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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. This will be the first AFC East victory in almost 2 full seasons ...
  2. If Dick plays for the FG here I'm going to cry. I mean it.
  3. Who says this team isn't well coached???! Great pick ... oh, what do you mean it was 4th down?
  4. Wait ... was that a SLANT? Goodness. A SLANT! They finally run the most basic play in football!!!!
  5. Like he always does. Making GREAT tackles ... 10 yards down field.
  6. Players HAVE to say they're fans of the coach. I don't doubt everyone loves Juaron as a person. He's a class guy. But this team does NOT support him. If they did, they would be playing better. Instead they are playing like a team that has given up on their QB, their Coach and their season. Actions speak louder than press conference sound bites.
  7. Wait ... there are still people defending Jauron on here? Wow.
  8. AH! I should amend that statement -- "As a Titans fan (and *Pats hater)" ... I'm not a Titans fan (at all) ... I meant if I WERE a Titans fan ... Whew.
  9. I get that sentiment, I do. But I really disagree. If I were a Titans fan (though I am a *Pats hater) it would bug me, but at the end of the day this is the NFL, not college. It's the Titans job to stop the Pats. It's the Pats job to score. You don't run out the clock in the 3rd quarter. Ever. Now in the 4th quarter? I take Brady out (and I bet BB will). The Pats are classless in a lot of ways, but this isn't one of them.
  10. Our special teams ROCK.
  11. No. They wouldn't have. That's the point. McNabb has been hit harder about 10 times today by the Raiders and he's still getting up ... and he has a broken rib. Just saying.
  12. You mean in the first two quarters of the NE game? Hell the whole team looked like studs those first two quarters. Poz has potential, but he hasn't produced yet on the field to warrant the claims of some. Right now he's a middling MLB in this league. Maybe in the top 50%, but not by much.
  13. Me too. Hell, even his biggest fans wish this were true.
  14. What a catch by Nelson ... on a craptastic throw.
  15. We had one of the worst LB corps in the league BEFORE the injuries hit. Now the LBs are a joke. Poz is highly overrated by the fans (he makes all his tackles 10 yards down field). Mitchell is too inconsistent. And Ellison is the worst starting LB in the game today. That doesn't make for a good D.
  16. Wow ... they just showed the JP fumble ... Dick should have been fired RIGHT after that game. He wasn't. Now look at the team. Joy.
  17. This is true. I'm not trying to rag on an injured guy. But like I said, that's not a particularly violent or viscious hit (the cheap shot of twisting the neck certainly was). And if Trent has (another) concussion from a hit like that -- he is going to end up with a LOT of concussions during his career.
  18. You're wrong. It's not someone saying they're tougher than an NFL player. Please. The point is that THAT kind of hit (not the legs being pinned but the actual hit) is a normal, every day hit in the NFL. And if your starting QB can't absorb that kind of hit, then he's not going to make through a single season healthy. It has nothing to do with me comparing it to myself (I'm not, if that happened to me I'd be dead). It has everything to do with comparing it to the NORMAL hits NFL QBs are expected to absorb.
  19. Um ... watch the play again. His head does not bounce off the ground, all the momentum is slowed by him being wrenched back over the body of another player. The first hit wasn't bad (the two jets hit each other) it was the wrenching on the way down of his legs and neck that were dirty. If he hurt his neck from the cheap shot I withdraw my puss statement. If it's a concussion? Well then I stand by it. People get hit harder than Edwards did there on every snap.
  20. In HD. The Jets players hit each other. Trent got hit by the chest of the first tackler (not helmet to helmet). It wasn't a violent collision either ... it's about his knees. His knees were wrenched and THAT could have been awful but it wasn't. He was walking like he was dazed.
  21. He barely got hit up top. Watch it again. If his legs were hurt that'd be one thing. he barely got touched above the waist and his head didn't hit the ground.
  22. Edwards is a puss.
  23. There is a lot of truth in this thread that the Bills this decade have been RIIIIIGHT on the border of Bad and Middling. Sometimes they've been more on one side than the other. However, this year's team is different. They are too banged up, too poorly coached and have too little balls (collectively) to win more than 4 games this year. Their remaining schedule is brutal. There isn't a game left that makes you say, "we SHOULD win that game". Not one. Now that doesn't mean they WON'T win one or that I'm not rooting for them. I just think that this year's team as it is right now is one of the 3 worst teams in the league. They have one of the worst coaches in the league (if not the worst), too many starters on IR and an offense that can't follow it's own snap count let alone score points against NFL defenses. It's going to be a long, long, long, long 12 weeks.
  24. What was that?
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