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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. Mike Shanahan ... Guess which NFL GM is a very prominent member of Oak Hill? That's right, Mr. Russ Brandon. Now, what does this mean? Absolutely nothing. It's very possible that this is just a meaningless coincidence. Forget possible, it's likely. BUT, is it possible with all the shakeups already undergone by the front office that Brandon is schmoozing a potential replacement for Dick in '10 (or sooner)? At the very least, as a prominent member of Oak Hill, it's likely that Brandon knows about Shanahan's visit (even if he wasn't the one who got him on the course). So it gives him reason to talk to Shanahan and ask him how he liked the club. Again, this is total idol speculation. It's 100% true that Shanahan is playing Oak Hill Saturday but the rest of this post is just wheels turning type thing ...
  2. 2009 Bills: More effective than Ambien. 2009 Bills: Making brown paper bags cool again. 2009 Bills: PWNING our fans since 1997! 2009 Bills: Got any Tums? 2009 Bills: A work in progress ... this time we mean it.
  3. Or ... it could be that he is so clueless that he doesn't think he IS coaching for his job.
  4. Nope. Universal has the theme park rights to (most) of the Marvel universe and will retain them even with the sale ... until the license runs out. Sony too will retain the rights to the Spider-man movies (with 3 more in the works), Fox will keep Fantastic 4 (a reboot is coming down the pipe) and Paramount has the license still for Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and the Avengers. None of those will change hands with the sale ... because Disney will just get Marvel's cut of the box office. If they took them back it would derail all those franchises and they'd have to start over. The first Marvel licensed Disney pic might well be Ant-Man which Pixar is begging to do ... that could be fun.
  5. Hahaha! Well played. Well played.
  6. If this is true, and I'm highly skeptical (not of the original poster, but of Turk's own recount of his dismissal -- everyone ALWAYS spins the story when they get canned), then Juaron shouldn't be allowed to coach High School let alone in the NFL. I really doubt this ...
  7. That's because One Bills Drive doesn't want to admit that their real offensive coordinator is a highly trained chimp who not only specializes in drawing Xs and Os but also can throw his own feces 70 yards. On one knee.
  8. Oh stop. He didn't do anything close to bringing his character into question. He protected his coordinator. That's all. DJ did what nearly every coach would have done in that situation. It does no good to have a pissing contest with your own staff in the press when there are games left to be played. It wasn't even a very GOOD attempt since it was very transparent at the time that it was Turk's call and DJ was just taking the blame. Now ... as for firing your OC one week before the season kicks off? Awesome. This team is going to be a laughing stock all season long. This is just the start. Correction -- the start was when DJ was not let go in the off season. He's a miserable head coach with no ability to manage games or make crucial decisions. But he absolutely is a high character, high quality human being. I'd love to have him as a neighbor or a friend. But not as my team's head coach. Ever. I echo Ruben ... I've never been so blase about the start of an NFL season. Ever.
  9. I'm working on it ... I know I've been MIA for too long now.
  10. Actually the real reason why Bastards is misspelled in the title is because QT writes his scripts long hand on legal pads -- and he's a horrible speller. He then has some one type 'em up for him before sending them out. The script got leaked before a deal was made and everyone in town was giving him copious amounts of sh-- for misspelling the !@#$ing title. Instead of admitting he misspelled it he just said it was a "flourish" ... like the 100s of other words he misspelled in the script apparently. Had the script not been leaked and made so public, the title would have been fixed.
  11. ... No, because the Bills have 5 preseason games to everyone else's 4.
  12. Except for the fact that every pass Fitz threw, especially the Smoke Screens were HORRIBLE passes. They were 2 to 3 yards off the mark each time. Poor Roscoe got killed because of him. He just doesn't throw a good ball.
  13. There are fewer people in Hollywood who know how to read a script well than there are who know how to write a script well.
  14. As someone who was offered a job on 2012, and as someone who turned it down, let me say this movie will be wretched. I'm shocked that Emmerich got JC to do it personally (let alone Oliver Platt and Chewetel) ... ugh. I admit that I enjoyed Independence Day (I was young when it came out) and enjoyed laughing at the Patriot's hilarious rewriting and sanitizing of history. But 2012 was put together very fast and very crudely to make money. I doubt Emmerich was all that invested in it considering he was pulled onto the project about 5 weeks before they started production. So ... yeah. Razzies here we come!
  15. Thanks! I'm slowly getting my life back after a long, long, long shoot for a new show I'm working on ... I'm still somewhat of a virgin when it comes to LOST. I don't know the ending (at all -- as of last week when I was there there are still only 5 people on the planet who know the final three scenes). I do know more than I'd like in some regards just from the boring business aspects of it. The rest I'm guessing based on having worked for those guys for awhile and my spattering of conversations w DL. As for Hurley, I shouldn't say 100% since I admitedly don't know the ending; but I think of all the characters he's the one safe one simply because he's so pure (as a character) that killing him off will make the show take such a dark turn that it can't recover from with only 1 season left to go. Just from a writing perspective, I can't see it happening. I'll also say that Michael Emerson is probably right in some regards that it will be a finale for grown ups -- but I do think there will be a happier ending than he is predicting. In fact, I'm willing to bet that it's going to be a pretty uplifting ending in more ways than one. I can't say why I feel this way without giving away one (potential) spoiler, but I'm 99% sure on that one. As for the rest of your post ... It's great. I think there's a lot of truth in there ... I'm certain there will still be some things that are unanswered when the show wraps up (the coolest part of this show has always been how it leaves so much open to interpretation and debate and discussion -- so I can't imagine they're going to neatly fit everything into a box). But I know that the biggest of the questions will be answered (or at least answered as best they can be).
  16. Hurley is safe. 100%.
  17. Invest in safer Mutual Funds -- if you're in college, now is a great time to invest because the market sucks but it won't ALWAYS suck. You can buy more for less now and, as long as you're able to leave it in for 20 years or so, it could easily double in value several times over.
  18. I've actually never read a book. Or studied history.
  19. Wait ... so now this whole argument has turned into a rant about nationalism being meaningless? Holy Moses! You're even crazier than I thought!
  20. I didn't say they didn't exist. I said they weren't in full swing. See, with the English language you can craft your thoughts and words carefully to elicit specific responses and results using nuance. Or you can take your approach and randomly slam your sausage fingers on a keyboard and hope that they form a word.
  21. So your math skills are as good as your skills in logic, history and debate. Please tell me you're not allowed to perform actual medical services on patients.
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