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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. But since the beginning of the show he's always been reading. Based on everything we've seen of Sawyer's past, I think he's just a smart guy who gets off making people think he's a redneck. Of course his whole self-loathing/deathwish mojo helps as well.
  2. It was a clip show ... or as close to a clip show as Lost can possibly get. But I also agree with you that they will come back ... they have to.
  3. Didn't Shaud return Punts two seasons ago for a stretch?
  4. In most locker rooms before a game, players have their own rituals. Most of these are private. Very little talking goes on ... or if it does, it's usually small talk while they get taped up. It's mostly about getting your mind right before the game. I've seen guys put headphones on for 3 hours before a game and never utter a word. I've seen others take a nap in full pads, work out (never made sense to me), or just stare into nothing. I was always a headphones and music sorta guy. Never wanted to hear people talk to me until we got out on the field. So I'm not sure the geography of the locker room will have the effect you think it will.
  5. I hear ya. And I'm not sold on any of the RBs in this draft class either. Peterson and Lynch are the best in show -- but even they have their own issues. If the Bills don't get either of them, I'd be a bit bummed having to settle for one of the second/third tier backs in this crop. Turner is interesting to be sure. I think he could be a solid addition -- at the right price. But everything I've read says SD is holding the line for two first day picks this year plus another pic in 08. Yikes! Obviously I don't think the Bills will jump on that deal ... nor should they. But expecting SD to drop from 3 picks to 2 mid round picks might be too much for SD to handle either. Something in my gut tells me that Turner won't be a Bill.
  6. But in so doing, the Bills would be forced to pay a much steeper price. I'm not sure who it was (Bill perhaps?), but someone pointed out in another Turner thread that the best thing the Bills can do is wait till the draft since the longer it drags out, the less options AJ has and the lower the cost. Personally, I'm not a fan of giving up more than 1 pick for a RB. Turner has potential -- but if he crashes and burns, it would sting to have given up a load of picks to get him. Whereas if you take a rookie RB and he busts, all you lost was one pick. But that's me.
  7. 2. That's exactly what they do. Same with Dr. Arntz (sp) and Ethan. What looks like 10 seconds of screen time probably was a day of shooting. Most 1 hour shows take 8 days to film, Lost is no exception. So, Boone, Shannon, Arntz and Ethan get a nice check for a days work, as well as a trip back to Hawaii. The trick to catching the CGI/Greenscreen is to watch Nikki during the "crash" sequences. She's in perfect focus but the rest of the action has a blurr around it. It stands out even more in HD. It's a blurr because they are putting her image over the original film stock they shot during the pilot. Plus, from a simple business standpoint, it is impossible to cast all those actors in the pilot and "hope" the show was going to be picked up. The pilot was the most expensive one in TV history, but that was mainly due to JJ using a real plane for the wreckage rather than doing straight CGI and props. The network would never pay those actor's quotes for a pilot shoot unless they were going to be on screen. It's just too costly. 5. My basic theory since Season 2 has been that there are 2 sets of "others". This has been borne out this season as we've learned that there was the Dharma people and "The Others" that we know. My theory has been basically that there was a war of sorts on the island (something referenced by the Russian at the Flame station a few weeks ago) that divided the camps and a line was drawn based on fundamental principles. Basically it boils down to the theme of the show: Faith vs Science. One set of "Others" believes in science. These are the ones we have come to know, the ones that have kidnapped Jack, Sawyer, Kate etc. Then there are another set (of which we have not seen yet) that believe in Faith. This of course fits perfectly with the other trend you always point out: white and black imagery ... two sides. Everyone assumed that the "Monster" was a security system for the "Others" that we know. But really I think it's the security system for the "Faith" based people. We know it scans people (as it did Eko) and also that it can take several shapes (like Yemi or the spiders, or even the eagle that called out Hurley's name). It scans people and only keeps the ones who are "faith" based alive. It spared Eko and Locke, killed the Pilot and attacked Jack and Kate. It killed Eko once he decided that he changed his "path". The two sides are battling for new recruits more or less. Essentially Ben's "Others" took Kate, Jack and Sawyer because they are all believers in science (for a lack of a better word) and let Hurley go because they knew he was firmly a "faith" based lost-away. Locke is useless to them, and people like Sayid, Jin and Sun are on the fence. When Ben says things like, "We're the good guys, Michael" ... he means it. But only from his POV. Science is good, faith is bad in their eyes. This of course is a very rough theory that has a number of holes, but it holds up better with each week. The only thing in season 3 that has given me pause to reconsider this theory was Locke's father "appearing" in Ben's camp. This seems more like a faith based move than a science one -- so maybe I'm off. But there are a couple things we know for sure: 1. Ben is not the leader of "the Others" and 2. The Monster is not controlled by Ben's group ... which begs the question -- who controls it then?
