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Posts posted by CosmicBills

  1. It's a shame that the Soviet Union was such a closed society for so long and that Stalin was such a monster. If not, perhaps we would have learned more in school about the Soviet Union's role in WWII. An amazing people without which the West wouldn't have won the war. I urge anyone to read as much about their WWII story as possible. I first got hooked when I read Stalingrad: The Fateful Siege, by Antony Bevor.



    To quote one of my favorite historians,


    "World War II was won with our stuff and Russian blood."

  2. As I figured...in answer to the question about the EPA's authority to judge the qualifications of companies for government work based on integrity, the only answer is "BP sucks!"


    None of you are even capable of giving a second's thought to whether or not the EPA should even remotely have that authority.

    There's no question that you're right. But there's also no question that BP is a carpetbagging company that is directly responsible for multiple environmental catastrophes. Fug' 'em.

  3. i think their bald face lies about the amount of oil spilling justifies this. it threatened the entire gulf and they could not be trusted to give the facts. who knows what else they haven't told us about.

    Shh. Corporations are always right and always worry about the little guy. They never act without integrity and deserve their religious status bestowed upon them by the far right.


    We're talking about 'Murica!

  4. I think that's the time when he decided to become a black man. I remember seeing him on Letterman and his behavior was bizarre. If you closed your eyes and listened you would think he was a gangstah rapper. He must have either had a small stroke we don't know about or a very heavy drug user.

    I don't think this is as big of a mystery as you seem to think it is...

  5. The demonstration yesterday by AIDS activists in Speaker Boehner's office where they removed their clothes to demonstrate against potential budget cuts to AIDs programs in the fiscal cliff scenario will go down as one of the weirest, most self-indulgent demonstrations in recent memory.



    First of all, their claim that 600,000 people afflicted with AIDS would die if the cuts went through is so over the top, so incredibley, hysterically exaggerated, that the entire purpose of their demonstration was made silly by it.


    Also silly - and incomprehensible - taking off their clothes. For 30 years we've been told that AIDS is not about sex and now all of a sudden the protestors are stripping to say...what? Republicans don't like sex so that means they hate AIDS patients? George Bush spent more on AIDS research and treating the disease than his three predecessors combined. He did more for treating AIDS in Africa than any president in history.





    "The reality is that these draconian budget cuts will actually result in the conservative loss of 600,000 people with AIDS' lives around the world," Flynn said moments before being arrested, referring to several federal programs aimed at fighting AIDS here and around the world. "We're talking about killing 600,000 people around the world if we let these budget cuts go into effect. And that's just one year."



    Simple minded nonsense. First of all, the cuts haven't even happened yet, moron. And then there's the matter of "killing 600,000 people." The Washington Blade reported a few weeks ago:


    that doing nothing about the "fiscal cliff" could result in devastating cuts for HIV/AIDS programs and other federally funded initiatives affecting the LGBT community.
    According to
    a report from the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee, as many as 12,219 people receiving drugs from ADAP would lose access to medicine.


    Note they don't say that 12,219 people would die, only that they might lose access to medication.



    This would certainly be a tragedy and would result in their eventual death if they failed to find other funding for their meds, but where in the Wide Wide World of Sports are these protestors getting the number "600,000" dead as a result of budget cuts? I tried googling that number with "fiscal cliff," "AIDS dead," and "fiscal cliff AIDS dead" and could find no reference to that number except in stories about the demonstration in Boehner's office.



    The protestors appear to have pulled the number out of thin air. If someone has a link to a reputable publication that quotes a reputable scientific organization using that number, I'd be happy to include it in an update to this post.



    It appears the protestors got their wish; massive coverage of their ugly, naked bodies. If acting like a freak in a circus side show is the only way to get their point across, they've already lost the battle.





    This is admittedly off topic ... BUT ... W did do a number of things for AIDS research and prevention and he should be lauded for that. However, it's interesting to contrast his actions to his father's inactions regarding this health crisis during his presidency.


    W managed to do the two things his father failed to do: kill Saddam and take a responsible approach to a national health epidemic.


    Doesn't mean anything of course, just an interesting historical footnote.

  6. Hey, I certainly wouldn't take umbarage if the president wanted to go punch the guy calling him a "nig" in the mouth, where as I would be opposed to a law preventing him from calling the president a "nig". I believe that most problems can be sorted out without invasive legislation telling us what we're allowed to think or express; not because I support the particular speech, but because I support the concept that speech must be protected in order to avoid a slippery slope.



    Free speech or not, battery is still battery. And a crime.

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