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Posts posted by CosmicBills

  1. Government does provide health insurance cheaper than the private sector that is a fact 3rd. At the same time the massive profit margins of insurance companies and their "evil nature" is a huge exaggeration tgreg. There are bad insurance companies out there but there are a lot of not-for-profit insurance companies that have a profit margin barely above 2%...MUCH lower than most industries.

    Not every Health Insurance company is slime. Just the overwhelming majority of them -- particularly the ones priced for those with lesser means. And if you think it's an exaggeration you are one of the fortunate minorities in this situation.

  2. I spent two weeks in Spain this summer and I regularly visit Europe. Generally speaking, at 6 feet 210 20% Body fat, I'm considered obese in comparison to what I saw and I will say that those mother!@#$ers eat a lot. Tell them you're cutting carbs and they'll think you're an alien.

    Yeah, because they have less GMOs in their food supply than we do. It took almost 40 years to saturate the market here and it'll take at least a generation if not two to completely take over Europe -- unless the climate change is real and Europe faces another year of massive flooding, causing them to buy even more GMO crop than they did this year (which was a record amount).

  3. No, they will; and I'll be first in line.


    While I would hesitate to leave to go to another "country" before my expat timeline allows it, Texas, even after leaving the Union, would hardly be like leaving for Europe or even Canada. I lived in Scottsdale, AZ for a few years in my early 20; and visited Texas frequently. If Texas were to adopt a federal tax policy I found favorable, I wouldn't even consider staying. I'd immediately put all my US properties on the market well under their value, and as soon as they sold, I'd be gone. I wouldn't even have to leave my current employer.


    What in the world makes you think I'd stay?

    1. Because it's fantasy, no state is leaving and the country isn't even changing.

    2. Because your balls aren't big enough.

  4. Then explain to me why other nations who have access to the same food aren't nearly as bad in terms of weight/obesity epidemics.


    Canada is America junior as a market and yet I don't see the same amount of fat asses I saw when visited several cities in the states. Stats aren't nearly as bad as well.

    Just wait. Monsantos is becoming more and more global every day. Same with Kraft, Nestle and the rest.

  5. So, government is going to run something better and less expensive than private industry? Did you spend your time-out dropping yourself on your head?

    Yes, I believe in this case government is the only one capable. The health insurance industry as an entirety is a needless industry. It's a leech that is bankrupting our citizens and, despite their massive profit margins and the jobs the industry provides, it's actually detrimental to the economy. Health Insurance as a whole performs absolutely zero function. They are not a service industry nor do they provide anything tangible. They exist entirely to make money by profiting off the death and disease of their clients.


    Ask any congressman how much they like their government run single payor system. It's the best in the country.

  6. With scarcity this is where we are headed but it's no reason to be 350 + pounds.


    Obviously this stuff will lead to future issues but that's not the principle issue I was talking about. My problem is that people would eat this **** even if it was laced with rat poison because it tastes good. I eat a lot of meat and veggies and there's a chance i'll have some form of cancer as a result when I'm older but I at least keep the odds in my favor by staying healthy (aside from the above).

    You're right in that there are fat asses in the world. Plenty of them. And there is an issue of personal responsibility too -- but like you said, the food tastes not only good, but it's like !@#$ing crack compared to what was available 50 years ago. I know that's not an excuse but I do have some sympathy.


    This is one of the most important issues facing our world today. I honestly believe that. And it's something very few people are talking about seriously because there's just too much money behind the food industry. It's criminal.

  7. I don't know the issue about California to be honest but I will say that I know plenty of immigrants who survived on cheap food that wasn't necessarily "poison". I switched to meat and veggies which is much more expensive but you could easily feed a family with 99 cent pasta and some home made sauce. It amazes me how my parents who combined probably had five years of schooling could do so well with so little while our current generation seems to not have a !@#$ing clue.

    But that's what I'm saying, it was a different world back then. Quite literally in terms of the way food is produced, packaged and distributed. Go to your supermarket and pick a random shelf outside of the organic aisle. Try finding more than 2 products in that aisle that do not have HFCS or a genetically altered crop in it. It's almost impossible to do. And worse, we're not even told which of the products we're consuming have GMOs in them because they don't want to tell us.


    GMOs are almost quite literally in every product you see. Soy and corn are used in thousands of food products -- these soy and corn crops have all been genetically altered because of Monsantos Round Up Ready crop. And, this same crop is fed to the cattle and chickens meaning that even buying a steak or chicken breast that says organic ACTUALLY isn't because the livestock consumed GMOs from the feed.


    So what does this do?


    Well, let's say you want to prepare a healthy meal for your family. You read the news. You pay attention to stuff. You try your best to cook healthy stuff but you're not a crazy hippy so !@#$ that organic stuff. You go to Wegmans and you buy some meat, avoiding any with growth hormones, you buy some sides and veggies (and I'm trying to be specific but I'm a horrible cook so I can't even string together a worthy example) -- but turns out those sides have HFCS (which is GMO), and the meat was fed GMO feed.


    Even the people trying to eat smart and healthy are still eating genetically altered poison without even knowing it. Why? Because Monsantos doesn't want you to know what's actually in your food. Think Neslte wants a GMO label smacked on every bottle of Pepsi? Nope. It'd be looked on like a poison label on a pack of smokes.


    That is so !@#$ing wrong it's pathetic.

    Obviously I am generalizing. But culture doesn't make you fat. Nor does business or government. Can't eat those.

  8. So you're saying that we don't have the choice of this unhealthy lifestyle?


    Newsflash, those companies sell all over the world yet only one country seems to treat it as their "delicacy". There is plenty of healthy food out there for those who want it.

