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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. He said this in the debate. But the facts of the issue aren't that. He didn't notice there weren't any women applicants until several Mass women's groups pointed it out to him. Which makes it even more by the numbers as far as affirmative action goes -- --as well as furthering the conservative reinvention of Romney's record.
  2. Except for the fact it wasn't Romney who asked for more women when setting up his staff -- various woman's groups in Mass approached him after his election due to the lack of women on his proposed staff. Confronted with that, and keeping his eye on the White House, he asked for more women candidates. ...So...it kind of defeats your entire argument. #Sorry.
  3. iTunes has it.
  4. Not all of us are spaced out. Most of the time we're high.
  5. Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that a conservative slanted article chooses to quote Sorkin for their zinger?
  6. Just because the defense is poor, it doesn't excuse Fitz... this is flawed logic.
  7. Yup. Heard that for the past two years. Yet he continues to hang his receivers out to dry, getting them lit up, throwing in the dirt or too high, exposing them to unnecessary hits. I've been saying this for years now -- accuracy is more than just that statistic and it can't be taught. It's innate and Fitz doesn't have it.
  8. It would be a good theory if Fitz were ever accurate to begin with... Accuracy has always been his biggest issue. Even more than arm strength.
  9. Getting rid of the electoral college would be a mistake.
  10. Right. Right. I'm on it. I swear I'm NOT procrastinating. At all... That's funny because it's true. If only I weren't a hack I could totally nail that gig.
  11. I have to say ... I'm growing fond of the new avatar. It's no ht, but it's got its appeal. I'm one episode behind on this show. I guess I'm in the minority on it though as I'm enjoying it. The sword fighting is kind of retro-cool, and anything Giancario Esposito does I'll watch. Still think he should have won the emmy this year for Breaking Bad. Dude is awesome.
  12. Whew. Oh, man, stop messing with me! There was a guy this morning who I swear was following me. It totally freaked me out.
  13. It's a good thing we're a republic then. You're smarter than that, I know it because I've read and enjoyed many posts from you over the years. I agree with almost everything you say in this post but for the assertion that this movement towards bigger government will in anyway stop under Romney. The scope and power of the federal government to monitor and control the individual without due process expanded more under the 8 years of Bush than in any other time in American history. Despite being a socialist/marxist/progressive/whatever conservatives want to label him as, Obama has done nothing but strengthen those new instruments and continue the expansive reach of the federal government, continuing the work of the past 8 years. Both sides are marching us towards the same finish line, they just use different adjectives. Is it too late to change my residence and vote in Eagle Rock? It's Saturday!!
  14. And I thought I was paranoid.
  15. That article is about as relevant as this meme:
  16. I've only been one cruise -- was with the whole family (20+). I spent the time in the casino. It was fun, made some scratch, but the cruise life wasn't for me.
  17. Romney's got Macauly Culkin's vote then.
  18. Taken at a haunted house near Niagara Falls -- hilarious pictures. http://www.cbsnews.com/2300-504784_162-10014101.html?tag=page
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