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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Hey, last time we told you about our Maple Syrup formation and it cost us the game. We're not taking any chances this time!
  2. We did sell out ... I just messed up the first day ticket sales. We made 1.6+ between ticket sales and concessions. Though we did have 222,000 in concessions, by far our highest of the year. It appears that the more Middle Income and High Income fans we get (at 55/25 now for those) the more Microbrews they drink and jerseys they buy! If the Heat do win, we will get a home game and enough to buy the remaining sections of the stadium I want to get. Fingers crossed!!!
  3. Posted the Game Plan in the Team Forum. It's under the EAGLES SCOUTING thread.
  4. But ... but ... National Treasure ripped off Indy. How can Indy be accused of ripping off a copy-cat when he is the original?
  5. I plan on it. He should get at least 30-35 passes this game. Hopefully not too much more or that means we're behind. Just Win hit level 16 today so now we have 2 16 level backs and Dizzy right behind. Our team's really coming together. But Sloth or Jobu is my vote for Offensive MVP. Sloth has been an animal.
  6. As for the plot line ... You have to remember the original conceit of the films. They were always designed to be really good B movies like the serials Lucas and Spielberg grew up watching. Hence the time period, the Nazis and the religious artifacts. The move to the 1950s reflected the common serials and themes of those movies -- namely evil Commies and Science Fiction tales. While it's certainly a jarring switch in tone from the previous three, it was an attempt to stay true to their original conceit of the franchise. It bumped me too though, especially the fact that they chickened out at the end ... but it's not ... um ... alien ... to the heart of the franchise. Though now I sound like an Indy apologist ... which I am proud to say that I am. Though I realize this film is in no way shape or form perfect.
  7. Yeah, they suck. But the first one is still cool and works as a stand alone film. I feel like if they knew they were going to do a trilogy originally, they would never have had him be able to fly at the end. The problem they ran into in the next two (besides just being dull) was Neo was too powerful to really do much with. There was no threat. Still ... the logic of "the sequel killed my love of the original" never vibes with me. Raiders is one of the best movies ever made. It was lightning in a bottle. Temple of Doom and Crusade were admirable follow ups (I would argue Crusade was brilliant in its own way), but neither captured the same magic as the first. Does that mean they were a waste of time and effort? Making movies is hard. Making good movies is even more difficult. I assure you, no one sets out to make a sh------- movie. But with such a collaborative medium, the odds are you're going to fail more often than you succeed. This is not an excuse for Indy 4 (or other sequels which have failed to live up to the hype). Just saying that blaming them for "killing your childhood" or "raping your memories" (two common things I've heard from the blog-o-sphere) is just silly. They exist independently of one another. Sorry for the rant.
  8. Good, my dear friend Mr.Ur would have been horrified to hear you talking about his butt on TSW. That was close.
  9. You promised not to tell the board about that!
  10. Cool. Just posted some Game planning / scouting stuff on the team board. When you boost, where are you putting the 15 points?
  11. Yeah ... they will be. They are not a team I really wanted to face in round 1, but I think we can still take them. I've been scouting them pretty heavy and they seem to have changed up tactics (for the worst). Last year they were so good because they ran the ball so much and so well. Now they seem to be relying on the medium/long passes and just aren't having as much luck with it. I think they are going to be 50/50 run pass ... but if we can get up on them early, they'll abandon the run and go right for the pass. They are still thinking we're a run first team. Which we are. But we've had a lot of success this year relying on Sloth (might be Offensive MVP -- if not him then Jobu is). I think we'll throw more than we did last year (and in the first game against them) ... probably 52-48 run/pass. I'm open to suggestions! As for individual tactics, I would think our D-Line should be on Wrap up as should our LBs (unless you're 40+ strength and Tackling). Our CBs should play TIGHT and go for picks while our Safeties should play medium and NOT go for picks.
  12. This is the logic that just makes me shake my head and laugh. How can one movie hurt the "fondness in your heart" for ANOTHER movie? That's like saying, "The 2005 Bills team was so awful that it hurt the fondness in my heart for the 1993 team." Does this mean now when you put in Raiders you can't enjoy it simply because you didn't enjoy a movie that was made 27 years later?
  13. I have nothing but respect for his talents as a writer and director. In fact, I think his ability with dialogue is one of the absolute best in the business. He got caught in a bit of a trap by constantly having to one up his films and got labeled as the king of twist endings. That hurt him a bit. However, having read The Happening, my concern has always been that while it reads great on the page, it's not a movie. There's not a twist or big shakeup. The story at its core is sweet and well told. But the bad guy simply is not something they can make "look" scary or "feel" scary without it coming across as cheesy. I also felt there was no way to make this film without it being a very hard R. However ... I don't think it needs to be overly gory. Yet, based on the redline trailer, that's where they're going. They're compensating for the lack of a bad guy by upping the gore factor. That turns me off ... but that's just me.
  14. Martian silica. Haven't heard from the little guy in a long time. Wonder what he and his boo are up to.
  15. So it seems to compensate for not having a scary or cinematic "bad guy", they are just going to make it overly gory. Ugh.
  16. Disclaimer: I'm a die hard Indiana Jones fan. Raiders is my favorite film of all time. Just got back from the midnight show and it was a great time. While not a perfect film, it delivers on everything Indy fans could want. Plenty of great action sequences, snappy dialogue, cool (though uneven) story. 19 years was a long time to wait, but they came through. If you're a fan of the genre or series, you should see it. You won't be disappointed.
  17. The PPP score surprised me. The HEAT are good, but I don't think they are THAT good. I tried to go run heavy against Dover so we could go heavier with the pass vs the Heat. I'm not sure about the game plan yet -- definitely open to ideas!
  18. Dreams can come true ...
  19. So what if we hired Fairchild to run our redzone offense ... he's a PROFESSIONAL.
  20. Good win Meatballs! Hookers and Blow will be delivered at the usual time & place. Enjoy! We have not scored a TD in the past 8 quarters ... that's a bit disconcerting. However, the good news is if we can beat Clinchy next week and the Heat following that, we should have the number 3 seed sewn up and a home field playoff game! So let's get it done!
  21. I'll be Debbie Downer here. So let me get this straight, they are taking the footage they shot pre-writer's strike and making it a "two hour movie"? They filmed this "movie" months ago before the show shut down. They wrote and filmed these two hours with the intention of it being the first two hours of a 24 hour season -- NOT as an independent story. Suddenly, the WGA strike shuts down production, but not until they have invested time and money into 2 episodes of the show. So rather than lose it entirely, they piece together an entire story from this footage? Does that ring any alarm bells with anyone else? Any fan of the show knows the first 4 hours of every season sets up a MASSIVE story (20 hours worth!). So how is it going to work if the footage they're using is 2 hours of a 4 hour premier of a season long story? Let me guess, they did some reshoots and tacked on an "ending"? Yikes! Imagine the bookends they tacked on -- especially because those 2 hours were shot "in real time". So does that mean it's going to be paced in real time for a portion of the movie, then suddenly break out of that mold to accomodate the new ending or beginning? Or will they just leave it all in real time and then do a cheesy: "THREE MONTHS LATER" and show Jack on some beach playing volleyball with the bad guy's skull? I love this show. But I have a feeling this is going to be total filler and an utterly craptastic story.
  22. I know this is sarcasm ... considering that Kansas State hired a f'ing TRANSLATOR for Bishop while he played there. And yes -- he speaks English. Sort of. If Bishop was matched up against a rock in an IQ test ... I'm betting the house on the rock.
  23. Good point ... thanks for all the help guys.
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