  8. No team in the league can have all top 10 players. It's not possible with the cap. But if you look at the possibilities for top players, the Bills are in good shape. They have budding superstars at LT and WR. They have a potentially great tandum at safety. They have a QB who has all the tools to be one of the top 5 in the league (though he's not there yet). They also have a solid, though not spectacular rotation of DEs. That's not a bad start for one of the youngest rosters in the league. But it's apparent you're just looking to be a grumpy gus, so whatever floats your boat.
  9. A couple points: 1. They did not shoot all that footage during the pilot. That was done CGI and Green Screen with the "new" actors after the wreckage had been cleared. It's a trick. 2. Still, as I've been saying to you from waaaaay back in season 1, the writers do indeed have a plan and have had one from the beginning. Still, it's not set in stone, there is wiggle room to add new twists and characters. For example, Mr. Eko was supposed to have 10 more episodes to his story, but the actor wanted out -- so they had to bump up his death. And for episodes like this one, they used footage from the cutting room floor and green screen the new actors in and poof! New/Used footage. Essentially it's a "clip show" for Lost. 3. She didn't say "Paulo's Alive" she actually said: "Paralyzed" ... as in, "I'm not dead, don't burry me alive!". Too late. 4. Good call with the B&W imagery -- the reoccuring theme has been there from the beginning, and continues to bear out my thoughts on the "what's really going on" thing. 5. Your ears weren't lying. I too noticed the "sounds" of the "monster" before the second wave of spiders attacked. Maybe they really were killed by the Monster like Hurley said. But of course, that goes into my thoughts on what the monster really is ...
  10. Yes and no. I think there are as many holes on Offense as there are on Defense, but not "oh so many". If you look at the roster (as far as starters go) the team is locked at: QB, OL, WR (only 1 spot though), DT, DE, CB, SS, FS, P, PK ... that's not so bad. The league has shown over the past few seasons that RB is an easy position to fill either by committee or through the draft, there will be LB options at 12 available for the Bills (either Willis or moving back to take Polz/Timmons etc), and there is a strong possibility that they can add a solid No. 2 WR and depth at CB on day 1. The team isn't in as bad a shape as the doom and gloomers would have you believe.
  11. For sure there will be a RB and LB taken in the first 3 rounds taking up two of those picks. And a WR/TE is a big hole in the offense so it would not surprise me to see that position addressed before a CB is taken. In fact, all the talk about Meachem (smoke screen or not) shows that the Bills know WR is a concern. If you look at the "holes" on the team right now, I think you would find something like this (in order of need): 1. RB/OLB (both are prime needs) 2. WR/TE 3. CB 4. Depth on the Lines So, you could argue a case for more offensive picks than defensive on the first day. Of course, you could also argue to opposite. Point being, I don't think it's going to be a lopsided draft for either side of the ball. But if it is, it wouldn't surprise me to see more attention payed to the offense than the D.
  12. Thats a good point, bot. It could very well be a smoke screen to throw teams off their scent. But I hope not.
  13. For now? You mean when it's the off season and all the players are chilling at home?
  14. I would love to see him on the team next year ... just not at 12.
  15. I think there is a very good chance two of their first three selections will indeed be on the offensive side of the football.
