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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Danielle is her mother. She arrived on the island pregnant. Her husband (Richard?) was on Danielle's science team. But Danielle shot him when he became 'infected'. She later gave birth to Alex. And then the baby was stolen from her by the Others. That's when Ben took posession of her as his "daughter".
  2. They never hooked up. She never even met him before he got trapped in her net in Season 2.
  3. Then why the face?
  4. Those are the sort of moves that will send the Patriots and Jets running! SIGN HIM!
  5. Am I the only one that started hearing dueling banjos at this point in the thread?
  6. Just a hunch -- Ben's full of shiznit? Let's not forget that he also slaughtered over 40 innocent Dharma folk with poison gas. And he thinks he owns Juilette. This is not a good guy. That said, I doubt very much that Ben was behind Karl and Roussou getting whacked.
  7. The Tom backflash's happened BEFORE the season 3 finale when Sawyer offed him. I'm not sure I would call this episode filler -- even though literally it did fill in the gaps of Michael's story. There was a ton of new and important information to be gleaned. Including stuff about the island's powers, Ben's reach, and who killed Danielle and Karl. You can see the shooter in one of the frames.
  8. He's already appeared. In the picture of the pilot when they found the crash.
  9. Anyone watch the State of the Franchise? Wow ... Marshall Faulk has no clue. Says the Bills need to upgrade at Left Tackle. And praised Steve Fairchild
  10. Don't use words to express your disapproval ... send this guy instead. He knows what to do.
  11. Whatever version, this is the best new song ever. It's perfect punishment. If posters step out of line here ... we'll send him to do his thing.
  12. Greatest American Hero ...
  13. You'll be singing it for the rest of the day ... just watch.
  14. He's doing this ... literally.
  15. I'm listening to this. Got a problem with it?
  16. This is what I do to people like you ...
  17. My dad used to play in the CBA and had a litany of injuries. But this one takes the cake: While playing college ball, a goon elbowed my dad right in the eye. Normally wouldn't have been a big deal, but this was the 60s and my dad was wearing glasses. The lens broke sending shards of glass into his eye. They were on the road, so my dad went into the locker room and had the other team's doctor look at him. The doc pulled out ten pieces of glass, and being the freak that he is, my dad went back out and finished the game with an eye patch. When they got back home, my dad practiced for that next week, but his eye never felt right. So he finally went to his doctor where they pulled out another 13 shards of glass still lodged in his eye. Thankfully it didn't do any permanent damage -- but still. That had to hurt.
  18. I disagree. It's too easy. Plus, he's back as a series regular.
  19. Well, kind of. We're only going to get 5 more episodes after this one, giving us 13 in total. The original plan was 3 seasons of 16 episodes each. The 3 missing episodes will still be written and shot -- it will just increase the episodes in the last 2 seasons. Will either be 17-18 or 16-19. Not sure which yet.
  20. It might be Michael ... but I'm just not convinced it is. I tend to lean towards it's someone we haven't met yet. As in one of the people who either played a large roll in putting them on the island in the first place or someone who had a roll in killing/detaining the people left behind on the island. I know that's a cop out answer. But I think if it was any of the people from Oceanic 815, Jack would have identified himself as a friend when the Funeral Home worker asked him. Even Locke or Michael. Of course, I could be 100 percent wrong.
  21. Once again you prove to be my hero.
  22. Pretty sure it's going to wind up being someone we hadn't met by the end of Season 3 (though we might have met them by now).
  23. Thanks! I was looking for another fun one ... and it was the first one that popped up in Google when I typed "cool avatar" ... which is hilarious on many levels. So I had to run with it.
  24. Right ... but one thing I know is that we will find out who is in the casket this season. Originally Damon hadn't planned on revealing that until season 5, but the break the WGA strike caused allowed them to react to the fans a bit and they are going to bump up their time table for that reveal.
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