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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. George lived and performed for a loooooooooong time. The man was a treasure, I'm not sure there's much more he could have done.
  2. That's simply an impossible task.
  3. I heard Chris Brown (or one of the Bills' radio guys in the pre-show) say it in all seriousness. Remember, this is the same coach that thought putting an axe in the locker room was smart ...
  4. Del Rio wanted his team to "be tough" and prove it. That's not a joke either. He's a f*&king meat-head.
  5. The run game will improve dramatically with Peters and Dockery back on the left side. Jacksonville has a tremendous front seven. We'll see what the Raiders can do against the running game next week.
  6. Either the Jets are a lot worse than I think -- or the Pats are still darned good on D. Good enough to win 8 or 9 games. Losing Brady hurts them (obviously), but they won't roll over and die. If they manage to win this game they'll be 2-0 and in good shape.
  7. The Chiefs are bad. Plain and simple. Then again, they kind of knew they were going to be bad this season. They are in outright rebuilding mode so they knew this was going to be a rough one.
  8. Was that a bad face in response to Carla? Or a good one?
  9. I forgot one of my favorites: Carla Gugino
  10. I know there's not a tie in to Lost ... they just loved Lance on the show so they put him in Fringe. Fringe really takes till episode 3 to take off. But it's worth the wait.
  11. I'm not one to harp on "the media disses the Bills" -- I tend to think it's a waste of time and mostly not true. Fact is the Bills haven't been all that great in the past few years. However, the way they started this segment with "The Bills have good special teams?!" (no sarcasm) made me shake my head. Even though the Bills haven't been great lately, their Special Teams have been dominate during April's tenure! A bit of research helps some times. Other than that, it's a good video. Thanks!
  12. I still say the answer is Stephen Colbert!!!!! http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/stephen...rica/index.html
  13. Great post as always. I'm going to enjoy this win for the week for sure. It was just fun to be a Bills fan today (and to watch the Seahags' message board implode after they posted those pics of KE and Russert all week -- they banned all the Bills fans. lol). However, I'm trying not to get TOO excited. As you pointed out, this was a bad Seattle team. They're WRs were decimated, as was their O-Line. Factor in the travel, rust and the fact that it's the first game and I'm not sure this is the bench mark game some here want it to be. THAT SAID, good teams beat the teams they should. The Bills should have beaten the Seahags today -- and they did just that. In style. So despite my sliver of pessimism, the Bills' ability to put a team away that they should have beaten was great to see. If they can beat Jacksonville (a tough task), they face another two teams they SHOULD beat: Oakland and St. Louis. A 4-0 start would make it a wonderful September indeed.
  14. I've heard more than one report (including Chris Brown) that Hardy just doesn't know the playbook yet.
  15. With the *Pats' secrecy about injuries, we'll never know even if his leg was amputated. He'll just be listed on the injury list for the rest of the year.
  16. The dude came on strong last year and was the best DT on the roster in '07. For a team that uses "waves" of DTs, this is a shocking move (to me). I understand needing to activate more LBs (all 6 are active) but at the expense of this guy? Something is up.
  17. She's sexy -- but not beautiful. Yes, she has big cans, but she has the charisma of a snow-pea if you've ever heard her speak or be interviewed. In twenty years, no one will remember her.
  18. And one more ... then I'll stop, I promise: New on the scene, Cobie Smulders
  19. Additions: Alessandra Ambrosio Elizabeth Hurley And certainly one of the sexiest and coolest ... Tina Fey
  20. Damn -- good call ... Monica Bellucci
  21. Two others for the list: Michelle Monaghan and the lovely ... Evangeline Lilly
  22. Looking at boards like that REALLY makes me appreciate TSW and all the work SDS puts into this site. Ugly colors, sigs with pictures and the inmates run the asylum apparently.
  23. On pure athletic ability, Moss is eons ahead of Rice and every other WR to play the game. However, Rice far exceeds Moss in his ability to utilize every ounce of his God given talent each and every week whereas Moss has never been able to do that consistently (or cared to). If Moss had Rice's drive, he would shatter every single receiving record there is. Moss to me is like Lennox Lewis. Lewis had all the God given ability in the world and should have been the most dominate heavyweight in history. However, he had zero heart and rather than working to improve or compete, he never fully realized his talent. Moss has stepped up a few times in his career (rookie year and last year to name a few) -- and if he continues to "try", he could still retire holding most of the receiving records. He's that good. And that frustrating.
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