Great post as always.
I'm going to enjoy this win for the week for sure. It was just fun to be a Bills fan today (and to watch the Seahags' message board implode after they posted those pics of KE and Russert all week -- they banned all the Bills fans. lol).
However, I'm trying not to get TOO excited. As you pointed out, this was a bad Seattle team. They're WRs were decimated, as was their O-Line. Factor in the travel, rust and the fact that it's the first game and I'm not sure this is the bench mark game some here want it to be.
THAT SAID, good teams beat the teams they should. The Bills should have beaten the Seahags today -- and they did just that. In style. So despite my sliver of pessimism, the Bills' ability to put a team away that they should have beaten was great to see.
If they can beat Jacksonville (a tough task), they face another two teams they SHOULD beat: Oakland and St. Louis. A 4-0 start would make it a wonderful September indeed.