My dad used to play in the CBA and had a litany of injuries. But this one takes the cake:
While playing college ball, a goon elbowed my dad right in the eye. Normally wouldn't have been a big deal, but this was the 60s and my dad was wearing glasses. The lens broke sending shards of glass into his eye.
They were on the road, so my dad went into the locker room and had the other team's doctor look at him. The doc pulled out ten pieces of glass, and being the freak that he is, my dad went back out and finished the game with an eye patch.
When they got back home, my dad practiced for that next week, but his eye never felt right. So he finally went to his doctor where they pulled out another 13 shards of glass still lodged in his eye.
Thankfully it didn't do any permanent damage -- but still. That had to hurt.