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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. You're not anti-stealing at all? That's surprising based on your posting history.
  2. No disagreement here. The model has changed and you're going to see more of this in the future. Most networks and cable providers do offer free-on-demand viewing of most networks. That will continue to increase.
  3. Ah. The war on Christmas. The last bastion of the idiots. 1999 called and wanted you to know it's 2012.
  4. Me too. Though, the careful observer would note that Obama did mention weaponizing space. That's a HUGE mistake.
  5. The question is, if you pay for all those services, why do you need to pirate it? I'm not arguing the network model is working, it's not. I fight that battle every single day. But that's not an excuse to steal, no matter how you want to justify it. It's a mentality that is quite frightening to me on a bigger level than just my personal employment. I don't work for the MPAA. I'm a writer -- I make my living from residuals. My health insurance and dental are paid for by those residuals. I'm a peon, I'm not a Sorkin or a Daniels. I don't get 1 mill per script, I'm lucky if I get 5k. The people being squeezed by piracy aren't the big money makers or even the corporate bosses -- it's the grunts working in the trenches and the consumer. People here complain about there not being any good movies these days. You know why that is? There are less features being made. Studios won't risk 50 million to make a movie and see it get destroyed by piracy. What's happened is there are only 2 kinds of movies made now: those over 100 million and those under 20. That's it. Try finding funding for a 40 million movie and you won't find it. Distribution? Forget about it. TV is in a golden age right now. Some of the best writers in the business are working in TV because there's more freedom and more creative control. But if piracy goes unchecked because people feel entitled to stealing product -- you're going to get less TV shows, and a worse product. I love you too -- I'm not trying to bury you, but just open your eyes a bit. The ONLY reason you feel it's okay to stream pirated shows is because the internet has made it easy to commit a crime without having to go through the trouble of leaving your bedroom/office/living room. Again, I ask you, you're standing in BestBuy and you see an Always Sunny dvd set on the shelf. Now, you pay for cable, you pay for netflix -- are you entitled to just take that DVD off the shelf and walk out? If not, why not? It's the same logic you're using now.
  6. I applaud Romney for what he did, make no mistake about that. I'm not attempting to bash him for hiring qualified women, nor am I trying to bash him for going against a core conservative value. What I am trying to poke is the notion that it's okay for him to do this to the dyed in the wool conservatives on the board simply because he's running on the GOP ticket. Well, that and the fact that Romney has reinvented history a tiny bit with this story. I wish he would be a bit braver about it, but I understand how the game is played.
  7. That's only because you have trouble with big words. I know, I've read many of your "posts". Just because there are untruths out there about both sides (which there are), doesn't mean everything is untrue. Point of fact, Romney was approached by MassGAP to hire more women -- not the other way around. It's semantics, but there's a significant difference between reality and how his campaign spun what happened. I am busting chops. I don't believe that conservatives are valueless -- and I hear what you are saying in this post and agree with a large part of it. All I'm saying is that it's easy to get boxed in by your ideology (myself as well). In this instance, Romney shifted his view (again) to the center and the conservatives are okay with it because he's their guy. Yet when a Dem does it, it's outrageous. The door swings both ways. I'd rather see people stand up and be honest about their partisanship (on both sides) -- instead, everyone has dug in to the "us vs them" mentality that has only grown more insane over the past 15+ years. The difference is that Romeny did not seek them out. A lobbying group (several) came to him and pointed out that his staff was lacking in women. To appease them, and so he'd be able to make this exact point during his White House bid, he took their advice to heart. That's pandering. That's affirmative action. That's playing politics with his staff -- everything the right bashes the left for (and visa versa). Stop spinning and recognize that politics is politics. Both sides play it. Some do it better than others. But Mitt is as crafty as they come in the political game. Stay on point. You're rambling and incoherent. I am not playing against Romney, so I'm not losing anything. Keep on trying to pin the tail on the strawman, you're awesome at it.
  8. If you illegally stream it, you're taking eyes away from the provider, which in turn lowers their numbers, lowers their ad revenue (or subscription) and causes them to supplement it by taking it from their customer's pockets. Did you sleep through the FX and Viacom dispute with DTV? So, theft is fine so long as you can justify it. Got it. This plays a part, without question. The network TV business model is broken, no one knows how to fix it. Piracy has played a major role, as well as the networks own inability to monetize their product on the interwebs. But stealing is stealing. There's absolutely no difference between illegally streaming a movie/show/series and stealing a DVD from BestBuy. You wouldn't walk into BestBuy and put a DVD in your pocket, would you?
  9. It makes sense if the players quit on Wanny.
  10. So conservative values can be summed up as such: Non existent.
  11. This is what is wrong with the world today... you're qualifying to excuse a criminal act. Is it grand larceny? No. But those packs of gum by the checkout line only cost 2 bucks -- go ahead, put 'em in your pocket. They wouldn't just be out there in the open if the store owner didn't want you to help yourself to them. He's not asking to watch a TV show. He's asking to illegally stream a piece of IP that doesn't belong to him. DVR is a paid service that is a part of all licensing deals -- the artists and producers are compensated for their efforts. Have you wondered why the cost of cable and DTV has skyrocketed? It's all related, thinking that stealing one episode doesn't matter is one thing, but being naive to the impact it has on a larger scale is just silly.
  12. You do realize talking to people on a conservative website is not the same thing as talking to political insiders, right? That's like saying talking to people on TSW is the same as talking to Russ Brandon or Buddy Nix. Conservative websites, like Bills' websites, are homes to fanatics. The people who work in the trenches in DC every day are not fanatics. Thus, they're more in tune (sometimes) to reality.
  13. According to Trump. I think it's the hair. Anyone with hair like that is bound to be nutty.
  14. Follow closely: See what you did? I never said not promoting women is a core value of the conservatives. You dismissed Romney's advocating for affirmative action as being okay if it helps him get women voters -- which, goes directly against the core values of the conservatives. It's okay to admit it. It's already out there in print.
  15. You're better than that. And smarter.
  16. Both, mixed with the disembodied spirit of Hogboy and Ice. It's terrifying to be me.
  17. I guess calling something out for what it is makes me interesting.
  18. And stealing off pirate sites causes those cable bill to go up, in turn making the people who don't steal have to pay even more. Stealing is stealing is stealing. It's wrong, unethical and immoral. Doesn't matter if it's a TV show or a car.
  19. So... the party of moral values is okay with their nominee shifting core values just to win an election. Gotcha.
  20. Oh. I didn't realize you wanted to commit a crime. It's 1.99. Sack up and pay for it.
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