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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Me either. I think if Peterson slips out of the top 6 (which is a real possibility) there will be teams scrambling to trade up to get him. The Bills would have to take him if he's there, other teams know this -- meaning that some team ahead of the Bills could swing a rich deal. The only way the Bills get him is if they move up. And frankly, despite his talent, his injury scares the hell out of me and isn't worth the risk if it means giving up additional picks to get him. But that's me.
  2. He's actually known for just the opposite. He's a good blocker with suspect recieving skills. He's not much of a threat in the passing game. A recap of the Titians game this year should remind anyone of his shortcomings. The lack of a real recieving threat at TE has killed the Bills the past few years.
  3. Walker is a RB.
  4. Yes, but I would argue a knee injury is not as bad as a collar bone in the NFL. Knees, once repaired, are at no higher risk of being re-injured. But collar bones tend to keep breaking in the same spot. In my opinion, and it's just that, the two worst injuries for an NFL player are collar bones and achillies. Both usually end careers.
  5. The point is, breaking a collar bone is often a re-occuring injury that robs people of their careers. That is compounded when you factor in AP's upright running style and the workload he would be expected to carry in Buffalo. He's not the back for the Bills. Even if he's there at 12 (which he won't be).
  6. And when he breaks his collar bone again, what will you sing then? His injury history is down right scary when you consider the type of injury combined with his running style. He has gifts. He is the most talented RB in the draft. But I have serious doubts about his ability to remain healthy for 16 games.
  7. Best at the 40 ounce chug?
  8. This might be my new favorite thread of 2007.
  9. Agreed. Considering that the Bills have 8 DL under contract and only 1 RB and 3 CBs, I think it's safe to assume that DT will not be the first pick of the draft. Second round? Possibly. I would even go as far as to say Willis won't be picked either. With Crowell moving to the middle, Spikes apparently hanging around and Ellison, they don't have an immediate need. Of course, I'm always an advocate of taking the best player available, regardless of position, in the first round. That may well be Okoye at 12. Or, it may be Lynch, Peterson, Hall. I don't expect the Bills to try to move up -- if anything, I would think they would move back.
  10. Good post ... Quick question about Peterson though. I know he was injured this season, was it a broken collar bone? If so, I might shy away from him. That seems to be an often reoccurring injury -- and with the style of running Peterson would need to do in Buffalo, I think he would be more of an injury risk than even McGahee was when he was drafted. So trading UP to get him would be a huge risk. However, if he's sitting there at 12, and I don't think he will be, it might be worth a shot. Of course, this is just conjecture on my part.
  11. All good points. And you may well be right. We'll see soon enough. The thing for me is, I don't think any team would pass on Peterson because they have Green or Lewis -- two aging backs who won't las tmuch longer. There really haven't been that many "impact" running back moves this off season other than Thomas Jones going to the Jets so I'm not certain that teams are suddenly fine at RB.
  12. Possibly, but I doubt it. A lot of teams still need RBs, especially since RB by comitte is becoming the latest "fad" of the copycat league. Off the top of my head, teams that need backs still: Cleveland, Minn, Texans, Atlanta (all top 10 picks) plus Buffalo (if McGahee is dealt), GB, Tenn, NYG, Bal. I would even say Denver still would be interested. Point is, there are enough teams who need a star RB who pick before the Bills. And there are more than a few later in the draft who might move up if Peterson drops. When there is only one real "superstar" RB in the whole draft, he never makes it out of the top 10. Just doesn't happen.
  13. Peterson will be a top 5 pick. Someone will trade up to get him if he starts to slip and I doubt it would be the Bills who do so.
  14. How do you leave Kelly off that list?
  15. I am just now getting into the draft mode -- so admitedly, all I know about the prospects is what I've read on TSW. It seems thus far that Willis is a polarizing prospect. People either love him or hate him. Same with the LB from Penn State who people either feel is the perfect prospect, or an often injured, disaster waiting to happen.
  16. You think Willis will last till the Bears' pick?
  17. The coaching staff was high on Gandy during the initial part of the offseason. Marv went out of his way twice to praise him on two seperate occassions. Which led me to belive he would be brought back, or at least offered. Now, with the signings last week, it makes me wonder if it was just a smoke screen to throw other teams off their scent or if he was being serious. Personally I think Gandy played well at guard and feel he would be a better fit at RG than either Preston or Whittle. So I hope he does come back -- albeit with a low figure attached.
