my head) The fire on the Hotel TV (Hell) The cross on the television & references to Sin, Disease etc (salvation) The bartender saying, "it's dead around here" The Monks slapping Tony (lots of ways to run with this one) The reference by the lady at the convention to "it's a whole new world". The missing wallet and ID to the voice on teh phone saying Tony's commitment to work was partly responsible for this prediciment (sins/responsibility etc) I'm not saying I'm right on any of these, but I think the episode was chalk full of imagry designed to make you think -- very self reflective in a way. You see what you want to see sort of thing. That is why I think the voice on the phone is so interesting to hear who everyone on here thinks the voice is. To me (again, not saying I'm right) I heard three different female voices for each conversation he had. Others are sure it was Carm, or Ad, or whoever. It's kind of fun that way.
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