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Posts posted by CosmicBills

  1. I think the guy is talented as all get out. I just think he's crazy and his movies are no longer cool but over the top and stupid.

    But yet you dug his latest movie...


    He's certainly crazy in the artistic sense but not in the personal sense. He writes and directs what he wants to see rather than pandering to the masses. Gotta respect that on some level.

  2. ...


    So one is not permitted to use reasonable expectations and projections after carefully studying existing laws with planed tax implementations, and sunset clauses on existing laws?

    It's certainly within your purview to do so. What's intellectually dishonest is assuming the conclusion has already been reached and disregarding the timeline. You're parroting the same tired, cliched, fiscal conservatism (of which I'm actually a fan of for the record) but using the new right wing buzz word "takers". It's dishonest for someone who has as good of a grasp of the language and system as you appear to at times and does a complete disservice to your true aims. It sounds petulant rather than sophisticated -- alarmist rather than prophetic.


    The fact of the matter is that nothing has changed. 6 BILLION dollars were spent on the political machine (don't get me started on that) and in the end we wound up with exactly the same fragmented legislative and executive as we've had for the past 4 years. This is the same battle that's been fought since the Civil War and has been over since 1913 -- decades before you were born. To think that any of this is new or somehow unprecedented is not being honest with us or yourself. You're falling into the trap of confusing scare tactics and talking points with reality.


    Carlin summed it up best:


    "I'd like to talk about some things that bring us together. Things that point out our similarities instead of our differences, cause that's all you ever hear about in this country is our differences. That's all the media and the politicians are ever talking about, the things that separate us, things that make us different from one another. That's the way the ruling class operates in any society. They try to divide the rest of the people. They keep the lower and the middle classes fighting with each other so that they the rich, can run off with all the !@#$ing money. Fairly simple thing. Happens to work. You know, anything different, that's what they gonna talk about. Race, religion, ethnic and national backgrounds, jobs, income, education, social status, sexuality. Anything they can do, keep us fighting with each other so that they can keep going to the bank.


    You know how I describe the economic and social classes in this country? The upper class keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there just to scare the **** out of the middle class. Keep them showing up at those jobs."


    That was 20 years ago... still true today as it was then. Guess what? It'll be true 20 years from now as well. This is the system we live in. It banks on keeping us divided and arguing over bull **** semantics like you're doing here. You're better than that. Be better.

  3. You, apparently, need a lesson on the incompatibility of positive and negative rights. You've also never asked my positions on standing armies, military spending, or the difference between local, state, and federal taxation and spending.

    And you need a lesson on basic civics. B-Man answered already, but tell me, how many new federal taxes went into effect in the past 20 days? If the answer is none (and it is) then I ask you again, who has taken ANYTHING from you recently?


    I like to be very careful with boarders. You see what happened in "The Devil's Own" didn't you?


    I'm a fan of anything that brings Solo and Brad Pitt together on screen.

  4. The People simply forced my hand in the management of my estate plan; I'll "make" less, but they'll take a smaller percentage of my overall wealth. I'd rather earn less and guarentee my principal than earn more and have a larger % taken from me by force.


    If my former house keeper showed up demanding money for work I'd have her arrested.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    What new federal taxes have been implemented as a result of the election?

  5. Leveraged theft is not a viable system of government, and I very much doubt you'llever meet anyone with a better understanding of social and governmental, not to mention economic, history than me; which is why I hold the positions that I do.


    I've noticed that you've been unable to dispute my positions intellectually, but rather have opted for angry ad hom attacks. Why is that I wonder?

    I haven't opted for any angry attacks. I've merely continued to point out that you haven't a clue what you're talking about (well -- truth is you do know but you're refusing to answer honestly which just makes you more foolish). The fact that you are maintaining that someone has taken something from you without asking is absurd. No one has taken anything from you. Stop pretending they have.

  6. Horse ****. I can't name them only because the US uses a secret ballot, and the social service safety net isn't public information.


    You simply don't like the reality that taking something from someone against their will is stealing, and forcably taking the fruits of another's labor is slavery.

    No, what's horseshit is your understanding of our system of government. Not to mention your failure to grasp history -- social and governmental. But most impressive of all is your complete and total lack of intellectual honesty in this discussion. Well done.

  7. Let me get this straight: TYTT is intellectually dishonest because...you disagree with his assessment of the situation?

    No, he's intellectually dishonest because he won't answer the question (since he knows the answer).


    Again, defend your empty accusations, or GTFO. You apparently believe that theft and slavery become undefinable if a majority want to thieve and enslave. It's an interesting viewpoint, but I prefer one that has atleast a smidgen of moral backing.

    Moral backing? How bout you try being honest. Who has "taken" from you in the past few months without asking. Name someone. Anyone.


    Oh... right... you can't. Because no one has taken anything from you. Oops.

  8. It's not a dodge. Anyone who "voted" for any candidate who promised to raise my taxes(ie. take by force, against my will). Again, theft is theft. It doesn't matter in the slightest whether that theft is being perpetrated by one against the many, the 51 against the 49, the 95 against the 5, or the 99 against the 1.

    So you've moved from dodging to being intellectually dishonest. And I thought you were capable of a reasonable discussion. My bad. Carry on.

  9. No, you're espousing the victim mentality.


    If life is so difficult they should empower themselves to leave and seek out a better life

    This is the fundamental disconnect between progressives and conservatives. Conservatives refuse to acknowledge that "empowering" oneself is not always possible -- which of course is an absurd view. Progressives believe that leveling the playing field is possible if we just gave it a real chance -- which is also an absurd view.


    One is idealistic the other pragmatic and both are utterly convinced of the nobility and righteousness of their outlook.

  10. I'll echo this sentiment.


    It's wonderful to want fanciful things, full of wonder and mystery. It's entirely another thing to enact economic policy making the wonderful both viable and sustainable.


    I am, at my core, a humanist. I hate seeing suffering, and spend real resources, both monetary and personal, to combat it; to speak nothing of my tax burden. Although, admittedly, I have become disgusted with those who presume to take rather than ask, and it has swayed me of late.


    What I have come to realize is that Malthus was right. You cannot allow the poor to rest easy in their plight if what you truely desire for them is their own betterment and a sense of pride. Some few cannot, and never will be saved, and it is far beret to allow them to chose their own fate rather than to impose a soft slavery of perpetual institutional dependence on the many.

    So I'll bite... who has taken stuff from you without asking as of late?

  11. Normally I support a boycott fully. Lots of NY Mets fans have stayed away and I think it might be working, to some degree.


    But the Bills are a different animal and the region needs to show that whore Goodell that WNY is a viable market for NFL football and a few empty games might tip the scale in favor of moving the team.

    I believe this is what's called STOCKHOLM SYNDROME.


    Kudos to Ralph, his marketing plan for the past 30 years has worked wonders.

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