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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. That's right ... Republicans pay or manipulate poor democrats into performing their acts of violence for them. It's cleaner that way.
  2. If the Bills could get him for a 4th (highly unlikely), then I would take a flier on him. He is a me guy with a long history of stupid decisions -- but he's also got talent. That said, I wouldn't be willing to risk more than a 4th or maybe a conditional 2nd if he makes the pro bowl that first year or something.
  3. You quit being a fan. Go to your Titans board and leave us alone.
  4. That is genius. Simply genius. I'm stunned by some of the answers coming out of his mouth. "If I could have any super power what would it be? ... The key to the city! ... The city of my town." Ahh, a new sig line is born.
  5. If the Bills are the third youngest team in the NFL in 6 years from now, then yes. But that's not the point of the post at all.
  6. No he's not. He's expecting to be disappointed and to lose. That's all well and good if you're having fun but it's a miserable way to go through life in general. It makes Eeyore look like Richard Simmons at the Gay Pride parade.
  7. I was going to avoid TSW for a few days since the infamous roller coaster is in full swing. However, I can't help it. No, this isn't going to be a "things are just peachy" post. Back-to-Back loses to division rivals sucks. Flat out sucks. It doubly sucks when you consider that in both games, the Bills not only were in position to win, but seemingly shot themselves in the foot with stupid turnovers or penalties. It's worse when you consider that they are just 1-3 in their second quarter of the season with injuries in the defensive secondary mounting and an O-Line that seemingly can't even open a hole for our RBs against 3 man fronts. All that considered, people here need to calm waaaaaay down. Of course we're going to have the posters who revel in negativity and actually prefer it when the Bills lose so they can post their version of "I told you so" (you know who these posters are). But a realistic look at the last two losses reveals what the Bills really are: a very young team who's learning how to win. They haven't put it all together yet -- but unlike the past few seasons, they have not only been in every game but really controlled them (minus Arizona). But even the biggest homer can see the Bills are indeed struggling. They have flaws that have been exposed by opponents and will continue to be exploited until they can fix them. Yet, even despite the struggles, they are still very much alive in not only the Wild Card race but the divisional race as well. Yes, they are going to have to go 4-0 in the division down the stretch to have a legit shot at the East -- but before Brady went down, most (realistic) folks here never really considered contending for the division, but rather were focused on the Wild Card. And that goal is still very much in the realm of reality -- even with a 2 game skid. 10-6 gets in this year. So, for all those fans out there clinging to their last semblance of sanity, I implore you to take a deeeeeeeep breath and stand back from the ledge. Let the lemmings jump off the band wagon.
  8. Wow, you sleep with a shotgun in your mouth, don't you?
  9. I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic ...
  10. Could be because the kid has a noodle arm. He's big and fast but throws like a girl.
  11. If The Ralph stopped serving beer for one game, and instead let everyone smoke up, there would be 0 arrests for fighting or improper conduct etc. ... Of course, the 12th Man wouldn't be quite as loud ...
  12. Divisional games are always closer than whatever talent gap exists on paper. It's the only truism in the parity filled NFL that remains constant in my mind. Every divisional game will be tough, none are gimmies this year. Even though I think the Bills have more talent than both the Jets and Dolphins, I'm not expecting a clean sweep of both teams (though I'd love to see it!). It's tough beat a team twice in one year ... even tougher when that team knows you so well and places more importance on the game simply due to it being a divisional opponent. I'm expecting a Bills victory Sunday -- but I don't think it's going to be pretty or as one sided as some here would have you think.
  13. That's very cool. Have a blast. The game is a whole other beast from the sideline level.
  14. You're splitting hairs. If even half of the reports about the depth of the cheating are true (from last second headset signals to Brady about the defensive set, to other numerous violations) then every player on the team benefited from the cheating. Inflating team AND individual stats. So you can say that no one in their right mind would out their coach (and probably be correct), but it's still cheating. Period.
  15. My (current) top 8 in no order: 1. Always Sunny 2. Lost 3. Entourage 4. Curb (coming back for another season!) 5. The Office 6. Survivor 7. How I Met Your Mother 8. Californication It warms my heart to hear a couple people listing Criminal Minds ... not just because I have my Unsub sweatpants on right now, bu mainly because everywhere I go in this town, no one has heard of it. I swear, it's the only top 10 show no one admits to watching.
  16. "Only city with a pro team that can't pay a light bill ... but the buffalo wings are great."
  17. I've already seen the movie several times ... since they show the whole thing in the trailer.
  18. It's a hamstring ... it "tightened" up on him in the Arizona game.
  19. Random trivia: David Fitncher (director of Fight Club and Se7en) directed the new Nike spots. Last year they used Michael Mann (also awesome spots).
  20. There's a pattern of bad behavior with Winslow. If it was JUST the stupid motorcycle accident -- easy to forgive. If it was JUST the "I'm a SOULJA!" tirade -- easy enough to forget. If it was just the public airing of dirty laundry -- eh you can over look it. But when it's all three, it's a pattern. Factor in the fact the dude can't stay healthy and I'll pass. At least for a 3rd round pick.
  21. Just remember, absence of proof is not proof of absence.
  22. Stars and Satellites both move ... however they move in very distinct and recognizable ways. IF what was in that one video wasn't altered (not saying either way), that's definitely not a satellite (too fast) -- or even three satellites (wouldn't be that close to one another).
  23. Actually, that's a common theory amongst UFO buffs, so I wouldn't dismiss it. A lot of the people who believe in this stuff also believe that the ships have chameleon like abilities to blend in. To hide in plain site. Just saying ...
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