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Everything posted by CosmicBills

  1. The most they could hope to get for Trent in a trade is an 8th round pick.
  2. This isn't a serious post is it? If you think Fitz is an elite QB in the NFL, or even a true starter on any other team in the league, you're just nuts. The dude played well in NE but showed his true colors with some horrible throws and two costly picks that cost the game. That's his MO. He's mobile, will wing the ball around the field, but isn't nearly accurate enough to win consistently. He's a number 2 QB in this league. Nothing more. Nothing less.
  3. I just added it to my netflix -- I'm working on a project that seems kind of similar, so I'm excited to check it out. Thanks!
  4. :lol: ... wait, this is a joke, right? Did you see the outfit she wore or just react to the article? If you think that outfit was inappropriate than I don't think you've left your house in 15 years. Pretty sure I've seen nuns wear more scandalous outfits ... during mass. Also, as someone else pointed out, the wardrobe people at Sesame Street pick her clothes, not Katy. That's how it works on every show, my friend.
  5. You don't understand celebrity. First 10k is nothing to someone as wealthy as Beckham. Second, famous people pay for it all the time because it's easier and, normally, confidential. They aren't paying for the sex, they're paying for the women to leave after.
  6. This. It's a QB's league today. You have to take Kelly. And that's not a slight against Bruce.
  7. If this team continues to play as they are and wind up with a top 3 draft pick (still not sure that will happen btw), there is absolutely no scenario where they should not take a franchise QB. None. Franchise QBs are harder to find than good OTs. The only way I could forgive them not taking a QB is if all the QBs bomb their pro-days and combine workouts. But between Mallett, Luck, Luck, Ponder and a couple other fringe front line guys, there SHOULD be one or two QB prospects that can turn this franchise around and fill a hole that has existed since number 12 hung up his cleats.
  8. Actually that's not true. The game plan that Gailey called the past two weeks has been awful. Worse than awful, it's been embarrassing. So far he's been out coached by everyone he's faced, and it hasn't been close. Doesn't mean he can't turn it around, but right now Gailey's play calling is uninspired at best, abhorrent at worst.
  9. ieatcrayonz
  10. Says the guy who's avatar is a candid snapshot down an unsuspecting woman's shirt ... Way to overreact.
  11. I don't know what's more pathetic. The fact that you're using this as an excuse or that you may actually believe it. Think about what you said in that statement. This is an N.F.L. team. There are only 32 of these jobs available in the entire world. People would kill for that job. But you're saying that it's okay the Bills hired a retread head coach who's been out of the game and is "rusty" at COACHING. Holy crap!
  12. Ellison was certainly the worst starting LB in the NFL last year. Tackles are the most overrated statistic in football because they don't depict WHERE those tackles were made. Ellison is too small to make tackles at the LOS, doesn't have a good nose for the football (he's almost always out of position) he just has enough speed to make up for his lack of football instincts. Why this guy is still on the team is beyond me. It shows how poor the LBs are on this team. He's awful.
  13. I know. It sucks. I remember posting something about that when Rodgers was drafted. That from now on JP would be compared to Rodgers because he would have been there for the Bills had they not made the move. Of course at the time I was on the JP bandwagon ...
  14. We could have if we hadn't traded to get JP ...
  15. You do live up to your screen name, don't you? It was a joke by Mychal. He wasn't being serious.
  16. Jimbo is making the radio rounds today for Prostate Awareness. I was driving around LA and he came on LA Live with Mychal Thompson and Andrew Siciliano (of the Red Zone channel). I listen to LA Live a lot, and Andrew is always on about how LA is going to get an NFL team. He thinks that the Jags are the most likely UNLESS Ralph dies without a successor in place, in that case he feels that the Bills are a lock to come to LA. Being an LA show, the Bills rarely get coverage here -- or when they do it's just "when are they moving to LA". So I was excited to hear Jimbo straighten Andrew out a bit about his plans to keep the Bills in Buffalo. The first question Andrew asked (after getting his input on the Reggie Bush Heisman situation) was about the move. Jimbo flat out said it's not going to happen as long as he is alive. Jim said he has a group in place, Ralph knows this, and they are not going to try to buy the team until Ralph gives them the green light or till he passes. Either way he said that it's his duty as a Western New Yorker to keep the Bills in Buffalo. And Ralph knows he is the man to do it. Sure, it's all stuff we've heard from Jim before, but I had not heard that Ralph is on board with this plan. Jim certainly made it sound that way ... I take that as a very good sign. It was also interesting to hear Jim's comments about the Bills current team because whenever he speaks out about them it's in the Western New York media (or on Mike & Mike / east coast stations). This is a local LA show, only heard by the LA market so I was curious to see if his positivity changed at all knowing there wouldn't be a ton of Bills' fans listening. He wouldn't talk too much about them other than saying, "we don't have a very good team this year." Mychal tried to push him a bit on it, but all Kelly would say is "the fans are great. We haven't had a playoff team since '99 yet they live, breathe and love the Buffalo Bills. This year will really test that devotion". Mychal also mentioned how Penn State wanted to recruit Jim as a linebacker, not QB, and whether Jim ever confronted Joe Pa later on in his career to rub it in. Jim said he always had respect for Joe because he was upfront with him about signing two all state QBs and wanting him to play LB. He did say that at a super bowl in miami one year Joe was there and just told him "I made a mistake". It was a good interview all around.
  17. Good find. Thanks!
  18. ... But 23 teams scored more. That's like saying, "So sorry I killed that hooker, Officer. But at Billy Joe and Gunther down the road killed three hookers last night. So we're cool right?" You can't condone a bad team by pointing out other bad teams. That's loser mentality. 24 teams out performed the Bills on Sunday; not the Bills out performed 8 teams.
  19. As Marty Schottenheimer always says, as a team you're always doing one of two things: ascending or descending. You can fill in the blanks.
  20. They don't have 8 years. They don't have 5. They have 3. Tops.
  21. I don't have any problems with this. We're on the same page, I'm just a bit harsher with my adjectives
  22. It might be the last opener until 2012 with the lockout looming. But I think you're overreacting a touch too much. In order for yesterday to have been the last opener, Ralph needs to pass away, the team would need to be sold to an outside owner ... the chances that all that happens before kickoff 2012? Slim. Very, very slim.
  23. Dean, you know I love ya, but I disagree. I'm not saying Poz is bad. He's not. He's an above average player. He makes one play a game that makes you go "wow, okay, he can play" and follows that up with several plays that make you shake your head. He misses too many tackles to be an elite MLB and he's not fast enough to be a top notch cover LB. He's good at a couple of things, great at nothing. But so many fans think he's the second coming of Singletary just because he's from Linebacker U and has a polish last name. If he was a LB from USC or Texas, this board would have run him out of town by now.
  24. He's not "so" good. He's an above average LB that the fans have a love affair with because he's a blue collar kid from Penn State with a polish last name. Poz is a liability in coverage, has average wheels, but works his ass off and plays hard. Like Trent, he's made of glass.
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