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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Yeah -- he's hating life right now. Just moved for a job and is thinking he made a giant mistake. Lol Thanks for the effort though!
  2. Buddy of mine just moved there (long story) -- anyone here know if there's a Bills bar in or around that area? I know nothing about the area so I'm helpless. Thanks!
  3. Bolivia worked out great for Butch and Sundance.
  4. Pretty funny stuff -- we've all been there. *Note, the cartoon is pretty PG-13 -- no nudity or swearing.
  5. Another Theory ...
  6. You could be right, Lori (as you usually are). But the fact that Omon got the bulk of the reps last night says to me Wright is safe. Wonky logic I know.
  7. People forget how big a fan Ralph is of Wright. I fully expect Wright to make the team and Oman to go to the PS -- assuming he clears waivers. Mark it down in ink.
  8. This is fantastic! A Mel Brooks film come to life!
  9. I agree with you. I think Peters should get his new deal. And I think the Bills are willing to do it. But Peters has to show up to work first. To me it's so simple -- show up for work, start negotiating, and if it looks like the Bills are full of sh--, then leave. At least that way there is positive movement forward. Either way, I think Peters shows up in the next 10 days or so and life goes on.
  10. I'm not sure what disturbs me more, how you found this link or the actual content of the link itself.
  11. What that list doesn't show is the huge volume of scripts he's doctored, ghost written or polished for production. He is one of the most widely used (and highest paid) finishers in the business. And for good cause. The man is a brilliant writer. His films that he directs are his passion projects, but the amount of work he does in the main stream (without credit) is pretty impressive. Two lesser known examples: Crimson Tide (horrible before he re-did the dialogue), It's Pat (yes, THAT It's Pat),
  12. Chris Collingsworth after the event after Costas made fun of him for whooping and hollering down the stretch: "You can't let football players in here, we're too loud!"
  13. That's not true. If you truly could care less, you never would have posted in the first place. But you do.
  14. I had the good fortune to meet Bernie once, one of the few celebs I spoke more than three words to. He was unbelievably cool, centered and took time to help me out when everyone else was looking the other way. I was stunned when I saw the news report this morning (10,000 feet in the air -- Jet Blue tv). Losing Carlin and Mac in the same year is a tough pill to swallow. RIP, Mr. Mac.
  15. We can have a TSW competition to see who can rack up the most petty crimes during the next month. That website will be our own little scoreboard. Should be fun.
  16. It's definitely NOT a baby Clover. That much I can say for certain.
  17. That Bobcat better watch it's back. Fools should know not to mess with squirrels they'll git ya!!
  18. Obviously you've never been to Tijuana.
  19. Read the article. It's not a "fake". It was a spec ad that was shot but JCPenney's never bought or used.
  20. It's an interesting theory, but I'm pretty certain those weren't the voices of Faraday or Desmond.
  21. It wasn't made for kids. It was a short film made by a director for his reel under the guise of being an ad. And, I highly doubt any kid needs to see that ad to figure out how to make out in the basement of their house while their parents are home. It's been done since the beginning of time. Human nature and all that.
  22. See, for me that's an issue. Cause Batman isn't over the top good. He's a hero, yes. But he's a !@#$ing psychopath.
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