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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. 100% correct, sir. But at least that was a funny run.
  2. Fitz showed off some Harvard wheels. lol
  3. Maybin!!!! Wow. That was a nice play. First ever for him but still nice play.
  4. That's the first good punt from BM in 3 games.
  5. Wow, great adjustment by the rookie WR. Damn. Good play.
  6. He is constantly out of position in his zone drops.
  7. 44 yards is a chip shot?
  8. Great catch by Lee.
  9. Unblocked. Your grandmother could have made that play. Did you see who got run over 3 times on that drive up till then?
  10. Nice play by Draft. How is it a street FA makes more plays than Poz?
  11. I knew going into it that it wasn't going to be Oscar material or anything. Emmerich is usually pretty awful. But I admit I like Independence Day more than I probably should. So I was hoping for something at that level. But, ugh. I don't know why people are going ga-ga over the VFX. I thought all the effects were pretty horrible. Transformers sucked, but at least looked pretty. This sucked and looked worse. My favorite part was about 1.5 hours in they say they lose all ground communication in the whole world. Then, 30 minutes later, the dude in India makes a cell phone call from the top of a mountain (on a cell phone) to another cell phone in China ... and gets through.
  12. Yeah. At the local movie theater.
  13. I know reading is hard. Just sound out the big words and it'll help.
  14. Just got back from the movie. From a strictly cinematic perspective it was pretty decent if not a bit bland. It's a by the numbers "feel-good" story that really doesn't dig very deep nor offer any surprising revelations. It's designed to make you feel good (especially if you're a white suburbanite) and keep you from thinking too much. It's a Hallmark TV movie -- or would be if it didn't have the fine actors attached to it that it does. Still, it knows what it is and does exactly what it promises. But it's WAY better than 2012.
  15. I come from a huge Gators family. Lots of family members graduated from the University and live and die by them. Many still live in Jacksonville and Gainsville. I believe that Tim Tebow is a fantastic college football player. Maybe one of the best to play at the collegiate level as far as what he does for hist team. He's a terrific athlete, he's a hustler, and a leader. That said, he is not the second coming of Jesus Christ. Take Urban Myer away from Florida and Tebow doesn't win a Heisman OR a national championship. In fact, he probably doesn't even get drafted until round 6 or 7 ... if he gets drafted at all. Tebow is the PERFECT QB for Urban Myer's spread option offense. The offense that (was, and maybe still is) ahead of 99% of the defenses the Gators faced in Tebow's first 3 years. If you doubt that, look at how much his numbers have dropped in his 4th year -- some of that can be attributed to graduation, but I think the majority of it is that SEC defenses have caught up to Urban Meyers' offense. Add to that the masterful recruiting job that Myer and his staff do every year and you're surrounding Tebow with some of the best athletes in the country on both sides of the ball. Take Tebow out of the spread, take the UF caliber talent away from him, and he's a mediocre QB ... if he even stays at QB. My guess would be that another coach would have converted him to a TE or FB long before he ever had time to develop as a passer. Put Tebow on, say Tennessee's squad -- a perfectly good program, and no one here on this board would even know who he is. Why? Because he'd be on the bench or playing a non glory position. I have nothing against Tebow as a person. While I'm not an evangelical christian, I don't mind his religious fervor or his missionary work. That's great. I also think that you can't just discount Tebow's career accomplishments because he played for Urban Myer either. Certainly Tebow brought a large element of himself and his talent to those teams and helped them win 2 championships (and maybe a 3rd). Still, I think the blind fans and Tebow worshipers are kidding themselves if they don't look at the full picture. Tebow has benefited from a perfect storm -- being at the right school, playing for the right coach at the right time. Tebow won't have Urban Meyer or his offense in the NFL. He also won't have the edge when it comes to surrounding talent in the NFL as he does in 99% of his games now. He's a leader, that will translate I believe, but the key elements of his game won't. You put Tebow on any other team and he's a mediocre player with a huge heart. Put him under center in the NFL and he's a below average QB with a short career. I doubt Tebow will be taken in the 1st round by any team UNLESS he has an absolutely mind blowing combine (and/or) pro day. Someone will take him in the 2nd or 3rd. But it won't be, and shouldn't be, Buffalo.
