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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. As a QB? I'll take that bet.
  2. This is one of the craziest posts I've seen all off season ... and that's saying something. Holy God.
  3. They're mine too. I'm still going to root my ass off for them all year and will go into every game thinking they'll find a way to win. But realistically, I'm prepared for a long rebuilding process that will take more than one year to complete.
  4. There's nothing that was said that was wrong. This team is in a bad, bad way. Even if they hit on every pick in the draft this year, they will STILL be a year or two away from really competing. Look at what they have to overcome: -- New schemes on BOTH sides of the ball -- No starting QB on the roster -- No starting LT/RT on the roster -- No starting NT on the roster -- The weakest LB corps in the NFL -- Question marks at the number 2, 3 and 4 WR spots. That's just too many holes to fill in one off season. It might be too many to fill in two. I hate to be Johnny Raincloud, but this is going to be a learning year. They will play hard. They will win some games they're not supposed to. But this looks like a 5 win season. Couple breaks they could squeeze out 6 or 7. Then again, they could just as easily go 2-14.
  5. Actually her speech was the least gracious speech I've ever heard. She pissed on everyone she was nominated with. F*&k her.
  6. Look, I'm a fan of John Hughes. He's a huge influence on what I write and what I love about movies. But I found it strange that the Academy took extra time out to honor him. Not that it wasn't deserved, but what does it say to the family, friends and coworkers of the other great artists that were lost this past year? Hughes gets a 10 minute salute, and the rest of the In Memorial crowd gets a few paltry seconds. It was odd to me. I wanted to be moved by it, but I wasn't. This is a man who retreated from the spotlight because he was tired of Hollywood judging him. He even wrote his last movie under a pseudonym (Drillbit Taylor). The man was a genius and the last real voice of optimism outside of Pixar that the Industry had ... he'll be missed. But so too will Karl Malden, Roy Scheider, Patrick Swayze and on and on.
  7. ... This is a joke, right?
  8. The whole point Ice is making is that your way of thinking is old fashioned. It's not the reality of the game anymore. And his point is proven by the fact that no team has won a super bowl without a stud QB since Trent Dilfer ... that was a decade ago. A DECADE. What else has happened in that decade? ... I'll give you a moment to think about that. The future of the game is only going to be more spread offenses, more passing yards, less focus on the rushing game. And, if you don't lock up the QB position soon, the Bills are going to fall even further behind the rest of the pack. OL, DL, LB are all HUGE needs for the Bills. However, they should be secondary to finding a long term solution at QB. It needs to happen this year or next year. Is Bradford the answer? Who knows. But if your scouts are telling you that Bradford or Clausen are locks to be pro bowl or even hall of fame type QBs, then you have to trust them and do whatever it takes to land one.
  9. I debated merging the two threads (because that other thread is so f'ing funny), but with the Oscars tonight I figured it could stand on its own.
  10. But your point is irrelevant because it doesn't address the nature of the original post. Ice's point, and it's correct, is that over the past decade the league has changed from a conservative, ground based nature to a wide open passing attack league. It's changes so much so that defenses are changing the very nature of how they align. You just cannot win a championship in this league without a pro bowl caliber QB. Period. It can't be done and it HASN'T been done since Dilfer. Yes the Bills also need to fill glaring holes in the trenches and at LB. But even if they do manage to fill those holes in the next 2 seasons, if they don't also get a QB it will not amount to much. All the people saying "fix the lines first!" are not wrong -- they're just not thinking it all the way through. The Bills aren't going to be a playoff team in '10 no matter who they get in the first round. It's going to take time to fix this mess. But if the opportunity is there to get a game changer at QB, you take him. And don't look back. You can fix the lines later on. More to the point, what I'm saying is if there is an absolute stud at LT and QB available at #9 (which I'm doubtful of), you take the QB over the LT because they are more important in the "new" NFL. End of story.
  11. He was a pro bowl QB.
  12. In the spirit of tonight's awards, I stumbled upon this: Funny stuff ...
  13. Name one since Dilfer ...
  14. BB, can you give me some more info on the ERT's? That actually sounds like a better solution for what I'm going for.
  15. You're closer than you realize. ... which sucks for me.
  16. Thanks for all the responses, even the wise ass ones (not naming names ... cough - TOM - cough ). Appreciate it!
  17. Does that mean it's possible for a guy to become a cop, not have the heart for it, and instead of taking a "desk job" switch his focus to being a forensic photographer for the department? I know that's a vague question ... I'm just working on something that deals with forensic photography and I know nothing about it.
  18. Quick question ... are Crime Scene Photographers actually officers or cops ... or do police departments sub out their work to private contractor types?
  19. Wow. Bitter much?
  20. Shhh! Don't tell! That video always cracks me up though. My buddy did that as a joke when he first moved to LA. I still don't know how he got access to the porn set for that long. I'm kind of afraid to find out really.
  21. I agree with DC here, Chef (Gasp!) ... this is a very misleading thread title! (but they were still very cool!)
  22. My friend James here worked as a Porn PA (Production Assistant) ... Definitely NOT Safe for work ... but hilarious.
  23. The work put in on this final season is mind blowing. It's a credit to all the hard working, behind the scenes folks (and of course Damon and Carlton). The results will speak for themselves. It's going to be a lot of fun!
  24. Personally, I'd love to see JC publicly advocate for Bigelow to win best picture. First of all she's more than deserving, second of all it's the best chance in history that a woman has had to win an Oscar for directing (and maybe the best chance for a long time to come if she doesn't win), and thirdly, JC already has his Oscar. He and Bigelow are still very close and Cameron is a pretty stand up, well respected guy in town so it wouldn't shock me to see him do exactly this. If I were repping Cameron, it's exactly what I would advise him to do because it's win-win for him and her. But I'm sure the studios wouldn't approve. Also, color me disappointed over the list of Best Picture candidates. I was under the false assumption that by expanding the list from 5 to 10 it would allow some deserving popcorn flicks to get recognized. Guess that didn't happen. Only one film got a nom that it otherwise wouldn't have (District 9) but even that's a stretch. I would have like to have seen The Hangover or even Star Trek (biased I know) get a deserved nomination. But instead the academy went the "prestigious" route. As for screenplays, leaving out 500 Days of Summer (one of the most original scripts in the past decade) is a sin.
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