  16. Damn, I missed this before my last post.
  17. The dude is better than every WR on our roster but Evans. He's not a ST player, he's the sort of solid #2/1A type WR this offense needs. Now ... picking him at 12 would be a mistake, but trading back into the first round to grab him after taking either Willis, Peterson or Lynch would be fantastic. I've said it before and I'll say it again, WR/TE is a huge hole on this team.
  18. This is something the "Draft Willis" folks are missing. I'm not saying Willis isn't talented or a good enough player to take at 12. What I am saying is I'm not certain the Bills feel there is a need for an ILB. They are very, very high on Crowell there. It's his natural position and he has all the tools to be the attacking, ground covering, Cover 2 ILB the defense needs. Of course every team at this point in the year plays their cards close to their vests so it could well be a smoke screen. But I'm beginning to doubt it. I think Angie is going to be the MLB and the Bills won't be taking Willis at 12 if he's there (which is looking more and more unlikely). Call it a hunch.
  19. Hahahaha! I keep thinking that every time Obie posts about this move. It's funny what a difference a year can make. And Obie, you might end up being right -- but I don't see the Bills trading above 12 in this draft. I just don't see it.
  20. All good points -- but Polz isn't Willis. I am not even sure he is the third best LB in the draft. He seems to be a guy TSW has become enamored with over the past few weeks while in reality, he isn't seen as that hot a commodity by the Bills or other NFL teams. Depending on which reports you read, you get a history of injuries and questions about his durability and athleticism, or you get reports saying he has more heart than skill. No reports I've read (and that isn't saying much, I know) has had any glowing praise of the guy as an immediate impact player. Willis, Okoye and the like all have mixed reports too -- but the "high" reports are glowing whereas Polz's "high" reports are just a simmer. I really don't think the Bills will target Polz at 12 no matter what transpires in the first 11 picks. It's just too high to take him. People will argue, "they reached for Dante and took him higher than he should have gone" which isn't really a fair point since teams two spots below the Bills were going to snag Dante if the Bills passed. I really don't see St. Louis, Carolina, Pittsburgh, Greenbay, Jacksonville, Cincinnati, or Tennessee are in the market for a LB -- so there is a lot of wiggle room for the Bills to move back and still grab him before the Giants do. But then again, this is just my opinion based on the scouting notes and reports from the league. I only saw a few of Polz games. I'm certainly no expert. I just have a feeling that he isn't as hot as people on the Wall think he is.
  21. I really don't see the Bills taking Polz at 12. If he is their man of choice, then they will trade back to get him. There is no reason to take him at 12 when he could be there as late as 25. So I'm with Bill here. If Willis, Peterson, Okoye are all gone (as I suspect they will be) at 12, then move back and take Polz/Timmons/Hall/CB and grab an extra pick. Of course, if there are no willing trade partners, I still don't advocate reaching for Polz at 12. But that's me.
  22. I'm not advocating the move -- just saying it's a real possibility that the staff is higher on Wire's abilities at OLB than we might think. If the Bills pass on a LB in rounds 1&2, then he is the only real solution on the roster. Why else did they give him so many snaps last year? And, as a side note, the run D did improve with him playing OLB late in the year ... at least according to Dick's pressers.
  23. Don't get me wrong, I am not down on Willis, nor would I be upset if they take him at 12. Though I would be upset if they trade UP to get anyone in this draft ... whether it be Peterson or Willis or even Calvin Johnson. Now ... trading up in the later half of round 1 is a different story (perhaps to grab Polz or whoever slips out of the teens). And I don't forsee any scenario where both Willis and Peterson drop to 12. Jri111 has one scenario in this thread that is well thought out but I think that is a real long shot. In the end it's a more realistic scenario that both Peterson and Willis are gone when the Bills pick, leaving them to choose between Lynch, Timmons and Polz -- in which case you go LB.
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