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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. This is the problem right here. The Losman supporters ARE BILLS suppoters. He's the best QB on the roster right now. It's the anti-Losman posters who are more interested in their OWN agenda than the team. Not that they aren't fans, but they care more about being right than the team's QB finding success.
  2. The Bills made it but not the Eagles? I would think making it to 4 Super Bowls is less of a flop than losing all those NFC Championship games in a row... F*ckers. (this is when we REALLY neead the F:U smiley back)
  3. I totally agree. I don't think many people (if any) expect the Bills to beat the Bears in Chicago. At the Ralph it might be different (might being the key word) -- but on the road? Yikes! Still, since the Bills are always unpredictable, and since I've already marked next week as a L in marker on my calendar, that means the Bills will probably find some way to shock us all and win that game (then of course lose a layup game later on down the road).
  4. Hey man, that's what he wanted to be called. He would always say, "I'm the original P-Diddy" at camp.
  5. This is the point that always gets me with guys like HA and JDG. You are absolutely right that the jury is still out on JP. We don't know. We can guess, we have glimpses, but we aren't 100 percent sure either way with the kid. However, the one thing that is crystal clear, despite what HA and JDG may argue, JP is clearly the best QB ON THE ROSTER today. Better than Holcomb and Nall for what this offense demands. So, if that's the case, there is nothing a fan can do but watch JP go and hope he develops. Because really, what is the alternative? Just more rebuilding as you pointed out. Excellent point, Rock.
  6. http://www.buffalobills.com/multimedia/index.html The post game press conference (if the link doesn't take you right there)
  7. Good point. I left him off, not intentionally though. I respect him a ton, and feel he is a very good CB, but he never connected with me in terms of on and off the field personality as P-Diddy did. At camp and during the season, P-Diddy was just fun to watch and talk to. He seemed to really love Buffalo, care about the team and fans. Not that Antoine didn't, he might have, his personality just wasn't as big as Williams'. JMO though.
  8. Pat Williams returns to Buffalo. I don't know about you, but I am going to cheer him (if) he is introduced. He is still one of my favorites of the recent Bills teams. My loyalty is to the laundry of course, but P-Diddy is one guy I really love to watch play. Though I know some fans are planning on booing him for leaving town -- I won't be one of them. What say you?
  9. NE did the Bills a favor last night by dropping that game. If the Bills were 1-2 and looking up at a 3-0 Pats team, things would seem bleaker. This team has come a long ways since last December. They have a ways to go yet, but they will turn some more heads this year with their final record I think. Good post Joe.
  10. Against one of the best Defenses in the league though I think the Bills will win this game. I'm more convinced now than I was Friday. But Minny is better than I thought they would be.
  11. Wow, this is amazing to me -- not because I don't believe it (I was at the game) but just because the wind was so minimal in our section (129, Bills sidleline, tunnel endzone corner). I could SEE the wind in the Rockpile (the goalposts looked like they were going to come apart), but our section was pretty wind free. Just goes to show you how much the winds can change from one end of the stadium to the other. Amazing.
  12. Oh, it's totally staged, never thought otherwise... What I thought was most impressive was Kimmel's ability to keep a straight face while Damon was going nuts
  13. Congrats, bro! And happy (belated) birthday
  14. Pretty funny bit -- don't know when this aired (guessing this week?). But if you watch Kimmel Live, it's a reoccuring bit that Kimmel always "runs out of time for Damon" at the end of every show. Finally, Damon gets on the air.... http://www.break.com/movies/matt_damon_lea...immel_show.html
  15. In honor of posters from days gone by, can we start a petition to bring back the F:U smiley? He was so much fun...
  16. Re-reading the classic Homework thread is a trip down memory lane. Hilarious.
  17. Wow. This thread has left me speechless.
  18. Thank you I was way off.
  19. Call me a tard...but this thread is in B Z right?
  20. Never been on that board before...ever. What forum is it in? The assylum? I'm not seeing it.
  21. That's because all the other guys are wussies apparently.
  22. So bad it's good.
  23. Let's get back on topic and talk about how marketing majors are wussies! Surely there has to be a couple on the wall...Bueller? Bueller?
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