  18. Dude, in those first pictures she definitely already had plastic surgery done. Those things aren't real.
  19. Good points. The pictures that are safe for work aren't that bad -- these were apparently the ones that surfaced on Friday and caused the initial fuss. Sure, she's drinking at parties with her college friends, and on vacation on a topless beach -- but those are pretty tame considering she's 20 and in college. Now, the NSFW pics (the bj ones and calandar shots) are probably too racey for American Idol to let her hang around. Still, is it shocking to know that college age kids are having sex? No. It is shocking that she could be dumb enough to let a dude photograph her in the act though
  20. Well, it looks like she might be in trouble ... I don't want to link anything on here because they are all NSFW, but those who are so inclined, you can see Antonella performing all sorts of fun activities on the net. Including, topless on the beach, a semi-nude calandar she made for her boyfriend and several shots of an explicit knob job. In a weird way I feel sorry for her -- only because, with the exception of the explicit pics, the other pictures the media is making a fuss about are all pretty average college age activities (drinking, going to the beach, dancing etc). I have a feeling she'll be asked to leave American Idol. The bj pics are the nails (no pun intended) in her coffin.
  21. Sloth, you and I have gone back and forth last year about where the show is going, and I like some of Dr. Dank's thoughts as well. Still, I have a different theory that seems to make more sense considering the totality of the show. Curious to hear your thoughts ... My theory does not go into Dharma's original purpose, as Sloth's EW article points out, it failed. We know Dharma failed so it's not important to really understand it's original purpose, it's more important to understand why it failed. Most of the videos have pointed out that there were a wide array of researchers involved in the project. From the basic sciences to the paranormal. It seems to me that the project failed because these two extremes collided and splintered. From the believers in science to the spirtual/supernatural believers. This is backed up by the series' main theme: Science versus Faith. The Lost-Aways themselves can be divided into two tribes: those that believe in science (Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, Jin and Sun) to those that belive in faith (Locke, Charlie, Hurley, Claire, Desmond, Rose and Bernard). The writers have been ramming the notion of "two sides" down our throats since the first season. Think about the reoccuring themes of "black and white" (the backgammon game, the stones, Claire's dream) and "good versus evil". It's foreshadowing for the overall premise of the show. Here's what happened: Dharma split between two tribes, the Others (as we know them) were those rooted in real science. But we have already seen that the "monster" does not work for the Others. It opperates on its own -- or so we think. I believe the monster works for the other side, the part of Dharma that belives in faith/supernatural. It scans people to see their faith (which is why Locke saw a white light and Eko saw a black monster). Both of these groups are looking to recruit new members but are only interested in like minds. Hurley and Eko's stories are the key to figuring this out. At the end of Season 2, the Others gave Michael a list of Lost-Aways to recover and bring to them. Jack, Sawyer, Kate and Hurley. They let Hurley go because he is too "faith based" and cannot be turned. He was just a messenger to tell the others on the beach not to come back. But they kept Jack and the others. Eko was indeed spirtual, but lost his way. That is why the smoke didn't kill him until after he announced he was not sorry for what he did. However, the writers admit that this arc came too soon (Eko wanted off the show) -- so they had to rush it a bit. Eko's purpose was to save Locke (get him to push the button) and restore his faith. He did that by dying. Okay, I rambled. And it's not fully formed. But that is what I think is really going on. It's a war between the original Dharma members. One side is science, one side is faith. And they are fighting over new recruits. The eye patch guy Locke saw? He is going to be the first "faith based other" we meet. He will open up a whole new side of the show. Just a hunch.
  22. Anyone who has ever talked trash is obvioulsy a punk. Let's cut Spikes, Price, Parrish, Schobel, Peters and Lossman. While we're at it, guys like Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas, Andrea Reed should have their names taken off the wall for being punks too.
  23. Definitely an under rated flick! Possibley my favorite Richard Dryfuss movie.
  24. I was stuck in class all day yesterday (from around 7am until 7pm), so I was basically in a bubble. I had no idea what was going on (or being over blown) until I walked out to grab some late lunch around 4pm. I'm walking down Com Ave and I notice there are half a dozen helicopters hovering over the BU bridge, and a ton of state troopers were hanging around our campus. I asked a guy on the street what was going on and he goes, "The man is collecting lite-brites across the city". I had no idea what that meant. For a moment I thought I had stepped into a 1960's spy movie. So I tried to get an answer from another pedestrian who informed me, "Al Queda is trying to blow up the Prudential building". Funny enough, there were no choppers circling the Pru, so I moved onto the third helpful stranger who proclaimed "The cops are trying to make me late for work ... again." Strangely, I believed the last guy.
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