  16. No they won't. Because they will still have the most talent in the country. Everything is easy when you play with a stacked deck. Just say no to Tebow.
  17. Continues to play decent? Let me know WHEN he starts to play decent. Fitz is awful.
  18. Speaking from my experience in Hollywood -- there are plenty of people that love to sit in a 7 hour meeting when someone else is essentially fellating them -- even when they have zero interest in buying whatever it is the other is selling. Not saying it's the reason, but Shanny does strike me as a guy who loves to hear how great he is.
  19. This is untrue. There has only been one player that USC has lost to ND since Pete Carrol got that job -- and it's the LB that's there now from Hawaii (I forget his name). One. Other than that, USC has snipped DOZENS of kids that 10 years ago would have ended up in Golden Helmets away from South Bend. And again, these "exceptional" classes Weiss has gotten are paper thin. He has gotten 3 or 4 top blue chippers a recruiting season. Some of them have been the top ranked at their position. But a recruiting class is 25 scholarships. The rest of those 21 scholarships have been 4 star guys or below. Whereas UT and USC and UF fill out their remaining scholarship rosters with 5 star recruits. Again, I know it sounds like I'm defending Weiss, but I'm not. He could be the worst coach in the world, I don't really care (and I don't want him in Buffalo). I'm just saying how ridiculous Notre Dame's standards have become. To me it's crazy. People (like Dib) like to say college football (and athletics in general) are still "student-athletes" but that's bull ****. College athletics make millions of dollars for their schools. These guys aren't brought in to read and write, they're brought in to win. And if Notre Dame had any sense of shame, they'd return their multi million dollar CBS contract and apologize for not giving their fans and alumni a chance to compete on a national stage rather than continue to throw their coaches under the bus (Ty and now Weiss). Or, as another poster suggested, they should just come right out and admit that their not trying to compete to win a BCS Championship, but to maintain a proud academic tradition.
  20. This is 100% true. And is totally fine. If Notre Dame wants to focus on academics that's commendable. But their fans (and national media) have to realize this fact and judge their teams on that level. But that won't happen because old timers still want ND to be the gods of the NCAA. But that won't happen. No matter who's coaching. Even though I agree a good coach can win with less, a good coach still can't consistently beat teams that outmatch them in every athletic category year in and year out. It just won't happen. ... And as for ND having the top 10 recruiting class, etc etc, that's not the whole picture. ND can land 2 or 3 top blue chippers a year. That's about it. Sometimes they can get the top ranked guy in certain positions too (like Clausen), but teams like UF, USC, UT are getting WALK ONS that are blue chippers. Notre Dame ain't. As we all know with the Bills, a team is only as good as it's depth. And ND can't compete. (Sorry for the multiple posts ... I just was responding as I caught up on the thread and realized I made a string! Oops!)
  21. That's the point. ND can't offer anything Florida has to offer -- to coaches and even less to players because a coach doesn't have to have a higher GPA / Board scores than the NCAA allows.
  22. I'm sorry, but you're flat out wrong here. Tons of schools now have it better than ND when it comes to recruiting. Even Stanford lowers their academic standards when it comes to athletes (just as ND used to). That's how Stanford gets their athletes in. They have a set number of "academic exceptions". Notre Dame took those exceptions away. That has doomed them to a I-AA level program. Notre Dame already has huge burdens when it comes to recruiting (they are in a cold climate, at a Catholic school that prohibits many social activities, and don't have a very attractive female population -- at least in comparison to California, Florida, Texas and other warm weather schools) ... now they are adding an even bigger hurdle of making their academic standards higher than what the NCAA accepts. Notre Dame fans can't have it both ways, nor can their detractors. If Notre Dame wants to focus on academics, that's well within their rights. They can do that and field a sub-BCS level team. They can even be commended for it. But they can't clamor for their coach's head every year when that results in sub-par teams.
  23. Nope. Not even a little bit. If Notre Dame fans want to win, they need to recruit athletes. Not student athletes. Just like all the other programs in the BCS. If they want student-athletes that's fine, but they can't expect to win a national championship if they stick to that policy.
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