    That's dodging the issue, M. Monsantos especially just waged war on information in California to the tune of over 400 million dollars. They outright lied, misled and stole a ballot initiative here by spreading lies and misinformation. These aren't just US companies -- they're global as you said. And they absolutely limit our choices as a nation specifically, but as a global community as a whole.


    There are plenty of organic food options available -- but they're more expensive, pricing out the lower classes who, due to sheer economics, are more likely to consume the cheaper, genetically altered and chemically enhanced food products. A larger portion of the lower class has less access to information about proper nutrition and thus eat even more of the unhealthy, toxic food that is absolutely killing our population. It's criminal. It's calculated. And it's entirely driven by profits.


    This isn't a bashing on free enterprise. This is a continuing manipulation of the population by a very powerful, very lucrative industry that controls an ever increasing percentage of global crop. And it's gotten to the point where they are now above the law. They own both parties (this isn't a GOP vs Dem issue or even progressive vs conservative and I don't mean to frame it in that way if that's how people are reading this), they control the regulation process on their industry, and they also control the patents.


    They poison our food supply, we've seen drastic increases in intestinal cancers and diseases, diabetes is going through the roof, and the rate of obesity in our KIDS are at record levels. This isn't a cosmic coincidence nor is it the result of a political decision or party's errors. It's the by-product of their very lucrative business model that has put the bottom line ahead of the health of the people. And other sub-industries RELY on this continuing cycle -- health insurance and big pharma to name two.

  9. The US is the fattest country on the planet. That and other things makes the US population incomparable to other countries with socialized medicine. Which is why I've been saying that Obamacare will be the death of the country.

    It won't be.


    But it should have been single payer -- instead Obama sold out to the insurance lobby.


    You want to solve the looming American health care crisis, get rid of private insurance companies who do nothing but profit off of disease and death and go after the people who are poisoning our food. The Monsantos, Krafts, Pepsi co and Coke of the world.


    But let's go on thinking the reason America is obese, cancer riddled and diabetic is because we're lazy. It's not. It's because we're being screwed in the name of bigger profits.

  10. You should start giving me a 10% cut of your income

    Pretty sure I already give away close to 50% of my income sadly. Another 10 won't hurt. Land me Star Wars 8 and it's yours!


    Not the best of examples. They'd still be bazillionaires.


    BTW I just got off the phone with my company's CEO and he said our health insurance bill is going to be $750,000 next year. We have less than 200 employees. I asked him how ACA was going to affect the company and

    Single payer solves all.

  11. Back in the 60's and 70's Montreal was Canada's fastest expanding city. Once the wrong politics were implemented many left. The final blow was handed in the 90's and (whatever is left in 2012). Now Toronto is the fastest growing city and Montreal is a bilingual **** hole.


    When the well to do say they're going to leave, they usually do.

    Nothing has changed though. And nothing will change. The US has been a social democracy for 40 years and counting. This isn't new to most people, but it is to the fringes apparently.


    No one is moving, least of all Tasker.

  12. Excellent series. Highly recommend to any American history buffs


    The Edison/Tesla Current Wars always fascinated me. It's amazing everything that Tesla created or conceived that people just take for granted. An American Leonardo

    Agreed, it's a really interesting piece of glossed over history that's gaining more and more attention.


    IIRC, Tesla was posthumously awarded the patent for the radio


    But like what Steve Jobs did and (adding spoiler tag in case somebody hasn't seen the series finale)


    what Ford did with ALAM

    , sometimes it takes one person to create something and another person to understand it's potential

    You sound like my agent.

  13. The world's 8th largest economy rid itself of it's last vestiges of fiscal restraint last Tuesday when it ousted two Republican legislators, giving Democrats a super-majority in both houses, which is their Constitutional legislative voting requirement in order to raise taxes.




    It's beginning to look like they will be instituting Cap & Trade as their first attack on prosperity.




    We've finally got our own canary in the coal mine. California is either destined for a huge resurgence, paving the way for the new dawn of a modern liberal Enlightenment, or they will implode.


    Let the games begin.

    While I appreciate a good sales job, I don't think it's on that sort of historical level yet. We'll see though of course, but it's a good topic to watch.


    What's going to hurt California the most is when they lose the billion dollar porn industry for making the performers use condoms. They'll happily pick up stakes and go to Nevada.


    If we lose the porn industry, all is lost.

  14. Really easy to build the minority population with executive order and no accountability. Any jackass can do it, as you saw last year. No kidding it screws the GOP. It also screws the country, but let's not get caught up in details, okay?


    There is only one truth you need to know about all of this: you better drop down and pray that Obama doesn't FUBAR this economy any worst than he has. (And yes, I know this is all someone else's fault because he reminds everyone every day that NOTHING is his fault.) But it's his economy now. The current pace of growth and employment is not going to make things better. It's simply not.


    And if this economy doesn't get going soon, the takers will come for him, too. And you don't want to be around when the takers get pissed.

    Again, you realize the majority of takers are not only white, but also reside in Red States, right?


    And this term "takers", and the fact that it's the new buzz word of the Tea Party is a further symptom of how far out of touch the extreme wing of the GOP has come with the rest of the country. Spin this however you like (and I know you will), but the fact remains you're continuing to use race-baiting terms to describe why your guys lost rather than looking in the mirror and seeing where there the true problem lies.


    It lies in the heart of the conservative base. They've been co-opted by the religious right and it forced an entire generation of republican voters (myself included) out of the party -- possibly forever.

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