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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. I actually really liked it. I think the criticism of it is really unfair. Everyone is bumping on the same thing, which isn't the movie's fault, it's the marketing of the movie's fault. People are going in expecting it to be a superhero movie -- but it's not, nor does it try to be. But since that's what people are expecting, they are getting mad at the film for being something different than they thought going in. That said, it is by no means a perfect flick. The last 10 minutes (especially) I had issues with. But the issues I thought could have been fixed very easily. Still, I enjoyed it. Wall-E is still my favorite flick of the summer so far with Ironman coming in a close second. I have high hopes for Dark Knight and Pineapple Express though.
  2. Actually, Best Boy gets coffee for the guy who's job it is to get coffee for the director
  3. With the enormous cost and risk involved in making films these days, there are usually many different funding sources. Even studios have paired up to spread the financial hit. Thus, you get the multiple production companies, studios and executive producers. Production companies work slightly differently. A production company gets attached depending on who owns the script, which actor's are in the film etc. For example, Will Smith's company is one of the 3 prod cos on Hancock (because he produced) and Akiva Goldsmith's company who bought the original script. You can't have Hancock without the script or without Will Smith -- so both those places get to produce the flick because they own properties necessary to complete the production. Another thing to keep in mind is there is a huge difference between Executive Producer and Producer. Executive Producer is a credit that they can give to anyone for really anything. 90% of the time they have little to do with the actual production. Sometimes they gave money, sometimes they served as an intermediary that brought together some of the principals, etc. But Producers are the ones who are on set every day and are the boss. They cast the film, hire the director and writer etc. Normally films have only 2 producers while they can have a half a dozen executive producers. In TV, it works differently (Exec Producers are at the top, Producers are near the bottom).
  4. My buddy worked on the film and brought me in a few times to watch them cut it. It was PAINFUL -- and everyone working on it knew it (though I shouldn't admit that). It could have been AMAZING but was soooooo bad. You know who the killer is (if you pay attention) from the first scene. And they try to pass Al and Bob off as 45-50 not 55-60. And yes, you are 100% correct, that's what this movie is about. Them on screen together. But -- I will say watching lots of takes of them riffing and improving scenes was actually pretty cool. Better than the movie. The trailer makes it look cool. But I assure you, it's not.
  5. Don't waste your time or money on that flick. Please. It's HORRID.
  6. I've always heard that the great scene in Michael Mann's masterpiece HEAT where De Niro and Pacino was lifted from Mann's failed TV pilot. But I had never SEEN the pilot until I found this today. Holy crap. Watch both clips. It's almost verbatim and shows how bad acting can really fu*k up a great scene. Clips
  7. I'm still collecting empirical data on the matter.
  8. Repression, Fez ... see it was in my pocket, but he's obsessed with dude ass. So he wants to picture it up my butt. Number one song on his iPod is of course,
  9. I LOVE this guy. I thought he was a fake ... but now I'm pretty sure he's real. Delusional, but real.
  10. Yes. Me and the mouse are going to get married. Want to be my best man?
  11. Yes. You're not the one spouting hate. You're the calm, rational, logical one who never leaps to unfounded conclusions based on fear, stereotype or flat out false information. Yup. You got us.
  12. And, as a standing rule on OTW posts, any claim of "hotness" must be verified by pictures. Otherwise, she's as imaginary as Crayonz's love for Canadians.
  13. Not much, dude. What's up with you? What are you drinking tonight?
  14. See you in thirty seconds ... ten if you can't get the image of the picnic table out of your head.
  15. Oh no, really? I fell for a Hogboy special? Well, shiit ... I feel like an idiot
  16. To be outraged ... yes. That is just plain silly. It's a dude whacking off in the privacy of his home. Whether he does it with a sock or a picnic table or a sex toy, who cares? To waste tax dollars on confining a man for private sex with an inanimate object is just folly. Is the guy normal? Hell no. Is he crazy? Who knows. Is he dangerous? Unless you got something more than assumptions about his escalation, then NO. Freaks are everywhere (just look at one particular poster in this thread), as long as they aren't hurting anyone, then who cares? I promise you, that if there was a confirmed link between patio furniture molestation, or if this guy had any other behavioral markers leading rational people to believe he was a threat to a child or another person, everyone on this board who's laughing would be as outraged as you. I've done extensive research and work regarding profiles of serial killers, serial rapists and the like including behavioral markers and risk factors for people becoming such socio and psychopaths. It was my job for most of the past year. And I assure you, no where in the literature is there a case of a man who masturbated to or with an inanimate object ESCALATING his sexual desires to violent or harmful levels. Now, there might be other markers that combine with said masturbatory techniques that some serial rapists or killers have demonstrated -- but it's a pattern of CONTINUED deviance, not ISOLATED cases. And, if the cops had found any of those markers, the press damn well would have ran with it (kiddie porn on his computer, inappropriate conversations on the internet, stalking tendencies, spousal abuse etc). But guess what? They didn't. Why? Cause the guy is just a loon who gets off by sticking his crank in a wooden hole. So yes, it is ridiculous to start a topic demanding that this guy be locked up for LONGER than 6 months. Or to postulate that he is a threat to society simply because he chooses to do something other than the norm. But you have the right to your opinion. I just see it as a waste of time when you should just laugh at it. What is crazy though is to take this topic, like Da Big Man did, and turn it into a political rant about liberals versus conservatives, Mexicans, Gays and 9/11. Though, that too just amuses me because Da Big Man (should we do a Freudian analysis on overcompensation when he chose that screen name?) just wants a pulpit to preach from. And everything he says cracks me up. Not because he's a narrow minded bigot. Or even a homophobic, sexually repressed (and probably inadequate in countless ways) idealogue. But mainly because he proves what's great about free speech in particular. Free speech, and people's willingness ot use it, makes it SO much easier to identify the true asssholes. There's no better proof of that than Da Big Man's posts in this thread. So cheers to Da Big Man for renewing my faith in the first amendment.
  17. In less than 10 posts you've bashed gays, Mexicans and people who have different ideas than your own. That's not me calling you a bigot, that's the dictionary calling you a bigot.
  18. My mom would laugh her ass off and tell us all about it. She wouldn't FILM it.
  19. Add xenophobia to the checklist. Wow, you're just an angry little man, aren't you? You need a hug. Or to get laid. One or the other. Oh, and I got 100 bucks says the picnic table fu*ker was a registered republican. *And that's not a bash against republicans, just a hunch that will make your head explode.
  20. Someone who sees it as a danger to society, yes. Someone who sees that and goes, "lock the fu*ker up for the rest of his natural born life", yes. The normal reaction would be to laugh.
  21. HOLY COW. Let's tally up the checklist for Mr. Da Big Man, shall we? 1. Homophobia (check) 2. Closed mindedness (check) 3. Paranoia (check) 4. Grandstanding a cause which has no relation to the topic (check) 5. Irrational logic (check) Yup ... looks like he's one or two posts away from being a class 1 bigot. It's guys like this that are FAAAAR more dangerous than picnic table fu*kers.
  22. Patricia Heaton Jean Louisa Kellyfrom Yes Dear.
  23. Shhh! He's ranting about the evils of sex.
  24. If you mean competency in the English language and rational thought, then yes.
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